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A Quick and Effective Way to Enhance Contrast in Photoshop. Hit By Google's Content Farm Algorithm? Here Is How To Get Help. Were you bundled into the sites that got hit by the Google Farmer Update? Do you think Google classified your site incorrectly and you were collateral damage? Is emotional support not enough? Well, good news! Google has opened up a thread asking for examples of sites that were hurt by this update. Google will review these sites and double check the algorithm is indeed working as they planned. How To Get Help From Google: To get help from Google, go to this Google Webmaster Help thread and submit your site and details. According to our metrics, this update improves overall search quality. Google said they cannot "make manual exceptions," aka whitelist sites.

I have to say, in addition to thanking Google for opening up this thread, you must thank Danny Sullivan for politely encouraging Google to give webmasters a method of asking Google for help with this update. So get to it. Forum discussion at Google Webmaster Help. 12 Video Tutorials For Improving Product Photos. This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. If your company sells items online, product photographs will be a key factor in how well they sell. Professional-looking photographs make products look legitimate and allow customers a crisp and detailed view of their potential purchase. Hiring a professional photographer, however, can be pricey. These 12 tutorials will help you learn how to take your own quality product photographs. In most cases, the only investments required to implement these techniques are a desk lamp, some white poster board and Photoshop — all of which are much more economical purchases than a professional photographer's time.

Add your own tips for shooting great product photos in the comments below. Quick Tip Tutorials 1. Kerry Garrison of Camera Dojo walks through a typical product photo shot. 2. 3. Tutorials for Better Lighting 4. 5. 6. 7. 10 Reasons You’re Not Getting Followers on Twitter. Twitter thrives on the relationship between you and your followers. And yet many small businesses struggle to gain a following and end up abandoning their profiles due to fundamental errors in the way they manage them. This often boils down to a lack of understanding of Twitter as a social channel and an inability or unwillingness to invest the time to learn. But the secret to success is simple: put yourself in your followers’ shoes and consider what you’re adding to their lives. There are some common mistakes that I see again and again on Twitter, and encountering one or more of these on a profile significantly decreases the chances of me following and/or increases the chances of me unfollowing or blocking. 1.

Incomplete Profile Setting up a Twitter profile is so quick and easy that any time I encounter one without an avatar or with a non-existent biography it just says to me: I couldn’t be bothered. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. So I think you seem cool and interesting and decide to follow you. What REALLY happens when you use “@” in Tweets?

Rule #2: Anytime you put an @someone anywhere in a tweet, it will be sent to that @someone, regardless of whether they follow you or not. 2. Creating tweets only your “family” can see But what if @Mom and @Dad want to write tweets that @Sister and @Brother can both see, but no one else can see? Then they tweet like this: @Dad Message goes here -or- @Mom Message goes here So, rule #3 is: When you start your message with @someone, the message will only be sent to @someone and the people that follow both you and @someone. 3. So what happens when you put @someone after the beginning of your tweet? . If you’re just saying something about them you want them and all your followers to see, you’d tweet something like this: So like I was saying to @someone the other day… -or- .

Since anything you put before you write @someone will have the same effect, both of these messages are sent to all your followers and to @someone. 4. To:TweetSmarter 5. 6. Exception #1: Your Twitter page @someone 7. 50 Incredible Photography Techniques and Tutorials - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement Over the recent months we’ve been presenting various showcases of photography – while many readers hated the showcases, most readers found them inspirational and perfect for a lousy workday’s morning.

However, what we should have done in the inspirational posts is not just provide you with some inspiration for your work, but also present useful photographic techniques which can help you to achieve optimal pictures for your designs. And as requested by many of you, now it’s time to correct our mistake. In this post we present useful photographic techniques, tutorials and resources for various kinds of photography. You’ll learn how to set up the perfect environment and what techniques, principles and rules of thumbs you should consider when shooting your next perfect photo. This round-up isn’t supposed to be the ultimate one – please feel free to suggest more useful articles in the comments to this post. 1. 2. 50 Beautiful Examples Of Tilt-Shift Photography 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10 Signs That Say “Don’t Follow!” on Twitter | Tim Ho. I’m not the “You follow me, I follow you” type of Twitterer, no one should be! However, I do look at every follower’s profile, I don’t follow everyone because I have to keep up the engagement, although there are lists these days, why would I want my home feed to have 100s of new tweets every time it refreshes?

