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105 Twitter Apps for PR

105 Twitter Apps for PR
Twitter is no longer a little known platform for bloggers to communicate on. These days, even large corporations are realizing something many smaller businesses have known for a while . . . Twitter is a powerful PR tool. Making the site even more useful for public relations and networking are the myriad of third party applications that seem to be multiplying at an exponential rate. Rarely does anyone just use the website . . . now you can tweet from your iPhone, your desktop or even within your browser. These applications are quite valuable for anyone looking to promote their business and if you are in the market for something that will make business and publicity just a bit easier, then this list is for you! Advertising for Cash 1. adCause matches advertisers with publishers (twitter users). 2. When you purchase impressions, your Twitter profile is displayed on the Twitter apps in the network. 3. 4. 5. 6. Business 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

10 Ways To Grow Your Twitter Influence « Knowledge Enthusiast How do you grow your influence and measure it on Twitter? That is the question that many companies, organizations and individuals are trying to answer, now more than ever. Edelman has created a popular tool that measures an individual’s importance on Twitter called TweetLevel. Fast & Easy Unfollowing for Twitter Have you asked yourself this? Well you're in luck - ManageFlitter has the answer! Click "Connect to Twitter" below to connect your account. We'll process data on your followers and within a few seconds you'll see the screen below - a list of all the people who have unfollowed you.

Twitter Literacy (I refuse to make up a Twittery name for it) : Howard Rheingold : City Brights Post-Oprah and apres-Ashton, Twittermania is definitely sliding down the backlash slope of the hype cycle. It’s not just the predictable wave of naysaying after the predictable waves of sliced-breadism and bandwagon-chasing. We’re beginning to see some data. Nielsen, the same people who do TV ratings, recently noted that more than 60% of new Twitter users fail to return the following month. To me, this represents a perfect example of a media literacy issue: Twitter is one of a growing breed of part-technological, part-social communication media that require some skills to use productively.

Twitter Demographics PEW released an interesting document on twitter demographics along with some other interesting information. For example, did you know that 11% of online adults use twitter or a service like twitter to update their status online? Here are the key stats from the PEW study regarding the demographic of twitter users: 19% of online adults age 18-24 have used twitter or something like it 20% of online adults age 25-34 have used twitter or something like it 10% of online adults age 35-44 “ “ “ “ 5% of online adults age 45-54 “ “ “ “ 4% of online adults age 55-64 “ “ “ “ 2% of online adults 65+ “ “ “ “ The Twitterverse by Brian Solis and JESS3 - oneforty A 2010 Edison research study showed that 42% of respondents hear about products and services through Twitter. In response to this dynamic businesses are increasingly using Twitter to engage with customers, reach the media directly, and further establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. You can even use Twitter for lead management or marketing automation.

Twitter Marketing Strategy: 5 Steps So you want to succeed with Twitter eh? Before you run off and chase shiny butterflies and little blue birds, take a seat and collect yourself. Then read the following tips on creating a potential Twitter marketing strategy that will help you become more productive and successful using Twitter for business. 6 Tools That Allow You To Write Longer Twitter Tweets So for those times when you want to stay within the Twitterverse without posting a dozen tweets, there are several options available to do just that. Here are 6 possibilities you should check out, which allow you to write longer Tweets on Twitter. TwitLonger Topsy’s is the site I use via the Twitter desktop client, Tweetie, when I need to get beyond 140 characters. When you go over the character limit, a pop-up message asks if you want to post your “too long” tweet to TwitLonger. You can also of course write a longer tweet directly on the TwitLonger site, signing in with your existing Twitter account.

50 Power Twitter Tips A while back, I wrote 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business. It still gets plenty of attention, as it’s listed as an official resource on the Twitter business resources page (thanks, @ed!). But you know, I can’t leave well enough alone, so here I am with another 50 Power Twitter Tips. Can you become influential on Twitter merely by Tweeting a lot? A bit more than a month ago, I asked the question: Can you become influential on Twitter, and get a high Klout Score, merely by Tweeting a lot? To test this, I set up an experiment, which involves four Twitter bots that automatically tweet the output of the Unix fortune command-line application. Fortune randomly outputs mildly humorous quotes, and was often used on Unix to produce a ‘welcome message of the day’ upon login. The four bots Tweet once every minute, once every five minutes, once every fifteen minutes and once every thirty minutes respectively. They are completely anonymous, have no avatars or custom user profiles set, and do not follow anyone. Now, after 80 days of running the experiment (Jules Verne style), there’s a set of pretty hot data available.

Good Wine and Books We’re just getting started as a company, but we believe thinking long term about making a positive impact will allow us to grow in the right direction to make a difference as both a technology and a business. For Twitter to be at its peak in utility, people who would have never had access to the world’s information need to be able to not only receive it but engage with it, too. Room to Read, a San Francisco based non-profit, will help us make that happen by bringing libraries and literacy to the world’s poorest regions. How To Run a Twitter Chat & 8 Marketing & PR Twitter Chats to Follow There are many tactics companies can implement as part of a smart Twitter Marketing strategy. Growing the initial following is important as is providing the budding community you’re building with something of value to keep coming back and to spread the good word to their networks. One such tactic that offers value and brings people together is the Twitter chat. I’ve been involved with about 5 or 6 different Twitter chats as a guest and they are a unique experience. In this post I’ll share my observations about what seems to work, some logistics and a few examples of some well-run Twitter chats for the marketing and PR verticals.

Deconstructing the genius of Twitter coach, Michael Todd Meet Michael Todd, my Twitter coach. I follow him because he teaches me how to improve my use of Twitter in practical and clever ways. For your convenience, I have deconstructed ten things that Michael does differently. Take a look… 1.
