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Reading a memory.dmp or other .dmp file - Scott Forsyth's Blog. While the dreaded Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) occurs less frequently with newer versions of Windows than it did in years past, there are still times when the BSOD reveals itself. I just ran into four BSOD’s on two Windows Server 2012 machines and I had the ‘opportunity’ to analyze a memory.dmp file today, so I thought I would post quick instructions on how to get a handy summary of the memory dump. I’ve had this ”I Found a Fix” debugging page bookmarked for years and I’ve used it many times, so I need to give full credit to ifoundafix for their helpful steps. The only change I have below is to include updated paths. It’s possible to debug remotely, and you may have requirements to do that. My quick instructions here are for local debugging.

The debugging tools are very stable and if you install just what you need then they are small and a quick install, so running this on a production machine is generally safe, but you must make that decision for your particular environment. Step 1. Instant Server. Oculus Rift - Virtual Reality Headset for 3D Games | Oculus VR. CD drive not detected: Windows 7 fix. Build your own Free SMS to Twitter gateway with open source tools and cheap hardware « Guysoft’s Weblog. Posted by GuySoft in Crictor, diy, Electronics, Hamakor, IGF, ITU, linux, open source, programming, python. Tags: cellphones, gammu, internet, linux, open source, python, release, sms, twitter trackback SMS Twitter Gateway logo Hey all, I am releasing here set of instructions and source that will enable anyone to set up a phone number, that if you SMS it, will post your massage on to your own twitter account. This service is called “Twiter SMS Gate”. The service handles multiple users, and should be easily modified to support other services like statusnet (and with a bit more code maybe even other social networks).

The SMS hardware required is any cheap cellphone that can work with gammu-smsd (mine is a fake Nokia from India). I hope that people that like this idea would start hosting more SMS gates, as we create a wide network of those around the world. The source is written in Python, which includes the phone hardware hooks, webserver, twitter client and database access. Like this: "I Contribute to the Windows Kernel. We Are Slower Than Other Operating Systems. Here Is Why." - Zorinaq.

Monkwrote:Well that is sad. But hey, every software piece out there turns into a monster eventually.11 May 2013 07:03 UTC Hukklebukwrote:welcome to IT. You can't do shit to improve anything without some asshat taking offense. We might as well wear coveralls with our names on them and just say yes boss.11 May 2013 09:43 UTC James Pikewrote:What's wrong with "9-5 with kids types," it doesn't make you a worse programmer to want a healthy work life balance. I found that comment very offensive but other than that the article was a very interesting read. 11 May 2013 10:10 UTC codingjohnsonwrote:Seems to me the obvious problem is project managers over valuing enterprise customer gripes rather than general everyday problems that any fool can see from 1000 yards.

As a .Net developer I am gravely concerned about the future of MS, should I be using C#, or JS with RT? Me, I'm branching out into app-development for IOS and Android, and returning to my long-term passion JavaScript. No? Jooperwrote:Hi, The TTY demystified. Real teletypes in the 1940s. The TTY subsystem is central to the design of Linux, and UNIX in general. Unfortunately, its importance is often overlooked, and it is difficult to find good introductory articles about it.

I believe that a basic understanding of TTYs in Linux is essential for the developer and the advanced user. Beware, though: What you are about to see is not particularly elegant. In fact, the TTY subsystem — while quite functional from a user's point of view — is a twisty little mess of special cases. History In 1869, the stock ticker was invented. Meanwhile, however, the computers — still quite large and primitive, but able to multitask — were becoming powerful enough to be able to interact with users in realtime.

There was a plethora of teletype models around, all slightly different, so some kind of software compatibility layer was called for. In present time, we find ourselves in a world where physical teletypes and video terminals are practically extinct. The use cases. ${me:-whatever} » Advancing in the Bash Shell. If you’ve ever used GNU/Linux, chances are good that you’ve used bash. Some people hold the belief that using a GUI is faster than using a CLI. These people have obviously never seen someone who uses a shell proficiently. In this tutorial, I hope to show you just a few of the amazing features bash provides that will increase your productivity in the shell. Bang Bang and history Everyone knows about bash history, right?

You’d be surprised. As luck would have it, different terminals handle arrow keys differently, so the brilliant minds behind bash came up with additional methods for accessing and making use of the command history. Here’s an example of history output: 190 ps -axu | grep htt 191 /www/bin/apachectl start 192 vi /usr/local/lib/php.ini 193 cat /www/logs/error_log 194 ps -auxw | grep http 195 pwd This brings us to bang-bang or !!. :p isn’t just an emoticon If you need to be very sure of the command you’re targeting, :p can be a huge help. ! Bang dollar-sign ! A word of caution: ! Keksdose – DynDNS mit Fritz!Box und INWX. Seit kurzem verlangt der DynDNS-Anbieter, dass mensch sie als Gratis-Nutzer ein mal im Monat auf deren Webseite einloggt. Ein weiterer Stein im Weg der User und bei weitem nicht der Erste. Viele Nerds scheinen inzwischen von genervt. Ich auch. DynDNS? Wer nicht weiß was das ist kann jetzt hier einen kurzen Absatz lesen: DNS bedeutet Domain Name Service und ist im Prinzip der Dienst, der aus die eindeutige IP-Adresse des Computers macht, der die Anfragen an diese Domain bearbeitet.

Also zunächst ein mal brauchen wir ein paar Dinge: Eine Fritzbox mit aktuelle Firmware, die sich im “Expertenmodus” befindet (Einstellungen -> System)Ein kleiner Server irgendwo im Internet oder ein Rechner zu Hause der immer an ist (Raspberry Pi oder so)Eine Domain bei (Kostet ab <6€ /Jahr, der Anbieter ist vollumfänglich zu empfehlen) Auf unserem Server/Minrechner müssen wir jetzt einen kleinen Python Script bauen, der nachher quasi als Übersetzer zwischen Fritz!