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BBC Two - Newsnight, Sweden: Truth, lies and manipulated narratives. Condemn communists’ cruelties, but capitalism has its own terrible record. A spectre is haunting the British media: the spectre of negative takes on capitalism.

Condemn communists’ cruelties, but capitalism has its own terrible record

Ever since the academic and writer Ash Sarkar uttered the words “I’m a communist, you idiot” on national television, the right has recoiled in horror. The alacrity with which commentators jumped on Sarkar’s off-the-cuff comment to relitigate the cold war is deeply revealing. The right has been terrified that it is losing the war of ideas to the left ever since Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour deprived the Tories of a majority a year ago. Sarkar’s unintentional rescue of Marx’s vision of communism – as a stateless, classless society in which humanity is liberated from wage labour – from the Stalinist totalitarianism that followed led the magazine Elle to declare she was “literally a communist and literally our hero”.

The Telegraph reflected: “Communism sent millions to their deaths – so why is it cool to wear it on your T-shirt?” The story of capitalism is more complicated than that. Book Discussions in the Classroom - 23 Teacher Tips. On their second or third time through the work, ask students to jot down their own questions, which you can fold into the discussion when relevant. 5.

Book Discussions in the Classroom - 23 Teacher Tips

Adopt an inquiry stance. As Kath Murdoch states on her Just Wondering blog: “Whether you are using literature to inspire wonder, provoke curiosity or deepen conceptual understanding, the act of sharing literature is always an opportunity to adopt an inquiry stance as a teacher. Inviting questions, thinking aloud, making connections, noticing the way our thinking changes as we read … these techniques are part of the repertoire of an inquiry pedagogy and help make the most of what can be a profound, shared experience.” Her post Inspiring Inquiry Through Picture Books offers several gems that should be on any book lover’s shelf. 6. What is Shared Inquiry? Read a brief explanation of the Shared Inquiry method, then see these guidelines for Shared Inquiry Discussion for a great overview on how to use the methodology in your classroom. 7. 8. 9.

Welcome to Lit2Go ETC. Spansk Jul Flashcards. Tristan Harris: How a handful of tech companies control billions of minds every day. Starters word list picture book. Uppstart: greetings from… Simuling. BATTLESHIP: IRREGULAR VERBS. Much to learn, you still have. – Joda.


Despite the evidence that the number of irregular verbs is declining in the English language, there is no danger they will disappear, and the struggle will continue. There are many attempts to find a shortcut in learning irregular verbs, yet with all the options and “magic tricks” available, learning these verbs requires much memorization, drilling and practice. Today I will show how I use the Battleship game to drill and practise irregular verbs in a fun way. Before the game: Each player will need two 10×10 grids – one with irregular verbs in each square, and one blank grid.

Click the Grids to download them. The players then mark where they want to place their ships by circling rows, horizontally or vertically. Each player’s fleet consists of the following ships: 1 aircraft carrier – 5 squares 1 battleship – 4 squares 1 cruiser – 3 squares 2 destroyers – 2 squares each 2 submarines – 1 square each How to play: some more games with irregular verbs from Engames. Reading Worksheets, Spelling, Grammar, Comprehension, Lesson Plans -