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45 Simple Twitter Tips Everyone Should Know About. Are you a tweetin’ teacher? Do you rely on tweets for your extended PLN ? Whether you use the service or not, there’s a whole world of information being shared and you should start taking part. But if you’ve been too nervous or unsure about HOW to actually use Twitter as efficiently as possible… the wait is over. We’ve offered up plenty of tips and tricks for Twitter but never anything like this. It’s an elegantly organized set of infographics detailing the step-by-step process of using Twitter and making it work for you. Key Questions Answered. 10 Tips To Help You Use TweetDeck And Twitter More Efficiently. I wish I was a celebrity so that I could just sun-bathe and watch my Twitter (and other) follower count pile up into a long, list-less, disorganized bunch.

10 Tips To Help You Use TweetDeck And Twitter More Efficiently

But I am not, and so if I have to actively use social networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+, I have to be efficient at them. I have to streamline them so that I can mine a blink-and-you-miss source like Twitter for information. For long, my tool for the job has been Tweetdeck. With the exception of Google+ it has been sort of like my ‘third eye’. There are little things you can do around Tweetdeck to make it more efficient for you. Note: Most of these tips are applicable for the older Adobe Air version of TweetDeck.

Create a Custom Alert for a Keyword Much like Google Alerts, you can set up a TweetDeck Twitter alert with any keyword or a combination of keywords of your choosing. This could be a powerful tool in your hand because it’s like a fishing in the vast Twitter stream – lay your bait and wait for it bite. 12 Twitter Tools Every Educator Must Know about. Social networking is a topic that I have been posting about for sometime now.

12 Twitter Tools Every Educator Must Know about

I have published a set of series on this issue and will soon be adding more to it. You can check out Educational Social Networking from part one to part 4 to learn more. Twitter is one of my top social networking tool that I use for both professional development and educational purposes. I don't like to have any personal uses on Twitter because Facebook is already doing this job. The thing about Twitter is that, while it has a huge potential in education, yet many teachers and educators ignore the great arsenal of tools that can be used to get the maximum out of this tool. 1- TweetDeck This is a great Twitter app that allows users to arrange their feeds with customizable columns, use filters, schedule tweets and stay up to date. 2- Tweet Back Up As its name suggests, this is a tool to help you back up your tweets and your followers too. 3- Splitweet 4- Followize 5- Qwitter 6- HootSuite 7- Twups 8- TweetGrid 9- Twilert.

How to Post Shortened Links (URLs) In schools we tweet. Quick Guide: How to Speak ‘Twitter’ Okay, let’s start at the very beginning for those shrewd late adopters who don’t use certain technology until it’s absolutely ridiculous not to. With twitter, we may have reached that point–that critical mass where you should at least get on board to fully understand what it is you’re rejecting. Twitter is a social media platform that allows you to connect with others. It has formal academic potential that we explored recently that make it a difficult tool to ignore for any progressive-minded educator. Like text messaging, you are limited to 140 characters in your messages. Unlike text messaging, your messages aren’t sent to a single person, but anyone that follows you–and viewable by the world. Why Tweet? Why would you want to “tweet” to the world? Twitter started out as a “microblog” service that allowed users to talk about ideas in (extraordinarily) brief terms.

Yes, you can block people that follow you, but don’t be paranoid. Right? 10 Commandments of Twitter for Academics - Do Your Job Better. By Katrina Gulliver Most of my friends (the ones who are not already on Twitter) have heard my Twitter pitch, and it's true that since joining several years ago I've become quite an evangelist.

10 Commandments of Twitter for Academics - Do Your Job Better

Recently over dinner, a colleague told me he had never really gotten the point of Twitter, but now that he had a book to promote, he wished he had followers he could share it with. Twitter is what you make of it, and its flexibility is one of its greatest strengths. I'm going to explain why I have found it useful, professionally and personally, and lay out some guidelines for academics who don't know where to start.

The first and most obvious benefit has been helping me get to know a lot of great people whom I probably wouldn't have met otherwise. Thanks to Twitter, I have been sent copies of obsure articles much faster than I would have received them from an interlibrary loan. Internet Catalogue.