Unless they are extremely interesting/ useful (such as @jesus, @mashable), I like to follow the ones who I can engage with. 1. No avatar This is obvious. 2. Bio on Twitter is very important to me. 3. That shows something about this person. 4. When someone has like 10,000 followers but only following 10, unless they are very interesting people who I actually want to follow on what they do, I usually ignore those ones. 5. If there’s no @ signs on the feed, it means he/ she has no interest in engaging. 6. Come on! 7. No offense to some of my beautiful followers! 8. These are the same as “Make money online” and “hot girls”. 9. 10. Wisdeo | Home. Create a Welcome Page for your Facebook Fan page. I think most of you have a fan page of yours in the famous social networking site, facebook.

Having a facebook fan page for your webpage or your service will provide you quality traffic from facebook and also visitors can get the latest news from you. So if you have a fan page, then definitely you should have a Welcome page. That mean your visitors will come to this page where you have some welcome messages. I’m pretty much sure that they will enjoy your fan page. This is the Tab you can see in your fan page. So in order to get your own welcome Tab, login to your facebook fan page account, then search for FBML in the top search bar. You can see 2 results for the key word. Once you reached the application page, click the “Add to my page”. Now go back to your profile and click the “Edit this page”. Now you can see a box called FBML 1. Now you will get the space where you can add your welcome messages. Once you got all your content in the box, save it.

Now You need to add a welcome tab. You're Backing Up Your Data the Wrong Way - Windows - Lifehacker. Having fun with Singh-Ray filters can often become a very serious matter... California landscape photographer Wendell DeLano sends these examples of the fun he's having with his Singh-Ray filters in a variety of outdoor lighting situations. "On shoots when I have carried my Graduated Neutral Density filters in my shirt pocket all day," says Wendell, "I know it's been a good day. For my landscape and wide-angle photography, I've found my ND Grads to be invaluable. I especially like the variety of graduated filters that Singh Ray offers -- both soft-step and hard-step transitions, regular and reverse graduation patterns, and all of them available in various densities rated in f-stops -- and every one of them serves its specific purpose so well.

"My one most-used and favorite filter, by far, is the LB Warming Polarizer. My favorite ND Grad is Singh-Ray's 'Galen Rowell' 2-stop hard-step. I find the hard-step gradient transition is generally more effective for balancing difficult lighting situations in a landscape. "I also get creative by stacking filters. The 10 Commandments of Being a Good Netizen | Thoughtpick Blog. Be an angel! Everyone aspires to be a good netizen, but it’s not an easy goal to achieve. To be beatified by the gods of the net, you will need to surf graciously and illuminate every spot on the web where you are present. To achieve such lustrous status you need to follow the ten commandments of being a good netizen. 1. Thou shall be omnipresent Having a blog with Facebook, Twitter, Friendfeed and Flickr accounts along with some forums and 2-3 email accounts is about the norm these days. 2.

Whether its Google, Facebook or any other company they will not be vigilant about protecting your privacy. 3. While using the internet, make sure you are always aware of what you are clicking on, and where it will take you. 4. All too often, people forget that their spouse are on their Facebook account when they change their relationship status to single. 5. If you feel the need to vent on the internet, you shall do so anonymously. 6. You never know! 7. 8. 9. 10. Do you Pledge to be a good netizen? 10 Tricks to search Twitter better, Beyond your timeline – Around the world - Daily SEO blog. Rick Sammon. 9 Ways To Make Your Portrait Subjects Look Thinner | Sublime Light. 10 Blogs to Help You Become a Photography Expert | Web Design Ledger. Photography often plays a major role in web design.

So It’s no surprise that many web designers have an interest in it. However, there are so many aspects to photography such as lighting, composition, and equipment features that can make it difficult to master. In this article I’ve rounded up 10 of the best blogs that consistently produce valuable tips and resources to help you with your photography. Digital Photography School Digital Photography School is a website with simple tips to help digital camera owners get the most out of their cameras. It is maintained by Darren Rowse who you probably know from The Photo Argus The Photo Argus is a resource for photographers novice to advanced.

Epic Edits Epic Edits is a resource and community for photography enthusiasts of all experience levels. PetaPixel PetaPixel was born in May of 2009, and is a blog about photography geared towards tech-savvy digital photographers. Strobist Photojojo Joe McNally’s Blog Photocritic DIY Photography. How To Backup Your Twitter Archive. With the Twitter fail whale popping up all the time, you never know when something tragic might happen.

