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Twitter Advertising Now Open to All U.S. Users. Hashtag Airport Codes, Twitter. Hashtag Airport Codes, Twitter If you're a Twitter user, you'll know what a hash tag is. If you don't I'm going to tell you. The word hash tag, is and of itself is confusing. Is it capitalized? IRC could be a scary place to hang your hat though as it was often where hackers and their ilk lurked around, just waiting to ruin someones day by sending all sorts of internet scaries your way if you "pissed them off". For the purposes of this post, I am going to refer specifically to posts to the city where I live, Calgary, AB. Hash tags are used to focus your particular posts to a specific audience, say in Calgary, Alberta. Not all Twitter users will follow channel #YYC and not all Calgary Twitter users will follow "Calgary", therefore my feeling is that it might be appropriate to use both.

There are no hard and fast rules about using Twitter hash tags. This is a public service advisory which is not about Calgary Real Estate. Canada Airport Codes.


42.5 Tips on how to Tweet for Business – Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp. 9 Tools to measure your Twitter Influence & Reach ! The fun part of Twitter is not always about having lot of followers. Of course, having more followers is good, but the real fun is in getting to know more people, sharing ideas, interacting with them and basically having lots of fun. Twitter’s “Opt in” mechanism makes sure that people fall in to similar groups and interact more with similar minded folks, thanks to the “unfollow” button. Now, if you’ve been wondering how effectively have you been communicating with your followers, here are nine cool tools that will help you find out your reach, communication effectiveness, popularity and analyze your twitter usage statistics – let’s call it Twitter Power ! 1. Find out whom you Re-Tweet most / active hours etc Awesome analysis tool. Finds your your twitter frequency, whom you re-tweet most, whom you reply to most, what times you tweet most and lots more. 2.

Great tool, a bit slow, but gives you data such as your tweet frequency on a graph, tweet re-tweet count, Readers Reach etc. 3. 4. 5. 101 — Best Practices. How To Run a Twitter Chat & 8 Marketing & PR Twitter Chats to Follow. There are many tactics companies can implement as part of a smart Twitter Marketing strategy. Growing the initial following is important as is providing the budding community you’re building with something of value to keep coming back and to spread the good word to their networks. One such tactic that offers value and brings people together is the Twitter chat. I’ve been involved with about 5 or 6 different Twitter chats as a guest and they are a unique experience. In this post I’ll share my observations about what seems to work, some logistics and a few examples of some well-run Twitter chats for the marketing and PR verticals. 1. 2. Free for all. Promote the guest and get the guest to promote the chat. 3.

This page can live on your blog, your web site or you can easily setup a page on posterous, wordpress or blogger. 4. 5. A few of my archived chats include: Journalists on Twitter - Breaking News, Politics, Opinion and more - Muck Rack. TweetDeck Adds Foursquare, Google Buzz and Filters. Can One Bad Tweet Taint Your Brand Forever? - Advertising Age - Twitter moms: the influential moms network. Twitter Chat Schedule. Twitter Marketing Strategy: 5 Steps. So you want to succeed with Twitter eh? Before you run off and chase shiny butterflies and little blue birds, take a seat and collect yourself. Then read the following tips on creating a potential Twitter marketing strategy that will help you become more productive and successful using Twitter for business.

First things first. Who are you trying to connect with? 1. Describe your target audience on Twitter. If you’re not an active participant on Twitter, then research. The first step in scoring is knowing all about the goal. 2. It’s essential to know how success with Twitter will be measured. Where does Twitter fit in? 3. As a communications and social networking tool, Twitter can connect with customers, prospects, journalists, employees, candidates, investors and marketing partners. Twitter is a tool and only as useful as the tactics you use. 4. First and foremost for tactics, the Twitter page needs to be designed and optimized. Measure twice, Tweet once. 5. Example Tools: Toolkits - Curated lists of the best Twitter apps - oneforty. Twitter Chat Tips. Twitter Journalism » Why You Should Join Twitter (Part 1) Twitter Demographics.

PEW released an interesting document on twitter demographics along with some other interesting information. For example, did you know that 11% of online adults use twitter or a service like twitter to update their status online? Here are the key stats from the PEW study regarding the demographic of twitter users: 19% of online adults age 18-24 have used twitter or something like it 20% of online adults age 25-34 have used twitter or something like it 10% of online adults age 35-44 “ “ “ “ 5% of online adults age 45-54 “ “ “ “ 4% of online adults age 55-64 “ “ “ “ 2% of online adults 65+ “ “ “ “ Other interesting twitter stats: 35% of twitter users live in urban areas 9% live in rural areas online american who live in lower income housing are more likely to use twitter 17% of internet users in households earning less than $30,000 tweet 10% of internet users in households earning more than $75,000 tweet 76% of twitter users use the internet wirelessly What do you think?

Connect: 10 Ways To Grow Your Twitter Influence « Knowledge Enthusiast. How do you grow your influence and measure it on Twitter? That is the question that many companies, organizations and individuals are trying to answer, now more than ever. Edelman has created a popular tool that measures an individual’s importance on Twitter called TweetLevel. This tool can help you understand and quantify the importance levels of Tweeters and their usage of Twitter. However, judging a person’s true level of ‘influence’ is tough to define, even though many people have provided a great start. While doing research for this blog post, I came across several great articles, blog posts and resources to share. Kevin Rose, the founder of Digg, wrote a great piece about 10 ways to increase your Twitter followers. Social media expert Brian Solis has a post about Make tweet love – Top tips for building Twitter relationships and has an excellent resource titles How to attract and influence people on Twitter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

105 Twitter Apps for PR. Twitter is no longer a little known platform for bloggers to communicate on. These days, even large corporations are realizing something many smaller businesses have known for a while . . . Twitter is a powerful PR tool. Making the site even more useful for public relations and networking are the myriad of third party applications that seem to be multiplying at an exponential rate. Rarely does anyone just use the website . . . now you can tweet from your iPhone, your desktop or even within your browser. These applications are quite valuable for anyone looking to promote their business and if you are in the market for something that will make business and publicity just a bit easier, then this list is for you!

Advertising for Cash 1. AdCause matches advertisers with publishers (twitter users). 2. When you purchase impressions, your Twitter profile is displayed on the Twitter apps in the network. 3. 4. 5. 6. Business 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. - Quantcast Audience Profile. 50 Power Twitter Tips. A while back, I wrote 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business. It still gets plenty of attention, as it’s listed as an official resource on the Twitter business resources page (thanks, @ed!). But you know, I can’t leave well enough alone, so here I am with another 50 Power Twitter Tips. Feel free to repost all or any of this, but if you do, please give credit to this link.

I broke them down into five categories: intent, technical, business, integrated usage, and off-twitter. Some could probably fit in more than one category, such as it were. Here they are, sponsored by the Genesis WordPress theme: 50 Power Twitter Tips Intent (Human Artist) Don’t read EVERY tweet. Technical A non-standard background and face avatar means we believe you may be human. Business Spamming us repeatedly is okay. Integrated Usage Twitter makes every event better. Off-Twitter Are your tweets really what you want to show in your sidebar? Your mileage may vary. Photo credit wilhei55 Become a StudioPress Affiliate.