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Facebook Timeline Changed the Way We See Brand Pages; Here's How. Médias sociaux: les 7 mensonges qu'on essaie de vous faire avaler par Grégory Pouy - Chronique e-Business. Le web social est souvent mal compris et se révèle donc un espace où des personnes essaient de vous vendre tout et parfois n'importe quoi.

Médias sociaux: les 7 mensonges qu'on essaie de vous faire avaler par Grégory Pouy - Chronique e-Business

Cette chronique propose un tour d'horizon des mensonges les plus courants afin que vous sachiez les reconnaître lorsqu'on vous les servira. Il semble assez évident que chaque fois qu'une nouvelle technique apparaît, on essaie de croire qu'elle va tout révolutionner, que tout va être plus simple, plus rapide et moins cher.Les médias sociaux n'échappent malheureusement pas à cette règle et vous aurez donc toujours des personnes (souvent celles qui se disent expertes ou "gourou") pour vous vendre monts et merveilles sur le web social.Loin d'être un Robin des bois de la mercatique, il me semble important de remettre certains mensonges à leur place. 1.

STATS 2012

LinkedIn: Even Your Grandmother Can Do It. By Dan Sherman on Apr 12, 2012 Every time someone says to me LinkedIn is too confusing or too hard to learn, I think about an eighty year old grandmother in New Jersey who I recently coached who is having success on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn: Even Your Grandmother Can Do It

And she can barely send an email. This began when a childhood friend of mine called me and told me his mother had written a book on the subject of school nurses, and wanted to market it online. He thought LinkedIn would be perfect for her, so I contacted her and set up a phone coaching session. Together this grandmother of seven with limited computer skills and I retooled her profile and had her join a LinkedIn Group and make one post. The next day she called me breathless with excitement. It boils down to this With over 150 million professionals now on LinkedIn, and about one million joining every week, chances are very good there is someone on the site who needs your products and services.

A. And B. Back To Grandma. Is Google+ a Ghost Town? 5 Reasons That Will Change Your Mind. By Jon Cilley on Apr 13, 2012 So with Google+’s new redesign and several articles that have appeared highlighting how Google+ is “dying,” maybe we should reflect on what Google+ is doing right, with perhaps the pundits looking at it through the wrong lens?

Is Google+ a Ghost Town? 5 Reasons That Will Change Your Mind

What if Google+ never needed to be Facebook, but rather exist as something more? So you’re on Google+, and you think it’s a ghost town because your friends aren’t on it? Well, what if I told you none of that mattered? What if I told you, you could see what you really wanted to see; interact with what/who you really wanted to interact with; and group those interests and engagements into categories and subjects? Well here’s five reasons how Google+ can make you forget that your friends aren’t here, while still being amazingly useful, interesting and engaging. 1. Find People Who Share Your Interests Use Google+’s search feature to find people you don’t know. Also, use the search feature to maximize your own brand.

Le portrait des utilisateurs LinkedIn (Mars 2012) Par Benoît Chamontin le 25 mars 2012 - En matière de réseaux sociaux, on entend parler plus souvent des réseaux « grands publics » et moins des réseaux professionnels comme LinkedIn.

Le portrait des utilisateurs LinkedIn (Mars 2012)

Pourtant le potentiel en matière de développement de business est important. Ce qui compte est donc de bien sélectionner le media, le réseaux social en fonction de son audience et de fournir le contenu qui correspond à ses besoins et attentes. propose une infographie qui nous donne de bonnes informations sur le profil des utilisateurs sur LinkedIn. How To Write Your Social Media Plan in 8 Steps. Maybe it’s because you’re in marketing.

How To Write Your Social Media Plan in 8 Steps

Maybe it’s because you’re from the younger generation assumed to be digital natives. Or maybe it’s because you’re already experimenting with social media and your success has been noticed. For whatever reason, The Powers That Be have chosen you to write your company’s social media plan. Or perhaps they haven’t asked, but you know social media is big and getting bigger, and so you want to write a plan to persuade your management to get involved. Where do you start? Here are some ideas on the main topics you need to cover in creating an impressive, yet realistic social media plan that garners executive buy-in and a clearer path to success. 1.

