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Plant spacings in a Square Foot Garden. Plant spacings are the distance apart you plant several of the same plant. In square foot gardens, that can be expressed as #/sqft (how many plants per square foot) or simply by inches in each direction. For instance, carrots are planted 16/sqft or 3" apart, because there are 4 3" segments in a foot (so square that, 4x4=16). The only exceptions are certain vining or very large plants that do not fit into individual square feet.

Please be aware that special varieties will require different spacing than is listed here (eg. dwarf basil vs. regular). The spacings given here are for the most typical or common of the type of plant. Reader Olin Miller (millero@NETZONE.COM) offers this general rule for spacing: A rule of thumb for vegetables I learned many years ago is to space root crops at twice the expected diameter of the mature produce.

In the following list, all spacings are according to Mel in SFG (chapter 18) unless otherwise indicated (Mel left a few out)! Idaho Landscapes & Gardens - FRUIT, VEGETABLES, & HERBS. Backyard Grapes. Planting Vegetables in Midsummer for Fall Harvest. Extension > Garden > Yard and Garden > Vegetables > Planting vegetables in midsummer for fall harvest Jill MacKensie; Former Extension Specialist, Horticulture, University of Minnesota Extension After harvesting early-maturing vegetables such as salad greens, radishes, peas and spinach, gardeners can plant other crops in midsummer for fall harvest.

Some root crops, greens and other vegetables can be successfully grown from late June, July or even August plantings. It's important to know the average first frost date in your area, in order to calculate when to plant these late vegetables so they'll mature before being killed by cold weather. Some vegetables will tolerate a fair amount of frost and keep growing even when temperatures are in the low forties. Table 1. Leafy vegetables, such as Swiss chard, kale and mustard greens can be harvested before the leaves reach full size. Basil and cilantro are fast-growing herbs that are ready for harvest about a month after sowing the seed. List of companion plants.

Dill is one of the few plants to grow with Fennel This is a list of companion plants. Many more are in the list of beneficial weeds. Companion plants assist in the growth of others by attracting beneficial insects, repelling pests, or providing nutrients, shade, or support. They can be part of a biological pest control program. Vegetables[edit] Fruit[edit] Herbs[edit] Flowers[edit] Other[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] Further reading[edit] Cunningham, Sally Jean. Companion-planting.