No one want to lose all of their Twitter tweets, followers, or anything else for that matter. That’s why it’s a good idea to backup your Twitter archive on a regular basis in case of a Twitter mishap. As we all know, there has been numerous times in the past where users have lost followers, tweets, and DMs. Fortunately, you can make sure this doesn’t happen to you by using one of the following methods to backup your Twitter archive. Tweetake Enter your Twitter username and password.Select what you’d like to backup (followers, favorites, DMs, friends, tweets, or everything).Click the “Get “˜em!” TweetBackup TwitterBackup Download and open the Java application.Once the window pops up, enter your Twitter username and password.In the ‘file name’ field you’ll need to enter the name that you’d like your file to be saved as.

FriendBackup Click on the launch button. 10 Photography Tips for Better Outdoor Portraits | Virtual Photography Studio - Digital Photography Business Guide To Resources, Products and Information. I’ve been a professional photographer for over 20 years. Even though I have a ton of ideas and styles, sometimes I find going back to the basics creates portraits that clients truly love.

Here are some simple solutions that everyone can benefit from when capturing your next outdoor portrait session. Select a location Locations are very important and should be thought out in advance. Look for locations that bring interest and enhance your session. Parks, lakes and other open spaces offer natural scenery and tend to be the first places people think of. But don’t forget about architecture. Buildings and other structures bring warm elements into a portrait. Choose a location that is not busy and bustling with activity. Repeating lines A great way to add depth is to find a location with repeating lines. Use a longer lens By selecting a longer lens, you can put the focus on your subject, leaving your background soft and out of focus. Use a reflector. How to avoid looking clueless on Twitter. 10 Principles of Beautiful Photography. 10 Principles of Beautiful Photography by Trey Ratcliff – note: this article appeared in Smashing Magazine. Introduction A camera does not work like an eye; memory does not work like film.

There is a fine line between a photo that is quite nice and one that is quite breathtaking. At some undefined point, a photo can cross the Rubicon and be forever a piece of beautiful art. That hinterland between a regular photo and evocative art is a moving target from person to person and taste to taste. And, yes, it gets a bit touchy-feely here to determine if you have been able to cross that line. The good news is that it does not require rune rites of scapulimancy to divine your way to a more beautiful photo. 1) Think about the brain I’ve always thought about photography differently. When you see out of one eye your whole life and then start using a camera in your mid 30’s for the first time, something happens to you!

Now let’s fast forward to today. 2) Engage in the Neo-Global Salon No it’s not. Fin. 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know | How-To. How to Convert a Photograph into Abstract Line Art - Vectortuts+ Line Art is an ancient and basic form of generating large graphics. This art is often seen on tiled walls, bamboo stick designs and on your blanket embroidery. In this tutorial, we will cover the same technique to convert a photograph into vector line art. Let’s get started! Final Image Preview Below is the final image we will be working towards. Step 1 Create a new document and click on File > Place. Step 2 Depending on the complexity of your image, decide on the number of shades that are forming the image. Step 3 Grab the Line Segment Tool (\) from Tools pallet and draw a horizontal line of width approximately larger than your image. Step 4 Select the line and click on Object > Transform > Transform Each (Alt + Shift + Command + D).

Step 5 Select all the lines and Alt + Drag to duplicate. Step 6: Vertical Tracing Start from the top most line and resize each line horizontally in such a way that its end points touch the borders of the traceable area. Step 7 Step 8 Step 9: Horizontal Tracing. How I Handle Backups and Disaster Recovery. 10 things you should cover in your social networking policy | 10 Things | 10 Fireworks Photography Tips. They were all in love with life, drinking from a fountain...

Modifier la forme de son Bokeh. Strobist. Twitter Etiquette. Gmail, Google Maps, and Google Search: 19 Cool Tips - PC World. Google Guide Quick Reference: Google Advanced Operators (Cheat Sheet) How to Take Excellent Portrait Photos. Ten Things you Must Know before Using Twitter | Tech N’ Marketing. How to Follow Everyone Back on Twitter Without Ruining Your Experience. Add a Tweet It or Retweet Button to Your Blog | BloggerStop.Net - Blogger Help, Templates, Widgets. Take a Tip. Share a Tip. - Google Moderator.