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6 Best Practices for Designing Accessible E-Learning. If you’re struggling with creating e-learning that meets the highest standards of accessibility, we’ve got the e-book for you.

6 Best Practices for Designing Accessible E-Learning

In this free guide, we’ll walk you through the many choices you’ll need to make to design courses that meet popular accessibility standards, such as Section 508 and WCAG. You’ll learn: 9 Tips To Develop Accessible eLearning. In 1998 the US Federal Government enacted Section 508 to eliminate barriers in information technology, including eLearning, and make it accessible to all people.

9 Tips To Develop Accessible eLearning

How Difficult Can This Be? Inclusive Design: How to Make Your Visuals Accessible to All. Infographics are an incredibly effective way to quickly convey your message.

Inclusive Design: How to Make Your Visuals Accessible to All

However, if you don’t keep the user in mind when creating your infographic, your message may not reach everyone that it could otherwise. Making your infographic accessible means removing limitations that could prevent any user, with or without disabilities, from being able to view it. Better accessibility means more people can view and share your creation — and search engines will have an easier time finding it. All of this leads to a big “win” for you, but here’s the best part: it can be done easily and quickly.

Make your visuals accessible for screen readers Screen readers are programs that the blind and visually impaired use to browse and navigate websites. Image on the left: Screen readers won’t register an image unless it has alt text. Alt text is an attribute you can add to any image on your site, including infographics. Step 1: In your WordPress dashboard, go to the Media Library. Accessibility Tools. 9 Tips To Develop Accessible eLearning.


Universal Design For Learning. Websites and Online Resources – Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario – LDAO. Below are a number of useful websites for those trying to learn about LDs and related issues.

Websites and Online Resources – Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario – LDAO

They are listed for your information but their inclusion does not constitute endorsement by LDAO. If you know of other sites you would like to recommend, please let us know. While these websites offer great information and resources, be aware that some of these are American sites, and so will contain specific information that may not apply to Canadian situations.

The country of origin for these sites is listed when known. Please let us know if you find a broken link. LD@school - Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario. Accessible Design for Users With Disabilities. Making the Web more accessible for users with various disabilities is to a great extent a matter of using HTML the way it was intended: to encode meaning rather than appearance.

Accessible Design for Users With Disabilities

As long as a page is coded for meaning, it is possible for alternative browsers to present that meaning in ways that are optimized for the abilities of individual users and thus facilitate the use of the Web by disabled users. Disabilities Resource Center. Welcome to the Disabilities Resource Center.

Disabilities Resource Center

The DRC provides services to Santa Fe College students with disabilities, so they have an equal opportunity to fully participate in all aspects of SF life. The DRC serves students with a wide array of disabilities and this website provides valuable information for students, parents, faculty and staff related to various responsibilities, services and programs of the office. If you cannot find the information you are seeking, please do not hesitate contact us. The Disabilities Resource Center (DRC) serves: Dyslexia Solutions & Assistive Technology. Is This A Cause of Dyslexia? Top Five Emotional Difficulties of Adults with Learning Disabilities. Understand Your Learning Style Download my free eBook, Understanding Your Learning Style.

Top Five Emotional Difficulties of Adults with Learning Disabilities

Discover tips on how to improve your learning. Enter your email and get the book now! Online Training and More. Slds recommended software hardware and apps. Working Together: The Code and the AODA. Students with Learning Disabilities in Post-Secondary Education. Adaptech Research Network. Adaptech Research Network. OHRC submission re: MCSS proposed regulation amending Ontario Regulation 191/11 (IASR) under the AODA, 2005. Ontario Human Rights Commission Submission RegardingMinistry of Community and Social ServicesProposed regulation amending Ontario Regulation 191/11 (Integrated Accessibility Standards) under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 October 1, 2012 Overview The Ontario Government is proposing amendments[1] to the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) that would introduce new built environment standards for design of outdoor public spaces (recreational trails, beach access routes, exterior paths, stairs, curb ramps and depressed curbs, pedestrian signals, play spaces, parking, service counters, seating, eating and waiting areas, queue lines and maintenance).

OHRC submission re: MCSS proposed regulation amending Ontario Regulation 191/11 (IASR) under the AODA, 2005

The Government is also proposing some amendments to existing standards under the IASR. The Government intends to propose new built environment standards for buildings and their interiors at a later date. Application Signage Play spaces. Disability Issues. Resources.

Disability Issues

Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Online Students. Every higher ed administrator knows that mental health services are becoming increasingly important on-campus.

Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Online Students

Fewer know that they are also important for students who study primarily or entirely online. This is the contention of Bonny Barr of Creighton University. Writing in the Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, Barr says, “Providing online student services is an important component of these distance programs and is often required by accrediting bodies. Assistive Technologies Improve Access to Learning - Faculty Focus. Earlier this summer the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) marked its 20th anniversary. The landmark civil rights legislation, which protects and strengthens the rights of individuals with disabilities, has helped ensure a more inclusive educational system and society as a whole.

Meanwhile, advances in technology have allowed higher education institutions to more easily comply with the ADA by designing courses, altering their instructional techniques, and presenting material in a variety of formats so that students with disabilities can participate fully in the educational opportunities before them. In the recent online seminar Accommodating Students with Disabilities in Online Courses, David Wood, IT access coordinator with the Dallas County Community College District, provided an overview of some of the assistive technologies available today, and offered basic guidelines on how to start to set up a course that’s accessible for students with disabilities. Training for Accessible Documents - eSolutionsGroup. AccessForward - Free Training for AODA. Assess Technology and Usability Testing.