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21st Century Learning

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Critical Thinking. 21st Century Learning. Educational-origami - home. 21stCenturySkillsNMTeacherCourse - home. Edutopia: [Trending Video] Shanghai'... EdSurge: Diego Fonstad guides us th... Collaboration. MaKey MaKey: An Invention Kit for Everyone by Jay Silver. 3 Interesting Services to Help Students Study Together. Flipped Classroom. Browse Shared Resources. Digital Literacies. Free Resources. 21st Ctry Pedagogy. 'Math Map' Connects 21st Century Skills with Math Instruction.

Teaching Resources | News 'Math Map' Connects 21st Century Skills with Math Instruction The Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) has released the Math Skills Map, latest in its series of 21st century skills maps for core academic subjects. It was developed in collaboration with the Mathematical Association of America and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. P21's skills maps are designed to provide a framework and resources for integrating technology and other 21st century skills into core subject areas.

Each of these is broken into its own section within the map to provide outcomes with examples at each of the three grade levels covered (4, 8, 12). "Educators across the country are already working on integrating the P21 Framework alongside CCSS," said Lillian Kellogg, chair of P21 and vice president of Education Networks of America, in a statement released to coincide with the resource.

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Project/Problem Based Learning. Digital Citizenship. 21st-Century Learning Creates New Roles for Students -- and Parents. How do you remember the classrooms where you spent your formative years? If you're picturing a teacher writing on a chalkboard while kids sit in neat rows, it's time for a refresher course. Not only is that chalkboard a relic from yesteryear, but so are many of the old-school approaches to teaching and learning.

Even parents are taking on new roles in today's changing classrooms. For good reasons, schools across the country are making the shift to 21st-century learning. If you're a parent of school-aged children, you've likely heard this phrase. Today's students need to master a new set of skills that will prepare them for the challenges and changes ahead. Being ready for college and careers means not only learning important academic content, but also knowing how to collaborate, think critically and creatively, and use technology tools to communicate. Rote learning and memorization won't help students become nimble, creative thinkers who can work well with others. See more see less.