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How to Choose Sewing Thread: 6 Steps (with Pictures) Ces publicités sexistes qui révoltent les féministes. Partagez-moi !

Ces publicités sexistes qui révoltent les féministes

La place de la femme dans la publicité est depuis longtemps un sujet très sensible. Publicité et Porno Chic : Quand le Chic devient Choc. Tom Ford fut le directeur artistique de Gucci jusqu’en 2004, et grand photographe associé au « Porno chic » dans la mode.

Publicité et Porno Chic : Quand le Chic devient Choc

Why Artists Get Depressed When They Don't Work. Cedar Lee September 14th, 2013 If you live with an artist, you probably have experienced the dark cloud of funk that starts to hang around them when they haven’t created new art in a while.

Why Artists Get Depressed When They Don't Work

Whether depression leads to creativity or creativity leads to depression, science has found a link between the two. Studies have found artists and writers to be staggeringly more likely to suffer from bipolar disorders and depression, and much more likely than others to commit suicide. Outils, conseils pour une animation réussie. Comment créer une offre sur Facebook ? Modules d’apprentissage en ligne sur les 6 types d’écriture numérique. Ce sont des modules en ligne pédagogiques rares, passionnants et utiles que l’Université de Technologie de Compiègne met à la disposition de tous via le projet PRatiques d’ÉCriture Interactive en Picardie (PRECIP) qui a également mobilisé l’Université de Picardie Jules Verne et la Région Picardie : Connaître, comprendre et apprendre l’écriture numérique avec ses pluralités.

Modules d’apprentissage en ligne sur les 6 types d’écriture numérique

On parle de différents types d’écritures numériques « qui se recoupent mais se distinguent » : collaborative, interactive, multimédia, écriture des traces, écriture des traces, écritures sous modèle. Delicious Maple Syrup Enlisted in Bitter Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance. Planification facile. Don’t Plant Those “Bee-Friendly” Wildflowers Cheerios Is Giving Away. EBG - Internet Marketing 2017. LCD Soundsystem on Spotify. How the Like Button Ruined the Internet - The Atlantic. Here’s a little parable.

How the Like Button Ruined the Internet - The Atlantic

A friend of mine was so enamored of Google Reader that he built a clone when it died. It was just like the original, except that you could add pictures to your posts, and you could Like comments. The original Reader was dominated by conversation, much of it thoughtful and earnest. The clone was dominated by GIFs and people trying to be funny. Content Curation & Content Marketing Software. What Creativity in Marketing Looks Like Today. What makes marketing creative?

What Creativity in Marketing Looks Like Today

Is it more imagination or innovation? Is a creative marketer more artist or entrepreneur? Historically, the term “marketing creative” has been associated with the words and pictures that go into ad campaigns. But marketing, like other corporate functions, has become more complex and rigorous. Marketers need to master data analytics, customer experience, and product design. To explore this question, we interviewed senior marketing executives across dozens of top brands. 1. How to Use Facebook Video to Promote Your Jewelry Business - Interweave. Net Profits.

How to Use Facebook Video to Promote Your Jewelry Business - Interweave

Medhue Weighted Bodysuits for Avastar. Included in this package is a Blend file which has 4 mesh weighted bodysuits, and 2 mesh skirts, generated from the default Secondlife avatar, with a higher poly count for better weight transfers to your clothing items. 2 bodysuits(male & female) are weighted for classic rigging, and the other 2 are weighted for Fitted Mesh rigging.

Medhue Weighted Bodysuits for Avastar

This product works best when used with the Avastar add on, for Blender. HOW TO REPLACE YOURSELF WITH VERY SMALL SHELL SCRIPT by Hilary Mason, EP 40. Open-mindedness. Espace pour la vie. Au Japon, pendant l'ère Heian (794-1185), les aristocrates organisaient des fêtes au pied des cerisiers en fleurs.

Espace pour la vie

Ainsi commençait la tradition du o-hanami : contempler (mi) les fleurs (hana). Au fil des siècles, cette coutume s'est répandue au sein de toutes les classes sociales. Peu rustique, le cerisier japonais fleurit difficilement sous notre climat mais nos nombreux pommetiers aux jolies fleurs créeront une ambiance tout aussi paisible et romantique… Des activités sont aussi prévues pour agrémenter la journée. N'oubliez pas d'apporter une couverture. Les places sont limitées. Seules les personnes ayant réservé une boîte à lunch pourront participer au pique-nique. Période d'inscription : du 17 avril au 15 mai 2017. An 8-foot-tall woman is destroying the entire music industry. So True. Via: Only In Canada - Your Everyday Canadian. Here Is A Squirrel Eating A Hard Taco Shell In A Tree – Consumerist. EA Montreal to Add 500 New Jobs, Investing $500 Million in Quebec.

Electronic Arts will be adding 500 new jobs in Montreal and investing $500 million in the region over the next 10 years in a move to expand its operations in Montreal, according to an announcement made by the Quebec government.

EA Montreal to Add 500 New Jobs, Investing $500 Million in Quebec

According to the announcement, the company will not only be creating jobs in the area but it also “intends to help structure the industry, in particular by designing infrastructure that can be shared with the video game community.” The announcement did not detail what that exactly means but. all in all, EA’s investments in the region, which will include staff, facilities, and other investment, will amount to the previously mentioned $500 million, which it will spend over a 10-year period.

“We offer Electronic Arts a stable, predictable, competitive fiscal framework enabling the company to move forward with this substantial expansion. Mood. There's an easy way to be funnier and more genuine without turning into a jerk — Quartz. The gig economy is supposed to be a tradeoff: In exchange for foregoing the stability of a steady income and health benefits, workers get more freedom and flexibility. But it’s becoming increasingly clear that, in some cases, workers are giving up a lot more than they get in return.

A recent article in the New York Times explains that the ride-sharing service Uber has been using design based on behavioral science to encourage its workers to work longer hours—for less money than they think. On one hand, organizations since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution have tried to incentivize employees to behave in ways that are advantageous to the bottom line. Aukey Cortex 4K VR Headset Review and Giveaway. With a higher resolution and lower price than high-end headsets like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, the Aukey Cortex 4KVR should be a compelling entry point into the world of VR. But is it? It’s available now for just under $400 (or $380 if you use the coupon code “MUOAUKVR”, valid until April 8th!) AUKEY VR Headset, Cortex 4K Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Display with Earphones, 110° FOV All-In-One VR Goggles for PC AUKEY VR Headset, Cortex 4K Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Display with Earphones, 110° FOV All-In-One VR Goggles for PC AUKEY Cortex 4K VR Headset delivers an immersive ultra-high-definition 4K virtual reality experience for Windows 7 or above 64-bit PCs Buy Now At Amazon $399.99 The Aukey Cortex is a tethered headset, meaning it needs to be connected to a computer.

Silkpunk Sci-Fi Author Ken Liu Talks Fantasy, Technology and the Future of the Human Race. Ken Liu, author of the Dandelion Dynasty series, is one of the leading new voices in science fiction. His worlds are teeming with airships and submarines crafted from silk, sinew and feather. Liu spoke with Nexus Media about “silkpunk,” tech culture, and what today’s innovators can learn from science fiction. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. You can read an excerpt of Liu’s latest book here.