10 Libros gratuitos para descargar sobre Social Media.


OUTILS. PINTEREST. L’histoire des réseaux sociaux en infographie : 1978-2012. Quels effets ont les réseaux sociaux sur notre vie ? 96% des étudiants utiliseraient Facebook.

Quels effets ont les réseaux sociaux sur notre vie ?

Facebook Shares Worth $2.10 Incremental Sales, Convert at 10.9% Here’s the latest social commerce infographic to hit the Web, this one from social commerce startup Spinback (e-commerce sharing plugins), which has just been purchased by WPP-backed Facebook Marketing outfit Buddy Media.

Facebook Shares Worth $2.10 Incremental Sales, Convert at 10.9%

Expect to see the other big marketing groups (notably Omnicom, Publicis, Interpublic, Dentsu, Havas, and Aegis) make acquisitional forays into social commerce as they compete for WPP’s #1 spot. Facebook Places : Quand la marque se "Places" dans la vie réelle  The 6 Dimensions of Social Commerce - Mark Ellis, Syzygy. Can Social Media Feed 1 Billion People on World Population Day? To celebrate World Population Day, the World Food Program has launched a campaign to pair a billion Internet users with the billion-plus hungry people in the world.

Can Social Media Feed 1 Billion People on World Population Day?

The Billion for a Billion campaign makes a stark contrast between the daily activities of the digital community and the world's have-nots. During the one minute you spent watching the above video, more than 145 million emails will be sent, more than 2 million other YouTube videos will be watched, $43,681 will be spent on eBay, 83,273 people will log onto Facebook, 2,083 tweets will be sent and 10 children will die from hunger. The World Food Program estimates there are the same number of people surfing the Internet as there are living in hunger. The United Nations Population Fund has also joined the good fight, launching its 7 Billion Actions campaign in an effort to pledge one good deed for every person on the planet. 10 Key Facts, Stats and Findings about the State of Social Media in 2011. Social media has evolved rapidly and we have seen the emergence of social networks that 12 months ago did not exist.

10 Key Facts, Stats and Findings about the State of Social Media in 2011

Some surprises this year included the launch of Google+ (which acquired 25 million users in less than 30 days), Pinterest which grew at more than 512% and Tumblr (the microblogging platform) which is now approaching 50 million unique users a month Mobile social networking and geo-location services such as Foursquare continue to make their impact felt and have not gone away despite the threat of Facebook “places” Today 1.2 billion people worldwide access social networks and it is redefining the web. Social Networks “were” Superficial but are Now Serious Business Social networks that emerged from seemingly superficial motivations and activities driven by teenage hormones and dating and flirting are now becoming mainstream and are rapidly being adopted by business. Brands have realized its marketing power and are rushing to learn how to harness its leverage. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Social Media Revolution 2k11. La stratégie publicitaire de Facebook - TRIBUNE. Clairement, il faudrait avoir un fort pouvoir affinitaire et donc attractif pour espérer développer fortement sa visibilité.

La stratégie publicitaire de Facebook - TRIBUNE

Campagne publicitaire Facebook : gagnez des clients en investissant seulement quelques euros. La semaine passée, je vous ai donné quelques astuces afin d’utiliser Facebook pour trouver de nouveaux clients pour développer votre business. Cette semaine, je vais donc poursuivre dans cette lignée en vous expliquant comment il est possible d’effectuer une campagne publicitaire efficace via le plus célèbre réseau communautaire.

Quelle entreprise n’a pas un jour rêvé de pouvoir mettre en place une campagne de publicité d’envergure ? Néanmoins, il faut l’avouer, cela est pendant longtemps resté un simple rêve tant les coûts d’une campagne publicitaire peuvent être lourds à supporter pour des petites entreprises ou bien des entrepreneurs individuels. Mais désormais Facebook est là et peut vous permettre de conduire une campagne de promotion grand public et efficace sans toutefois vous ruiner. Pour cela, rien de plus simple : il suffit de cliquer sur « Créer une publicité ». Why I Will Never, Ever Hire A "Social Media Expert" SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BRANDS.