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Smile Into Your Organs: “A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks” Charles Gordy I love the idea that smiling is used as a healing and meditation practice by many ancient cultures. Taoists believe that holding a smile on your face and directing it inwards towards your organs and inner body, is the key to good health and longevity. Traditional Balinese healers know that a smile washes away bad energy and recommend smiling meditation as a simple way to calm the mind and bring health to the soul. The inspirational Thich Nhat Hanh has always encouraged us to smile as part of our daily practice for a more peaceful world, and as an essential ingredient in any walking meditation. Photo by stuck in customs: How to smile on the inside: I was first introduced to the Taoist exercise called the “inner smile” about 15 years ago.

Each week we were guided to smile on our face, really feel the smiling energy and then imagine ( in our minds eye ) sending the smiling energy into each of our organs. . Tumblr_lviaemh2ET1r2n011o1_500.jpg (474×700) The upside of rejection | This morning I was thinking about rejection. On my way to the office I happened to pass by a former building owned by NYNEX. Back in early 1991, just months before I would graduate from college, a number of my classmates were getting jobs at fancy big companies in Boston. Others were going to wall street. I wanted to do something in the computer industry. So I sent my resume to a bunch of big companies. One of them was NYNEX. I sent in my resume and they asked me to come in for an interview. Two weeks later I received my rejection letter in the mail.

I was crushed. I was spending time on AOL in those days thanks to my Mac and a hayes 2400bps modem. I went to their office and fell in love with the startup atmosphere. Less than a year later, I went out to MacWorld San Francisco to help & learn. I wonder what would have happened if NYNEX gave me that offer. Sometimes rejection can be your best friend. Extraordinary life. 60 Ways To Make Life Simple Again. Essays Featured on The Bob Edwards Show | Page 7. Showing 61 - 70 of 240 essays It's Cool to Be a Mammal Laurie Uttich - Oviedo, Florida As heard on The Bob Edwards Show, December 21, 2012 Laurie Uttich believes in the power of pack animals—mammals who help the other members of the pack in times of great need, such as job loss, illness, and death.

Read the essay... Love Lives Through Them All Tanuj Bansal - Sammamish, Washington As heard on The Bob Edwards Show, December 7, 2012 Tanuj Bansal believes in the power of love, a power that can shatter generations of rooted prejudice and bring two extreme ends of the world together. Read the essay... The Courage and the Strength Dr. As heard on The Bob Edwards Show, November 30, 2012 As both Second Lady and a military mom, Dr. Read the essay... We Will See the Job Through Michael J. As heard on The Bob Edwards Show, November 23, 2012 Iraq War veteran Michael J. Read the essay... Growing Up in a Military Family Karen M. As heard on The Bob Edwards Show, November 16, 2012 Read the essay... Read the essay... » How I Changed My Life, In Four Lines. ‘What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step.’ ~C. S. Lewis By Leo Babauta Changing your life can seem an incredibly tough and complicated thing, especially if you’ve failed a great number of times (like I did), found it too hard, and resigned yourself to not changing.

But I found a way to change. And I’m not any better than anyone else, not more disciplined, not more motivated. I’ve written about them many times, but realized they’re spread out all over the site. Here is how I changed my life, in a nutshell. tl;dr The four lines you’re looking for are at the bottom. How I Started Running In 2005 I was sedentary, and couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to make exercise a regular habit. How did I do it? I got healthier, fitter, slimmer, happier. How I Started Eating Healthier In 2005 I was overweight, and addicted to junk food. How did I change? I felt better about myself, trimmed down, and feel great every single day.

How I Got Out of Debt How did I do it? And On and On 1. I Am Eleven Documentary - LOOK AT YOURSELF AFTER WATCHING THIS.mp4. Official Home of the Free Hugs Campaign - Inspired by Juan Mann - Home.