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43 Pokemon Mash-Ups That Are Better Than The Real Thing. 21 Vintage Postcards Of Krampus That Will Haunt Your Dreams. 271 Years Before Pantone, an Artist Mixed and Described Every Color Imaginable in an 800-Page Book. In 1692 an artist known only as “A.

271 Years Before Pantone, an Artist Mixed and Described Every Color Imaginable in an 800-Page Book

Boogert” sat down to write a book in Dutch about mixing watercolors. Not only would he begin the book with a bit about the use of color in painting, but would go on to explain how to create certain hues and change the tone by adding one, two, or three parts of water. The premise sounds simple enough, but the final product is almost unfathomable in its detail and scope. Spanning nearly 800 completely handwritten (and painted) pages, Traité des couleurs servant à la peinture à l’eau, was probably the most comprehensive guide to paint and color of its time. According to Medieval book historian Erik Kwakkel who translated part of the introduction, the color book was intended as an educational guide. It’s hard not to compare the hundreds of pages of color to its contemporary equivalent, the Pantone Color Guide, which wouldn’t be published for the first time until 1963.

Historiae animalium, la primera enciclopedia ilustrada de ciencias naturales. Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. Illustrator draws faces, lets 4-year-old draw bodies, ends up with adorably weird art [14 pics] When artist Mica Angela Hendricks got a new sketch book a while back, her 4-year-old daughter was insistent upon being able to try it out herself.

Illustrator draws faces, lets 4-year-old draw bodies, ends up with adorably weird art [14 pics]

Hendricks tried to say no, but her daughter used a phrase on her mom that she must have heard a few times herself… If you can’t share, we might have to take it away… Well, that did the trick and Hendricks her little girl finish one of the characters she’d started in the new sketchbook. Early Movie Concept Art: Scrapped Depictions from ‘Dark Knight Rises,’ ‘Twilight’ and More. It’s no secret we’re a little more than obsessed with early movie concept art and discovering how some of our favorite characters could have been rendered on the big screen, so don’t you think it’s time we went in for another deep dive into the film archives?

Early Movie Concept Art: Scrapped Depictions from ‘Dark Knight Rises,’ ‘Twilight’ and More

What would Bane from ‘The Dark Knight Rises‘ have looked like with a mask more attune with the comic and cartoon imaginings? Or Loki, who’s become a favorite among cosplayers since ‘The Avengers‘ took over the 2012 summer blockbuster slot? After bringing you some of the early concept designs and sketches for ‘Shrek,’ ‘Star Wars,’ ‘X-Men‘ and the like, here are even more examples of movie character conceptions that didn’t make the final cut, both from studio archives and concept artist portfolios. Bane, ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Collage Car Crash. Matei Apostolescu - Work (higher resolution images) Featured Illustrator: The Super Talented Irina Vinnik.

- StumbleUpon. Brilliant Satirical Artwork by Pawel Kuczynski. May 10, 2012 Pawel Kuczynski is a Polish artist that specializes in satirical illustration.

Brilliant Satirical Artwork by Pawel Kuczynski

Born in 1976 in Szczecin, Poland, he graduated with a graphics degree from the Fine Arts Academy in Poznan. Pawel has been focusing on satire since 2004 and has garnered nearly a hundred prizes and distinctions since then. Much of his artwork deals with serious themes such as poverty, greed, politics and mortality. While his subject matter is stark, his illustrative style is whimsical and cartoonish. Below you will find a curated selection of Pawel’s brilliant illustrations. If you enjoyed this post, the Sifter highly recommends: Mega Man Tribute Poster by Jonatan Iversen-Ejve - #5. The Art of Daarken. Superb Ink Illustrations by Nico Delort. Paco Pomet. Imaginative Character Concepts + Illustrations by Giovanni Castro AKA Nigio.

The Art of Giving Life to Simple Shapes! - Drawings by HABBENINK. "The Scream vs Mona Lisa!" by Antonio De Luca. The Portfolio of Dave Correia. 'Pokémayans' - Pokémons Drawn In the Style of Ancient Mayan Art. Mexico-based artist Mona draws Pokémons in the style of ancient Mayan art.

'Pokémayans' - Pokémons Drawn In the Style of Ancient Mayan Art

And, he calls them ‘Pokémayans‘. See many more of these over on Mona’s tumblr. Artist – Mona (Found via: DesignTAXI) Cyndaquil, Quilava, and Typhlosion Gyarados Moltres Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard. Sketchbook Dump 2003-2009 on Behance. "Crazy" - Robot Character Illustration by David Domingo Jiménez - #2. 40 Pieces Of Art That Use Great Perspective Drawing. View All Images. CoolVibe - Digital Art, Wallpapers, InspirationCoolvibe – Digital Art. A Tattoo Artist Colored In His 4-Year-Old Daughter's Line Drawing. The Results Were Pretty Epic. Fred Giovannitti is an industrial equipment inventor, but when he isn't helping to protect the world's marine ecosystems, he colors.

A Tattoo Artist Colored In His 4-Year-Old Daughter's Line Drawing. The Results Were Pretty Epic.

His art is both a professional endeavor -- Giovannitti, who lives in Delaware with his family, owns a tattoo parlor in Las Vegas that he works at ten days out of each month -- and a hobby. In addition to creating unique tattoo designs, the father of two has taken to filling in his kids' drawings with remarkable results. Home / BioWorkZ. Calendar 2012 by Irina Vinnik. With the new year approaching, I am excited to represent a new Calendar.

Calendar 2012 by Irina Vinnik

This limited edition of the yearbook called “The Eyes of Imagination” is a deep insight into my intangible imaginary world, which I’ve tried to perceive & depict. Each page portrays the spirit of the month as I see it. Galerie - Alberto Varanda. Home - Pat Perry. Call up old memories on the Adweek Talent Gallery. Paintings by Lou Ros. Self-taught artist Lou Ros began his career by tagging walls and buildings with friends at the age of 17.

Paintings by Lou Ros

Now 26, he’s exhibiting his paintings worldwide with no less than seven upcoming group and solo exhibitions in Miami, New York, Paris and elsewhere. Some of the pieces above are from his Faces series, many of which were shown at an exhibition earlier this spring at Tache Gallery. Pinturas surrealistas de Jacek Yerka. Pinturas surrealistas de Jacek Yerka nos remeten a un mundo de ensueño, un universo paralelo que nos despierta una enorme curiosidad de conocer y luego pocas ganas de salir.

Pinturas surrealistas de Jacek Yerka

Sus ilustraciones – que nacen de un dibujo de grafito, pasan por los lápices decoloresy un borrador pastel para terminar enpinturaacrílica – son en su mayoría paisajes meticulosamente magníficos,animalesraros con grande carisma y escenas que hacen parte de su memoria como la casa de su abuela y otros tantos recuerdos de los años 50. Nacido en Polonia, en 1952, ese artista se graduó en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de Torun – su ciudad natal – especializándose en grabado.