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"How Large Are Global Energy Subsidies?" Jan Willem Zwang sur Twitter : "Als het in België niet lukt, doen ze het in #Duitsland Roep om #subsidie op #kolencentrales harder dan ooit #fail. Twitter. Energeia. Woensdag 12 november 2014 DEN HAAG (Energeia) - Na de eerste dag van de openstelling van de zesde fase van de SDE+ 2014, is er voor ruim EUR 5,1 mrd aan subsidie aangevraagd.


Daarmee is het totaal in 2014 beschikbare budget van EUR 3,5 mrd in de laatste fase alsnog ruim overschreden. Vooral zonnestroomprojecten zorgen in de laatste fase voor een enorme berg aanvragen. Eind oktober, na sluiting van de vijfde fase, stond de teller nog op 751 subsidie-aanvragen in alle categorieën, voor in totaal EUR 2,4 mrd. Dat totaalbedrag was op 4 november om 17.00 uur, precies 24 uur na de openstelling van fase 6, dus in één klap meer dan verdubbeld. Op 3 en 4 november kwamen maar liefst 2.718 extra aanvragen binnen alleen voor PV-projecten van minimaal 15 kWp, de ondergrens om voor SDE+ in aanmerking te komen. F – EU court says feed-in tariffs are “not state aid” In 2001, the European Court of Justice ruled that feed-in tariffs do not constitute “state aid” and are therefore not illegal subsidies, thereby paying the way for the boom of renewables.

F – EU court says feed-in tariffs are “not state aid”

The law quickly led to a boom in in wind power in particular, so the conventional power sector decided to challenge the policy’s legality. EU Competition Commissioner Karel van Miert openly stated that he considered feed-in tariffs to be illegal subsidies, and around that time German power provider Preussenelektra (which merged with Bayernwerk in 2000 to create E.on Energie) decided to challenge feed-in tariffs in court. The matter went all the way to the European Court of Justice, which ruled in 2001 that feed-in tariffs did not constitute “state aid” and were therefore not illegal. / Twitter. Weekly Address: Ending Taxpayer Subsidies for Oil Companies. Stimuleren zonnestroom - Hoe dan wel? - De week van Frits. Tijdelijke subsidie voor aanschaf zonnepanelen. New Bill Unveiled to Kill $113 Billion in Fossil Fuel Subsidies. Oil Change International/CC BY 2.0 Today, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is unveiling a bill, the "End Polluter Welfare Act," that would pretty much eliminate federal fossil fuel subsidies as we know them.

New Bill Unveiled to Kill $113 Billion in Fossil Fuel Subsidies

The ambitious proposal would remove the seemingly bottomless well of dubious handouts for the oil, coal, and natural gas industries, and expand fossil fuels companies' responsibility to pay for energy disasters like oil spills. In total, the bill would cut $113 billion in subsidies over the next ten years. Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN) will be taking up the legislation in the House of Representatives. The bill was announced today in Washington D.C., at a rally put on by The sheer size of the proposed cuts makes this bill exceptionally commendable. Beyond that, there are other interesting facets of the bill: 70% of Americans oppose fossil fuel subsidies, and President Obama has made taking oil companies to task a cornerstone of his early reelection campaign.

Vergelijking wereldwijde subsidie voor fossiele brandstoffen en voor alternatieve energie. Fossil fuel subsidies: a tour of the data. One of the most surprising and alarming issues in the climate and energy arena is the fact that the fossil fuels causing global warming continue to receive substantial government support, making them artificially cheap and encouraging more of them to be consumed.

Fossil fuel subsidies: a tour of the data

It's a form of madness that my colleague Damian Carrington put his finger on recently when he wrote that "the house is ablaze and we are throwing bucket after bucket at it – buckets of petrol. " What's particularly baffling is that while government support given to environmentally beneficial renewable power sources is subject to seemingly endless media and political scrutiny, the 500% larger subsidies given to oil, gas and (to a much lesser extent) coal rarely get much attention. In case that 500% figure sounds hard to believe, here's a chart showing the IEA's estimate of all the energy subsidies given out globally over the last few years. Big Oil Lobbies to Keep ItsTax Breaks Off the Table in Debt Talks. As debt negotiations continue in Congress, President Obama appears to be sticking to his guns on repealing the enormous tax breaks enjoyed by the oil and gas industry.

Big Oil Lobbies to Keep ItsTax Breaks Off the Table in Debt Talks

The industry takes advantage of tax breaks dating back to the dawn of the oil age – the kind of fiscal encouragement intended to support nascent businesses, not consistently profitable ventures. Getting rid of tax breaks for the multi-billion dollar oil industry is one of the few debt-reduction schemes that people can cheer about. Even George W. Bush suggested rolling back tax breaks for the oil industry in 2006. Why has Congress not managed to follow through on a popular idea that would create billions of dollars of yearly revenue for the government (and that could be sensibly plowed into the underfunded transportation program)? In this way, associations are even more deadly than individual companies.

Connect: Authored by: Deron Lovaas See complete profile.


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