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An 8-Foot-Tall Woman Is Destroying The Entire Music Industry

An 8-Foot-Tall Woman Is Destroying The Entire Music Industry
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About About Meylah Meylah powers social storefronts for Independent and Small Businesses to sell in multiple marketplaces easily! Meylah also enables communities to create their own destination commerce portal to connect buyers and sellers easily! Meylah's vision and mission is to create network of communities across the world so they can connect their buyers and sellers easily. Each one of us is a part of a community and we want to support our community may it your city, your passion, your charities or a college club. With the evolution of internet and the need to have access at anytime and anyplace, it is very difficult for most communities to embrace these changes with their limited resources and expertise. Meylah understands that a community is a lot stronger that an individual and by supporting communities all members of the community benefit. Our Values

Espace pour la vie | Calendrier Au Japon, pendant l'ère Heian (794-1185), les aristocrates organisaient des fêtes au pied des cerisiers en fleurs. Ainsi commençait la tradition du o-hanami : contempler (mi) les fleurs (hana). Au fil des siècles, cette coutume s'est répandue au sein de toutes les classes sociales. Peu rustique, le cerisier japonais fleurit difficilement sous notre climat mais nos nombreux pommetiers aux jolies fleurs créeront une ambiance tout aussi paisible et romantique… Des activités sont aussi prévues pour agrémenter la journée. Les places sont limitées. Seules les personnes ayant réservé une boîte à lunch pourront participer au pique-nique. Période d'inscription : du 17 avril au 15 mai 2017 Formulaire d'inscription à venir. Paiement par chèque seulement.

edsurge At the Acton Academy in Austin, TX, we are experimenting with a "Learner Driven Community," a disruptive approach led by self-directed learners, in a community tightly bound by personal covenants and contracts, using the full power of the internet to craft a transformative, personalized learning path. Inspired by the work of Sugata Mitra and his Hole in the Wall experiments, where children in some of the poorest villages in Africa and Asia, armed only with an internet terminal (and no teacher) have outperformed the top private schools in their countries, Acton learners are taking charge of their education. We use multi-age classrooms; the latest game-based adaptive computer programs; and quest-like adventures for deeper integrative learning, in a studio increasingly run by our young learners. While we are in the early stages of refining the model, I believe schools like ours can deliver a transformative learning experience for less than $2,000 annually per student. That’s no longer true.

Personaling, el proyecto que nos puso en los ojos de Wayra. | juanpernia En este articulo se describe nuestro proyecto bandera en cooltribes y abre la tapa del horno para mostrar qué hay detras del desarrollo de una startup cocinada en y para Venezuela con talento local e internacional. Hace ya 1 año que estamos trabajando en un proyecto de social-ecommerce relacionado con moda. Lleva por nombre “Personaling”, que se traduce como “personalizando”, aunque es una palabra que no figura en el diccionario :). De qué se trata Lo innovador del asunto consiste en que, por un lado, hay un tipo de usuario llamado Personal Shopper, el cual, dispone de una aplicacion web que le permite armar looks (mudas de ropa como los llamamos aqui en Venezuela) a punta de prendas de marcas famosas como MNG, Aldo, Desigual, SuiteBlanco, etc. Y por otro lado estan los usuarios compradores quienes pueden adquirir los looks completos o por partes en un solo lugar. Qué es Wayra. Dado lo interesante de la propuesta, el proyecto nos llevo a aventurarnos y a ganar el Wayra week 2013.

M's Head Handmadeology Market Collections » Amazing Collections of Items from the Handmadeology Market » How to create your own Collections Collection is an ever-changing, seller and shopper-curated gallery comprised of lists of items from the Handmadeology Market. These lists contain 12 items. Anyone can create a themed collection or feature their favorite items from the Handmadeology Market. Collections can be used for self-promotion or putting together your favorite items.There is no limit to the number of lists you can create.The number of likes your collection receives determines if it gets featured or not.The collections with the most “likes” will be added to the featured section. Here are some tips for creating your own Collections. If you have never registered to be a member of the Handmadeology Collections site, you will have to do that first. A login in screen will pop up and you can register by click the register link. Once you are registered find the add new collection link click and a drop down box will appear where you will enter the title of your new collection. Embedding a collection is simple. Step 1. Step 2.

Medhue Weighted Bodysuits for Avastar | Medhue Animations Included in this package is a Blend file which has 4 mesh weighted bodysuits, and 2 mesh skirts, generated from the default Secondlife avatar, with a higher poly count for better weight transfers to your clothing items. 2 bodysuits(male & female) are weighted for classic rigging, and the other 2 are weighted for Fitted Mesh rigging. This product works best when used with the Avastar add on, for Blender. The propose of these suits is to make it easier for you to rig your Secondlife clothing items. This is not meant to be a final solution, or a few button clicks and you're done. It is meant to help you get better weights on your clothing. For Fitted Mesh clothing, I would suggest making other versions of these suits to cater to different size avatars. A number of people have asked if they can pay for this in lindens. We are offering a service to rig Secondlife creator's clothing and avatars for them. Included in this package: 1 Folder with Standard Size xml files for both male and female

Security Drones Dominate San Francisco, Then the City Fights Back Here it is — your daily dose of science fiction that's uncomfortably close to becoming reality. The three-minute video above is called Our Drone Future, by designer and musician Alex Cornell. It was filmed on a GoPro attached to a DJI Phantom Drone and flown around San Francisco landmarks; Cornell says he shot it with "a liberal interpretation of FAA regulations." The genius is in what Cornell layers on top of that footage: a conversation between an intelligent drone known only as 212 and her unseen Homeland Security operator, Ethan. We learn that the drone can scan for malicious intent; it can detect stress levels across an entire neighborhood and make a crime prediction a la Minority Report. in a twist ending, we learn that San Francisco "civilians" are also armed and starting to fight back against the drones. in a twist ending, we learn that San Francisco "civilians" are also armed and starting to fight back against the drones.
