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Edsurge. Many schools, teachers, and administrators are embracing the concept of a maker space as they begin the 2015-16 school year. What is a maker space? It is a learning environment where children, teenagers, and teachers can create and tinker together using everyday materials. Here are six tips from Garden State educators who have recently set up maker spaces in their own schools. 1 Many hands make light work!

“Select activities that involve as many children as possible,” says Tiffany Lucey, Supervisor of Instructional Technology in Toms River, NJ. 2 Make it steamy! Create a maker space that will infuse STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) into the hearts and minds of a generation of 21st century learners. 3 Maker spaces work for all kinds of kids. Maker spaces can work in both regular and special education settings. City, suburban and rural school settings can all accommodate maker spaces. 4 Make the benefits clear to all teachers involved.

Introduces editor for 360° and VR. Mobile ultra-short focus projector by sony adapts any blank space into a display. Jan 20, 2016 mobile ultra-short focus projector by sony adapts any blank space into a display mobile ultra-short focus projector by sony adapts any blank space into a display all images courtesy of sony with apartment spaces getting smaller in major urban areas, television need to compete with very tight living rooms. japanese electronics company sony is looking to ultra-short focus projectors (LSPX-P1) to fill any type of surface, be it tables, walls or floors with photos, movies or art. video courtesy of sony sony wanted to develop the freedom to enjoy a projector without worrying about the layout of the rooms and furniture. the ultra-short focus projector uses smaller focus lens and optical modules that can cast video content from 22 inches up to 80 inches. in spite of its ten centimeter cubic size, it’s equipped with internal speakers and a two hour battery, all shaped to be carried easily with one hand.

mobile ultra-short focus projector by sony adapts any blank space into a display

3D program

Sensavis & The 3D Classroom på SETT Kista 2016. FLYBi - More Than a Drone. Makerspace i skolbiblioteket. Tülay Gürgün Språk, skolbiblioteket och it i undervisningen Grindtorpsskolan är en F-9-skola i Botkyrka kommun med ungefär femhundra elever och många har en bakgrund i ett annat land.

Makerspace i skolbiblioteket

På skolan finns förberedelseklasser och man tar även emot nyanlända elever. Amino: Desktop Bioengineering for Everyone. Is this Britain's most high-tech classroom? Behind the scenes at one UK school's 'magic' 4D room. There's magic behind the doors of one school room in Boston, Lincolnshire.

Is this Britain's most high-tech classroom? Behind the scenes at one UK school's 'magic' 4D room

At least, that’s the verdict of an eager Year One pupil at Pioneers Free School Academy . The place referred to by the little boy, who along with his classmates seemed unusually happy to be at school on a Monday morning, is the 4D room. This is the crowning glory of a newly built school that opened its doors just over a year ago. The 4D room uses projected video footage on floor-to-ceiling screens, sound, lighting and an interactive floor space to create an "immersive" experience. It might sound like something out of a sci-fi film, but it's real, and a big part of life at this school. Solo 8. Roboten Furhat redo att inta klassrummen. Den följer mina rörelser med blicken och ler uppmuntrade när den frågar vad jag heter.

Roboten Furhat redo att inta klassrummen

Tillsammans ska vi lösa uppgiften att sortera in fem europeiska länder efter respektive lands befolkningsstorlek. Bakom en mössbeklädd vit mask sitter en liten men kraftfull projektor som projicerar alla de ansiktsrörelser som ger min övningsledare ett närmast mänskligt intryck. Här på institutionen för Tal, musik och hörsel på KTH i Stockholm är den sociala roboten Furhat född och uppvuxen.

Evenemang att genomföra på MS

OmiVista: Interactive Floor. What is it?

omiVista: Interactive Floor

A system that responds to gesture and movement creating dynamic images on any surface including floors (pale wood, vinyl or carpet), tables, wheelchair trays and tents… Where is it used? In Schools (special and mainstream), nurseries, pre-schools, play centres, day care settings, respite units, health centres, hospices, care homes and hospitals… Why use omiVista? Motivates and inspires with engaging contentAudio-visual rewards are instantly discernibleCreates an inclusive learning environmentStimulates language, physical and mental developmentEncourages active participationRemoving barriers to learningIncreases group collaboration and problem-solving skillsEmpowers individuals to take control of their environmentFully customisable –create your own content.

3D print

Gunillas länkar. Hem. Make Yourself a TV Remote Controlled Arduino Robot! Böcker Tema experiment lab. Böcker Tema Maker. MaKey MaKey - An Invention Kit for Everyone. SHOWREEL 2014 / Julien Loth. Starta ett Makerspace. Är du sugen på att starta ett Makerspace?

Starta ett Makerspace

Passa då på att läsa på om andra erfarenheter, eftersom de kan spara dig tid och möda! Här på Makers of Sweden hittar du en överblick av kända Makerspaces och Maker-initativ i Sverige. Har du möjlighet är det en bra idé att göra studiebesök på ett Makerspace, då får du inspiration och idéer på lösningar, men framförallt information som kan hjälpa dig förverkliga din vision. – På Stockholm Makerspace hemsida ( kan du läsa om Crowdfunding-kampanjen som blev startskottet för Sveriges idag till medlemsantal sett största Makerspace.

Lärorikt - BernardiniS´pace.