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Free photos and images - stock photo gallery - Photogen. Mind Blowing Hyperrealistic Sculptures. Artists that produce photorealistic sculptures, for the most part, aim to show us our bodies and life as it really is.

Mind Blowing Hyperrealistic Sculptures

Technically, artists who strive for a high resolution level of detail in painting or sculpture are called “hyperrealists”, although all hyperrealists are also considered to be photorealists. Every detail is slavishly recreated as close to the real life model as possible, even if the sculpture is larger than the original scale. Photorealistic sculptors create truly amazing sculptures that will make you feel wonder, revulsion and the sense of looking in someone else’s mirror.

In this post we feature sculptors Ron Mueck, Evan Penny, Jamie Salmon, Duane Hanson, Sam Jinks and Adam Beane who produce sculpture that seems alive in every detail, right down to veins and rashes on skin. 東京イラストレーターズソサエティ (TIS)


Bent objects ou les désopilantes natures mortes de Terry Border » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. C'est fou la poésie et l'humour que l'artiste américain Terry Border insuffle aux objets les plus quotidiens et aux aliments, à l'aide de simples fils de fer.

Bent objects ou les désopilantes natures mortes de Terry Border » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism

Sélection de scénettes. Billet initialement publié sur Petite fille chic McDonald’s utilisé comme matière à sculpture Ouais, c’est de là qu’elles viennent. Dancing Queens Petit-déjeuner à l’anglaise Sylvia Muffin a mis sa tête dans le four. L’introverti Bananes au lit – Glissons-nous jusqu’au lit. Tu dis noir, je dis blanc. Fruit avec une expérience de la vie. Les zombies aiment quand les cacahuètes croustillent Poire modeste. Nothing to Fear – Superbe court métrage d’animation en Noir & Blanc. Picture tank. Banques d'images gratuites / libres de droit. BRA Habitants ATYPIQUES DEF. Alexa Brunet / Transit / Picturetank BRA0305045 A lake in Anjou Layon, France - 01/05/2010 WIDE EDITORIAL USAGE.


WITH SIGNED OR ORAL MODEL/PROPERTY RELEASE. Infos : +33(0)143 15 63 53. Alexa Brunet / Transit / Picturetank BRA0309275 Une fois l’an dans la montagne, l’Amazéourre et leurs chevaux fêtent le carnaval. Captured: America in Color from 1939-1943. Posted Jul 26, 2010 Share This Gallery inShare324 These images, by photographers of the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information, are some of the only color photographs taken of the effects of the Depression on America’s rural and small town populations.

Captured: America in Color from 1939-1943

The photographs and captions are the property of the Library of Congress and were included in a 2006 exhibit Bound for Glory: America in Color. Faro and Doris Caudill, homesteaders. Pie Town, New Mexico, October 1940. Connecticut town on the sea. Farm auction. Children gathering potatoes on a large farm.

Trucks outside of a starch factory. Headlines posted in street-corner window of newspaper office (Brockton Enterprise). Novembre 2009-janvier 2010, France- Les salafistes. COLLECTIF ARGOS. Beauty Of Nature: 100 Brilliant Examples Of Bird Photography. Bird photography is one of the most challenging types of nature photography, but remains an incredibly popular hobby for many people.

Beauty Of Nature: 100 Brilliant Examples Of Bird Photography

The subject is usually small, may not stay still, moves rapidly from branch to branch, sits in less than favourable lighting conditions and is extremely aware of an approaching photographer. Tricky! In this showcase we have collected 100 beautiful examples of bird photography, and a few tips to help you out. Examples and Inspiration Tips & Resources for Bird Photography Practice on Your Pet!

Home is where the heart is, and there’s certainly something to be said for starting out photographing your own pet. Let Nature Come to You Keep your distance, stay still, and play the waiting game. Continuous Shutter This one might go without saying, but using a continuous shutter is a great technique to practice when shooting a subject that’s liable to move quickly.

Other Resources Backyard Bird Photography Bird Photography Tips Nigel Blake’s Blog. Pop Culture-Inspired Street Art (15 pieces) Urban Art Censorship. Captivating Street Photography (15 photos) As a longtime fan of Heiko Waechter, I had to get in touch with him to ask him about his street photography.

Captivating Street Photography (15 photos)

Just how is he able to capture these beautiful yet fleeting moments? What would inspire him to start down this creative path? Read our interview with him, below, to find out. What is it about street photography that you love? I like that you never quite know what you're going to get. You've photographed all over Asia - Beijing, Singapore, Taipei - what are some things you've learned about the people there? Being of half Chinese descent and having lived in Taipei for a while, I feel close to Chinese culture and people.

You got your first DSLR in 2007 and that's when you began digital photography. I had taken some photography electives at university and learned the basics on a film SLR camera, shooting black-and-white and developing prints in the dark room. What is it like living in Melbourne, Australia? I feel a great affinity to Melbourne that I hope comes through in my photos. Art Pickings Art Prints - Brain Pickings.