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Google Makes Its $149 Photo Editing Software Now Completely Free to Download Open Culture. Google’s Nik Collection, a photo editing software package designed for professional photographers, once retailed for $149.

Google Makes Its $149 Photo Editing Software Now Completely Free to Download Open Culture

Today it’s absolutely free to download, for both Windows and Mac users. Here you can read Google’s announcement, which includes more information on the software package and its capabilities. Today we’re making the Nik Collection available to everyone, for free.Photo enthusiasts all over the world use the Nik Collection to get the best out of their images every day. As we continue to focus our long-term investments in building incredible photo editing tools for mobile, including Google Photos and Snapseed, we’ve decided to make the Nik Collection desktop suite available for free, so that now anyone can use it.

Once you’ve downloaded the software, head over to the Nik Collection channel on YouTube where you’ll find video tutorials, including the one below called “Introduction to the Nik Complete Collection.”