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PROJECT DESIGN - 月刊「事業構想」オンライン. DeNA、グリー、じげんの経営者が語る!新規事業の作り方【B Dash Camp 2014】|APPREVIEW. 本記事では、福岡で開催された「B Dash Camp 2014」でのセッション「ネット経営者新旧対決 ~イケてる新規事業の作り方」のダイジェストをお送りする。 登壇者は青柳直樹氏(グリー株式会社 取締役 執行役員常務)、平尾丈氏(株式会社じげん 代表取締役社長)、守安功氏 (株式会社ディー・エヌ・エー 代表取締役社長兼CEOの3名だ。 株式会社ミクシィ 顧問 朝倉祐介氏 なんとも刺激的なタイトルのセッションだが、ここでは新規事業の創出を積極的に行っている3社が、どのように新規事業を創出しているのかが語られた。

モデレータは株式会社ミクシィ顧問 朝倉祐介氏だ。 ▼B Dash Camp 2014関連記事CNET Japan・TechCrunch Japan編集長から投資会社への転身 西田隆一氏インタビュー新興eコマース『Fril』『BASE』『RECLO』〜新たなトレンドを作り出せるか? グリーは、非ゲーム事業に1年間で100億円投資 ───本日は新規事業創出に積極的な3社に集まっていただきました。 グリー株式会社 取締役 青柳直樹氏 青柳 グリーではゲームに次ぐ新規事業創出のために3つの取り組みをしています。 1つ目は、新規事業検討会議というもので、全社員から公募した事業案のプレゼンを一日かけて行うというものです。 2つ目は、新規事業の撤退メカニズムの導入です。 3つ目はIncubation & Acquisition戦略です。 ───これはグリーベンチャーズとはまた違う取り組みということなんですよね? 青柳 そうです。 じげんは時価総額10兆円を目指す ───それではじげんの平尾さん、よろしくお願いします。 株式会社じげん代表取締役社長 平尾丈氏 平尾 じげんは時価総額1兆円超の企業を目指しています。 新規事業については、「ギャンブルで終わらせないこと」「事業家の発掘と育成」「事業を常に創出すること」が重要だと思っています。 新規事業をギャンブルにしないために、じげんではPlatform on Platform型、つまり「メディアのメディア」を作る、というやり方をとっています。 じげんの1兆円計画を支える戦略、ジゲノミクス(CNETより) ───じげんさんは相当手広く事業をやっているイメージがあります。 平尾 大体40くらいの事業ユニットがありまして、その内の半分弱くらいが新規事業として動いているものです。

【亀山敬司×経沢香保子~新規事業の作り方】第2回|狙うは先行者利益. 2015年2月19日、オンライン英会話サービスやモノづくり支援など、次々と新規事業を立ち上げるDMMグループの会長・亀山敬司と、トレンダーズの創業者で、最年少上場女性社長としても知られるカラーズ代表取締役・経沢香保子氏の対談がちゅうつねセミナーで行われた。 その模様を計5回にわけて配信していく。 元々のレンタルビデオ店員がIT技術者に進化 経沢香保子(以下つね) 最近DMMさんというと新規事業をとても積極的にやられているという印象があるんですけども、一番エロ以外で稼いでるのってなんですか? 亀山敬司(かめ) FXとゲームかな。 FXは薄利多売だけど、何兆円っていうすごい額のお金が動いてるらしい。 俺は見た事ないんだけどね(笑)。 機械がガーっと回ってるらしいんだ。 つね IT化をいち早く取り入れたと思うんですけど。 かめ もともと石川県で始めたんだけど、当初は誰もITなんて良く分からない時代だった。 つね そういう元々店員だった人達がIT技術者に進化したわけですよね? かめ 一生懸命そそのかした。 つね みんな素直に? かめ そうだね。 つね なるほど、モチベーションをある程度維持させながら新しい事を挑戦するっていうのは、本人たちにとっても安心ですもんね。 かめ うち非公開だから、ストックオプションとか株っていうよりは、スーパーサラリーマン目指して給料で稼げみたいな。

つね FXとゲーム以外で、伸びそうだなって思う事業って何ですか? かめ まだ時間はかかるけど5〜6年後には3Dプリンターとか、DMM.make AKIBAっていうビジネスがある。 つね なるほど。 かめ あれは自分たちが技術者を雇うわけじゃなくって、お金を貰って場所を提供して、その分好きな道具使って好きなことやっていいよって。 つね じゃあ、場を作ってるっていう感じですね? かめ そうね。 誰も相手してくれない時間の方が大事 つね 私が最初に亀山さんのエピソードを川邊健太郎というYahooの副社長の方に聞いて、興味を持ったネタっていうのは、亀山さんがある時にもっと外の世界を見ないといけないとお気づきになられた瞬間があって、それで六本木のバーに行き始めたり、今までしてなかった会食を毎日するようになったという話なんですけど。 かめ もともと「起業家が外に出てもロクなことがないな」っていう考えだった。 つね 目立ったら叩かれる。 つね 確かに。 かめ うん。 IoTニュース | IoT NEWS. Uk.businessinsider. Business news, business advice and information for Australian SMEs. Beyond Eureka - Businessweek. The accepted mythology of entrepreneurship goes something like this: An average guy or gal has a flash of inspiration, funds a startup with credit cards, and eventually achieves runaway financial success. Sound familiar? We're not going to deny the importance of the "Eureka!

