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THE NAVAJO CREATION MYTH. Make a Dear Dumb Diary-Style Story. Privacy Policy Log In Forgot Password? Don't have an account? Forgot your password? Please type the email address you used to register for the site. Wait! Are you sure you want to exit? I'll reset password later Sign Up Step 1 Create a username by filling in the sentences. My favorite is The coolest Press start to select the next number: Select the next number: Spin me Choose two words for your username. Already have an account?

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You have to sign in, first! Previous Next Email hi. The Bad Guys. Ruby Bridges: A Simple Act of Courage Common Core Lesson Plan for Grades 3–5 | Scholastic. Suggested Sequence Each session is intended to take approximately 60 minutes. Session One Introduce vocabulary with the Visual Vocabulary Sort activityFill out the Ruby Bridges Anticipation Guide printableView the Ruby Bridges and the Civil Rights Movement Slide Show Session Two Complete the Character Traits of Key Players Graphic Organizer printableComplete the “If I Were Ruby Bridges” Writing Response Sheet printable Session Three Write sentences using the Vocabulary Fishbowl activityRead Through My Eyes by Ruby Bridges or excerpts from the bookAnswer the text-dependent questions for Through My Eyes Lesson Activities Visual Vocabulary Sort Introduce each vocabulary word to the class.

Vocabulary List Hand each student a plastic bag containing the vocabulary words and their definitions you prepared ahead of time. You can circulate the room, correcting students individually, or review with the entire class once all the students have had an opportunity to complete the activity. Anticipation Guide. Ruby Bridges: A Simple Act of Courage Common Core Lesson Plan for Grades 3–5 | Scholastic. Kid Reporters' Notebook | Scholastic Inc. | News for kids by kids. Junior Rangers | National Park Service. « Back to Kids Page "Explore, Learn, and Protect! " The Junior Ranger motto is recited by children around the country; each taking an oath of their own to protect parks, continue to learn about parks, and share their own ranger story with friends and family. The NPS Junior Ranger program is an activity based program conducted in almost all parks, and some Junior Ranger programs are national. Many national parks offer young visitors the opportunity to join the National Park Service "family" as Junior Rangers.

Interested youth complete a series of activities during a park visit, share their answers with a park ranger, and receive an official Junior Ranger patch and Junior Ranger certificate. National Junior Ranger Day "Raise Your Right Hand and Repeat After Me" On April 15, 2017, visit your favorite national park or explore a new park while taking part in National Junior Ranger Day. Junior Ranger Day falls during National Park Week. This year, National Park Week is April 15 - April 23. Every Kid in a Park | Plan your trip. Poet-to-Poet: "The Owl" by Arthur Sze. You can’t order a poem like you order a taco. Walk up to the counter, say, “I’ll take two” and expect it to be handed back to you on a shiny plate.

Still, I like your spirit. Anyone who says, “Here’s my address, write me a poem,” deserves something in reply. So I’ll tell a secret instead: poems hide. They are sleeping. Drifting across our ceilings the moment before we wake up. Is live in a way that lets us find them. Once I knew a man who gave his wife two skunks for a valentine. He couldn’t understand why she was crying. “I thought they had such beautiful eyes.” And he was serious. Who lived in a serious way. Just because the world said so. Liked those skunks. As valentines and they became beautiful. At least, to him. In the eyes of skunks for centuries crawled out and curled up at his feet. Maybe if we re-invent whatever our lives give us we find poems. In your drawer, the person you almost like, but not quite. And let me know. Nate Wright | Big Nate Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia. Nate Wright (b. January 7, 1991) is the main character of the Big Nate book series and comic strips, as well as Poptropica's Big Nate Island.

He is a sixth grader at P.S. 38, and he is also a comic genius, chess whiz, an amazing sportsman and a talented musician, among other things. Nate insists that he is destined for greatness and that Jenny Jenkins, a girl in his school who he has a crush on, will fall in love with him one day. He is best known for causing mayhem, awkward moments, and every prank day at his school, he pulls off the most insane pranks of all.

His locker is a dump, but other kids mistake valuable items inside for junk. His best friend is Francis, and his other best friend is Teddy. Biography Early Life Nate Wright was a very ugly baby, according to his baby pictures. Elementary School In kindergarten, Nate met Francis Pope after he hit him on the head with a lunchbox to cease the sound of his snoring. Sixth grade Nate Wright is in sixth grade for most of the series. Likes. Cookies are Not Accepted - New York Times. Education. The Boston Globe | News in Education. Life in the USA - Learn about US Life, History, and Culture. Site Search | American English.

§. Visit | The Walt Disney Family Museum. Groundhog Day. Parents & Guardians. - Making Safer Choices Online. State Websites for Kids | Grades K - 5 | | USAGov. Meet the People. Kids' Games, Animals, Photos, Stories, and More -- National Geographic Kids. Movies, quizzes, and health info for kids: Popular Culture | American Experience Collection | Classroom Resources | PBS LearningMedia.
