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Virtual trips

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Using the Web to Take Virtual Field Trips. By: Kennedy Schultz Helping kids learn about the world can be an exciting adventure for both adults and kids.

Using the Web to Take Virtual Field Trips

When I teach about the chateaux of the Loire Valley in France or ancient Mayan sites in Mexico, I’m always looking for kid-friendly resources that can provide accurate information and engaging authentic pictures that hold the attention of little ones. Virtual Field Trips Since my field trip budget is pretty limited, I especially love websites that offer virtual tours and live webcams to show kids what it REALLY looks like in another world location. Many famous museums such as the Louvre offer 360 degree tours of their collections. USA 360 Virtual Tours USA 360 Panoramas America - Travel USA, New York, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon.

Virtual Jamestown. Ellis Island — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts. 1630-1770 Ellis Island is little more than a spit of sand in the Hudson River, located just south of Manhattan.

Ellis Island — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts

The Mohegan Indians who lived on the nearby shores call the island Kioshk, or Gull Island. In the 1630s, a Dutch man, Michael Paauw, acquires the island and renames it Oyster Island for the plentiful amounts of shellfish on its beaches. During the 1700s, it is known as Gibbet Island, for its gibbet, or gallows tree, used to hang men convicted of piracy. 1775-1865 Around the time of the Revolutionary War, the New York merchant Samuel Ellis purchases the island, and builds a tavern on it that caters to local fisherman.