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HorroReview: Let it begin. Sunday Planning – design finch. I recently read a statistic that said every minute invested in planning will save you ten minutes down the road.

Sunday Planning – design finch

I can personally attest that not only does a little planning ahead help with time management, but it also saves money and reduces stress. Don’t we all want more help in those areas? Um, I sure do! No matter how busy I am, I try to set aside about an hour on Sunday afternoons to prepare for the week ahead. Since today is Sunday and I’m in the process of doing my weekly planning, I felt inspired to share the tasks that keep me organized. Check calendar for appointments.Make a “to do” list.Jot down a plan for dinners.Create a shopping list.Take items out of the freezer to defrost.Check the weather forecast.Iron work clothes for the week.

When I don’t take the time to do these things on Sunday, I feel like I spend the rest of the week playing catch-up. Download Printables Here: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 Download Printables Here: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5. Pinterest / Home. Today I Found Out. In a Word. Ready My Flying Mount!: Medieval Batman Armor. From DeviantARTist Azmal (the same leather-worker who brought us the suit of lion armor) comes this Dark KNIGHT inspired getup.

Ready My Flying Mount!: Medieval Batman Armor

I would wear it. I would wear it, and I would charge neighborhood kids $1 apiece to throw dirt clumps at me. Then I would take all those dollars and go by myself a bottle of liquor. Then I'd go to the graveyard and cry. Hit the jump for a couple more including one of the bat paying his respects to his parents (kidding, totally somebody else's grave) and a link to the artist's DeviantART with a ton more worthwhile armor (check out the gryphon and dragon helmets). Azmal's DeviantART andProduct Site (to get your own!) Thanks to Jot, who doesn't need to wear armor because he can create force-fields with magic. The Ramblings of a Mental Time Lord. Networking and Guest Posting. I’m no pro blogger.

Networking and Guest Posting

Actually, I feel like I’m the furthest thing from it. But I’ve had a ton of questions lately on how one goes about growing a blog, so I figured I’d do a mini- series. Maybe 2 posts, maybe more, depending on how much YOU like them, and how much info I can get into one post without overwhelming you. (Read Part II here and Part III here) Buy this print First things first: You need to form a network of other blogger friends.

Your network of bloggers will all become friends. Now to the good stuff. Hosting a guest post is always nice too. I’ve been seeing a lot of bloggers complain about other bloggers wanting to use there tutorials.