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Wilde planten in Nederland en België. Flora van Nederland: Wilde planten en hun omgeving online. QUEST. Science News, Articles and Information | Scientific American. AntWeb. Squashed Philosophers Abridged Editions - HOME. Solar System Scope. Empirical Zeal. The Universe Magnified. This is one of the most beautiful infographics we've ever seen: a high resolution view of different levels of the universe. Our favorite parts are the jaw-dropping nebulae and then the point where you see the size of Pluto compared to Texas. Puts things into perspective. Try it out in full-screen mode: Copyright 2012. Magnifying the Universe by Number Sleuth.

Embed this infographic on your site! <iframe width="600" height="388" scrolling="no" src=" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br />Copyright 2012. To get started with the infographic, click on one of the nine entry point images. The slider at the bottom of the screen lets you move around from bigger to smaller and smaller to bigger. And in between you see every day objects like animals and buildings and planets and stars. Have fun with this! How Octopuses Make Themselves Invisible [Video] | Octopus Chronicles. Octopuses pick nearby landmarks to copy for their camouflage more than trying to blend into the general area; image courtesy of Keren Levi The octopus is an amazing master of disguise. It can essentially vanish, right before your eyes, into a complex scene of colorful coral or a clump of kelp waving in the currents.

For a view of this phenomenon in reverse, check out this now-viral video shot by Woods Hole Marine Biology Laboratory senior scientist Roger Hanlon. The clip reveals how entirely the octopus was camouflaged before it was startled into jetting away—to the inevitable oohs and ahhs of the audience. How do these invertebrates manage this quick-change feat? A new paper, published online last month in PLoS ONE, suggests that octopuses do focus on a limited selection of nearby objects in order to determine their disguise. The new paper does not, however, solve the debate about how these color-blind animals can create such a stunning, full-color display on their skins. Royal Observatory Greenwich’s Videos. Introduction | The Alfred Russel Wallace Website. The Periodic Table of Videos - University of Nottingham. Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute.

Physics | 8.01 Physics I: Classical Mechanics, Fall 1999 | Video Lectures. MIT. Welcome — AIP. The Scale of the Universe 2. HouseholdHacker.