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Beiträge zur Ideengeschichte der Astrologie im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Cabinets de curiosités. Just another weblog. The Galileo Project. Res Obscura. Buffon et l'histoire naturelle : l'édition en ligne. Darin Hayton. At the end of the 18th century Thomas Scattergood spoke out against what he considered the harsh treatment people suffering from mental illness and advocated for the “humane treatment” of patients in asylums. Scattergood was an influential local Quaker who traveled extensively in the states and in England. In the early 19th century, he suggested to the Philadelphia Yearly meeting that they should do more to care for members who suffered from mental illnesses, who “may be deprived of the use of their reason.” He worked with other members of the Philadelphia Yearly meeting to establish the Friends Hospital, an asylum.

Early Modern Experimental Philosophy, University of Otago, New Zealand. Kirsten Walsh writes… In a recent post, I considered Newton’s use of observation and experiment in the Opticks. I suggested that there is a functional (rather than semantic) difference between Newton’s ‘experiments’ and ‘observations’.