" moment. But it's not the only—or even the most successful—way to start a new business. The process of coming up with a great idea for a new business need not be shrouded in mystery. On the pages that follow, we outline the methodology followed by successful entrepreneurs to find, vet, and develop their ideas. Step 1: Set The Stage THEORY: Your first task is to set some parameters for the new business. Start by asking yourself—and your business partner, if you have one—a series of questions. PRACTICE: In July of 2008, Joanna Robinson was working as a fundraising consultant in Washington when she decided to start her own business.

So she got a notebook and started laying the groundwork. Step 2: Let the Ideas Fly. 北米における新ビジネス創出事例 | 特集 - 世界のビジネスニュース(通商弘報) - ジェトロ. New business ideas: 3 weird yet successful examples of online businesses - GrowthLab. You don’t have to have an amazing idea to start an online business. There are tons of new business ideas surrounding you every day.

In fact, you might be surprised when you see how many people will pay for the oddball skills and interests you already have. I’ll prove it. Here are 3 unusual (yet successful) business ideas that you can use for inspiration to launch an online business of your own. New Business Idea #1: I Want to Draw a Cat for You (Yes, he actually makes money online with this strange and ridiculously specific idea.) About the business: The name pretty much sums up the business: This guy, Steve Gadlin, hand draws pictures of cats (fat, small, wearing hats, tap-dancing, etc), posts them online, and then sells them to people all over the world. He came up with this idea just for fun. Results: drawing cats = getting paid He sold more than 18,794 of these simple drawings in 5 years, before closing the site down to start other wacky businesses.

Find 1 person — JUST ONE! Top 10 business ideas & opportunities for 2016. Just like the Nerdalize servers, the best innovations look to solve more than one problem at once. Tackling the dual problems of derelict housing lots and a lack of affordable housing in Amsterdam, Heijmans ONE are complete, self-contained two storey living units. They cost around EUR 700 per month to rent and come equipped with all the basic required facilities, including kitchen, bathroom, separate bedroom, living room and outside patio space.

The units can be installed in derelict lots in less than a day, breathing life into neglected areas. When building work is set to start in those areas, the units can be removed as easily as they were installed, and transferred to a new site. This means that the accommodation can only ever be considered temporary, but another of this year’s standout startups, Kasita, makes this nomadic lifestyle their central feature. Features America's Next Billionaire Business Ideas. Thanks for coming to Forbes. Please turn off your ad blocker in order to continue. To thank you for doing so, we’re happy to present you with an ad-light experience.

Hi again. Looks like you’re still using an ad blocker. Please turn it off in order to continue into Forbes' ad-light experience. Thank you for turning off your ad blocker! Thank you for visiting Forbes. We noticed you still have ad blocker enabled. Thank you for turning off your ad blocker. New Business Ideas, Innovations And Opportunities Around The World. ベンチャータイムス | ベンチャー経営者のためのニュースサイト. 週刊新規事業 | 大企業に勤める新規事業担当者のための情報メディア. 7 Keys To A New Business Model For Today's Economy. Since the financial downturn of 2008, I have seen a new business model emerging which embodies a greater focus on social and environmental responsibility, and a new requirement for trust and sharing, as well as customer and community collaboration. Companies like Airbnb, Uber, Zappos, and Whole Foods are setting the example, and leading the way in profitability and purpose. In her new book, “We-Commerce: How to Create, Collaborate, and Succeed in the Sharing Economy,” veteran marketing strategist Billee Howard calls this movement an economy centered on the power of “we” instead of “me.”

She presents a roadmap to help us navigate this new business landscape, retaining the best of the old, while innovating the path to success. In my work with many entrepreneurs and investors, I also see and support the strong movement to this new business model, which can be characterized by the following attributes she outlines: Deliver value to the greater community, as well as customers and insiders. Inc. 5000: The Most Innovative Business Models of 2014. Often, the only way to get ahead is to have a great plan. Which is exactly what makes the companies below so special. It's not just that they're making the big bucks (and they are doing that).

This small group of companies from the Inc. 5000 class of 2014 are notable for their innovative business models. Read on to find out how they work and why they're so successful. No. 1,006: Brad's Deals As a broke college student, Brad Wilson was tired of being ripped off. "The business model, in short, is just trying to level the playing field for consumers," says Wilson. The model: Every day, a savvy editorial team curates coupons, promotions, and other deals from around the Web--from $17 sunglasses to cheap airfare and student discounts at Urban Outfitters.

Revenue in 2013: $17.5 million Smartest move: Wilson credits his success to staying lean and not taking outside funding. Managing partners Bill Angsten, Patrick O'Rahilly Jr., and Brian Greviskes pose with a Fanuc 6-axis robot. New Business Models in Emerging Markets. Artwork: Damián Ortega, Stone—Constructive failures II, 2005, wooden structure, 158 x 80 x 162 cm Right now more than 20,000 multinationals are operating in emerging economies.

According to the Economist, Western multinationals expect to find 70% of their future growth there—40% of it in China and India alone. But if the opportunity is huge, so are the obstacles to seizing it. On its 2010 Ease of Doing Business Index, the World Bank ranked China 89th, Brazil 129th, and India 133rd out of 183 countries. Summarizing the bank’s conclusions, the Economist wrote, “The only way that companies can prosper in these markets is to cut costs relentlessly and accept profit margins close to zero.” Yes, the challenges are significant. That may sound overly optimistic, given the difficulty Western companies have had entering emerging markets to date. What’s often missing from even the savviest of these efforts is a systematic process for reconceiving the business model.

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