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Raspberry-Mango Sangria. Espressoguide.jpg (908×1135) Beer Infographics. the online guide to drinking. Wine Types Chart. Web’s Best: Whiskey Drinks. Unlike The Most Interesting Man in the World, we almost always drink beer.

When we don’t, however, our go to liquor is whiskey. What can we say, bourbon is neat (little whiskey humor). While we usually just pour a few fingers and relax, sometimes we like to get a tad more creative. Here are The Web’s Best Whiskey Drinks: Hot Blooded Besides sounding like the most badass fruit, blood oranges are freakin’ delicious! Here they get paired up with a bit of heat (an underappreciated drink addition) to give your concoction a ton of flavor.

PDT’s Bacon Old Fashioned If PDT isn’t a cab ride away from where you live, we highly recommend making their Bacon Old Fashioned in the comfort of your own home. Double Chocolate Bourbon Egg Cream If we’d been around for the Brooklyn egg cream craze, we’d have added a little topping from our flask at the corner pop shop as well. Penicillin Just like the name suggests, this drink is good for what ails you (if what ails you is being stone-cold sober). Milk Punch. Cold-Brewed Iced Coffee. Update 4/2014: Be sure to check out my new, improved cold-brewed iced coffee tutorial with step-by-step instructions and lessons learned since first posting about cold-brewed iced coffee. I started making my iced coffee this way a couple of years ago, thanks to this New York Times recipe that convinced me to do so.

You add coffee grounds to cold water and let it sit at room temperature for several hours. Then you strain it through a coffee filter, and the result is a deep, rich, dark, and caffeine-packed glass of iced coffee. It’s a concentrate, so you’ll want to dilute it with water unless you’re in need of a serious buzz. I use a ratio of about 2/3 of the concentrate to 1/3 water, stir in a spoonful of sugar and some half-and-half, and finally I plop in some coffee ice cubes. And a lot more energized. Cold-Brewed Iced Coffee Total time Author: Kare Recipe type: Beverage Add the coffee grounds and the water to a large jar or pitcher. Adapted from the New York Times. Nutella Shots.

Guess what I am drinking tonight? Ingredients & Measurements: • 1 cup ice • ½ cup milk • 2 tablespoons Nutella • 1 shot Baileys or Frangelico Hazelnut liquor • 1 shot vanilla vodka Instructions: Place all the ingredients into a blender and blend until thick and creamy. Pour into shot glasses and then you simply rim the shot glass with Nutella. That’s it, now it’s time to get stinking drunk…enjoy! [Cheers thisbottleofvodka] The Ultimate Strawberry Lemonade. One of the first times I ever realized that – HEY! I can cook for myself! – was when I first learned to make lemonade. I magically found the refrigerated lemon juice at our house and followed the directions to make my own lemonade. I stirred and stirred and stirred again until that sugar was finally dissolved. Sorry for the detour. Anyway, there was a summer there where I made my own lemonade every single day, making sure to rub it in my sister’s face that I knew how to and she didn’t.

The key to this being the ultimate lemonade is that you blend it up with the lemon rind in there. And any time of day for that matter. (makes 2 pint-glass servings with ice) 3/4 cup sugar2 large lemons, microwaved for 30 seconds2 cups water1 cup of frozen strawberries, microwaved for 1 minute (you could use fresh, but I think the frozen works better here) In a blender squeeze the lemons and add the rest of the lemon, rind and all. Now if that doesn’t say summer, I don’t know what does.