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Rickroll. About Rickrolling is a bait-and-switch practice that involves providing a web link supposedly relevant to the topic at hand, but actually re-directs the viewer to Rick Astley’s 1987 hit single “Never Gonna Give You Up.” The URL is often masked or obfuscated as a randomly-generated shortlink to conceal its true source from the experienced users. Whenever someone clicks the link and unintentionally summons Rick Astley’s song, he or she is said to have been rickrolled. Origin Rick Astley’s solo debut single “Never Gonna Give You Up” was originally released as part of his 1987 album Whenever You Need Somebody.

Tay Zonday/Chocolate Rain. About Chocolate Rain is a viral video created by Tay Zonday featuring a performance of his song “Chocolate Rain” that he wrote and produced.

Tay Zonday/Chocolate Rain

The video has been parodied and remixed in thousands of instances, eventually leading to Tay himself appearing on a number of television shows and being parodied on South Park. At one point the video was among the top 50 most viewed YouTube videos of all time, but as of April 21st, 2011 at 65 million views, it is ranked #96 of all time. Crazy Frog Brothers. Editor’s note: Work in Progress.

Crazy Frog Brothers

Numa Numa. About Numa Numa is a video created by New Jersey amateur videographer Gary Brolsma, in which he performs a lip dub of the song “Dragostea din tei” by the Moldovan pop group O-Zone.

Numa Numa

Since its online debut on Newgrounds in December of 2004, the video has gained significant fame both online and offline for its parodies and re-enactment videos. This Is Sparta (300) About This is Sparta!

This Is Sparta (300)

Is a catchphrase usually used in images that parody the scene from the film 300 where the main protagonist Leonidas, King of Sparta, declines peace with the Persians by shouting at the Persian Messenger “This is Sparta!” And kicking him into a large well proceeded by the killing of the other Persian messengers. (See also: Falcon Kick). YouTube Poop. About Describing YouTube Poop is a bit difficult.

YouTube Poop

At first they may seem like random mashups devoid of structure, but they are in fact, an art form with an enthusiastic userbase. Squidward. Sonic Says... About “Sonic Says” was originally the ending segment from the cartoon, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog by DiC, and broadcast in syndication in 1993.

Sonic Says...

These segments taught viewers important lessons. On August 13th, 2004, YTMND user AndyAML created the first “Sonic Says” YTMND. I'll take a potato chip and EAT IT! THIS VIDEO CONTAINS. About THIS VIDEO CONTAINS X refers to one of the earliest, or the first, style of YouTube Poop Music Video (YTPMV) on YouTube.


Origin. ...While I Play Unfitting Music. About …While I Play Unfitting Music is a YouTube remix fad that involves users remixing videos with music that does not match what is occurring.

...While I Play Unfitting Music

Similar in usage to Yakety Sax making anything funny, the videos are meant to create inconsistency between the mood created by the music vs. what is happening on the screen. Origin In 2007, YouTube user gnomebob (current account: xMAHATMAxGHANDIx) uploaded “LUIGI WINDS A TOY WHILE I PLAY UNFITTING MUSIC” Reupload: Moar Krabs / Morbid Krabs. YES! YES! A Youtube Poop Fad “YES!


YES!” Is a Youtube Poop fad sparked by Youtube Pooper YouPooper (Rioting Soul on XBox Live). The videos use a clip from the cartoon Street Fighter series in an episode when M. Bison said “YES! According to Chewiki, M. Girugamesh. About Girugamesh (Japanese: ギルガメッシュ Girugamesshu) is the name of a Japanese metal band, which was derived from the ancient Sumerian king Gilgamesh.


On the web, Girugamesh now refers to an internet meme that sprang out of a web commercial made for the 2009 Sakura-Con, an annual anime convention in Seattle. In the 30-sec promo taking place at a sushi bar, a brief-second appearance of a man in gothic attire stood out as highly exploitable. Dressed in Hot Topic-like fashion, the young man awkwardly shouts the name of his favorite Japanese metal band, Girugamesh, which happens to be the Engrish pronunciation of Gilgamesh.

Spread 4chan is believed to be the earliest host of “Girugamesh” screen captures, but they were often used to spam the boards, with only the Girugamesh image macros appearing on an entire page. On YouTube, many parodies and reposts exist: Tinaecmusic. About Kristina Chen (a.k.a YouTuber Tinaecmusic) is a webcam celebrity best known for singing karaoke versions of pop songs originally performed by 90s boy bands like the Backstreet Boys and N*SYNC.

Since her YouTube debut in 2007, her performance videos have become a frequent target of ridicule and parodies on the web. Online History Chen’s first karaoke video was posted on July 19th, 2007 via her YouTube account tinaecmusic. Youtube (Hub Entry) Popping Popcorns with Cellphones. About Popping Popcorn with Cellphones is a viral video hoax which purportedly demonstrates how to cook popcorn by placing several cell phones around uncooked kernels, presumably as a result of concentrated exposure to cellular transmission. After several YouTube videos began circulating the web in 2008, the phenomenon was debunked as a viral marketing campaign for Bluetooth technology company Cardo Wireless. What what (in the Butt) This entry is still being researched About “What What (In the Butt)” is a viral video created by Andrew Swant and Bobby Ciraldo of Brownmark Films for the song of the same name by Samwell.

The bizarre music video is known for its references to homosexuality and anal sex. The original video was uploaded to YouTube on Valentine’s Day 2007. World of Warcraft Freakout (Account Crusher) Dramatic Chipmunk / Drama Prairie Dog. Re-enactments Many YouTubers uploaded their own re-enactments of Dramatic Chipmunk, even drawing participation from notable Internet video personalities like iJustin, Veronica Belmont, Drew Olanoff. In February 2010, Funny Or Die presented a re-enactment video by Justin Bieber, which has received over 6 million views as of May 2011. Tron Guy. About Jay Maynard, better known as Tron Guy, is an American computer programmer who became internet famous for his homemade electroluminescent costume inspired by the 1982 sci-fi film Tron. 2 girls 1 cup. Note: This entry contains NSFW subject topics & links; viewer discretion is advised. Vince Shlomi (ShamWow, Slap Chop) Vince Shlomi, aka Vince Offer, aka the ShamWow Guy, is an actor, owner, and comedian best known for his paid commercial pitches of the ShamWow and SlapChop products.

ShamWow The ShamWow, a German-made shammy cloth, was the first notable product pitched by Vince. The aggressive tone, fast-talking pitches, impressive demonstrations, and youthful charm was spurred immediate recognition by the public. Vince’s presentation and likeability quickly brought him into the same limelight as Billy Mays, another well-known television pitchman. Peanut Butter Jelly Time. It's Over 9000! Leave Britney Alone.