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Подборка "столовских" рецептов из детства. Запеканка «Вкус детства» Ингредиенты: Творог — 500 г;Сахар — 100 г;Манка — 100 г;Молоко — 50 г;Сливочное масло — 50 г;Яйца — 2 шт. Приготовление: Творог растираем с сахаром, добавляем молоко, перемешиваем.Добавляем оставшиеся ингредиенты и еще раз аккуратно перемешиваем до исчезновения комочков.Выкладываем масло из холодильника и оставляем до размягчения. Даем 40 минут набухнуть манке.Добавляем мягкое масло, перемешиваем. Выпекаем в духовке 180-200 С до золотистой корочки. Сразу стоит сказать, что эта запеканка получается вкусной и нежной! Омлет «Детсадовский» 6 яиц300 мл молока1⁄2 ч.л. солисливочное масло для смазки формы Важно: форму берите повыше и поуже.

Яйца вбиваем в емкость, добавляем соль.Вливаем молоко.Перемешиваем венчиком до однородности, не взбиваем! Во время приготовления омлет поднимется примерно на 1/3, а после вынимания из духовки опять опустится. Бытует мнение, что в советском общепите омлеты делали из яичного порошка и сухого молока и из-за этого они были высокими. 1. Смазка: Секреты приготовления самых вкусных сырников в мире! Для идеального приготовления ароматных сырников на завтрак мы подготовили советы бывалых хозяек. Следуя им, вы непременно приготовите супер вкусные сырнички. Приступим? Секреты идеальных сырников Выбираем творог Выбирайте только свежий творог: сухой и не слишком кислый, он должен быть мягким и плотным. Слегка надавите на упаковку, на ней должна остаться маленькая вмятина. Опытные кулинары советуют брать продукт 5–9%-ной жирности, чтобы тесто в результате не развалилось. Подготавливаем творог Чтобы тесто было однородным, его необходимо взбить в блендере или перетереть через сито.

Знайте меру На полкило творога берем 1–2 яйца, не больше, т.к слишком много или наоборот слишком мало яиц, сырники получатся жесткими и или развалятся. Сухие ингредиенты Для теста можно добавлять разные продукты: пшеничную муку, манную крупу, крахмал, а в диетических рецептах — муку из отрубей. Не делайте их слишком сладкими Большое количество сахара может испортить ваши сырники. Источник. Most people cook onions wrong. Here's the right way to use each one (video)


Comments. Breakfast. Appetizers and Side Dishes. Lunch and Snacks. Party Horderves. Dinner/Main Courses. Gluten-free. Paleo Diet Recipes. Paleo recipes by topic Red meat Poultry Pork Fish & Seafood Eggs Salads Snacks Vegetables & Sides Soups Treats/Desserts Drinks Vinaigrettes, sauces & dips. On the Fly. Summer Hits.


Holiday & Special Occasion Dishes. Healthy Recipes. Bread. Coffee and Creamers. Alcohol. Food Hacks / To Use in Kitchen. Staying within budget. Gluten-Free Greats. 50 Things You Should Stop Buying & Start Making. As a society, we have become over-reliant on “ready made” products. We have lost the ability to make things from scratch. Rather than blend up some peanuts to make delicious, tasty and fresh peanut butter, we’ll spend many dollars on a jar from the store that contains artificial preservatives, unnecessary packaging and that simply lines the pockets of huge, unethical multinational corporations. Aside from foods, you can also make your own personal care products, beauty and make up products, cleaning products and home accessories that taste, work or look better than store bought, without the harmful chemicals and toxins and free from excessive, earth damaging packaging.

Foods Homemade Ketchup – This ketchup won’t brake the bank, tastes better than the real deal and contains no added sugar – so it’s nutritionally good for the whole family. Peanut Butter – It is so simple to make this pantry staple it would be silly to buy it. Want to learn more about making your own foods? Next Page >>> 15 Superfood Recipes Your Kids Will Eat - TodaysMama. Even the pickiest eaters will find a new healthy recipe to love in this list of Kid-Friendly Superfood Recipes! We’ve all heard of superfoods, right? Natural foods that are packed full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, or have other health-boosting properties? If you say the word “superfood” to kids, they might picture one of their favorite foods with a smiling face and cape and get excited. Once the reality hits that superfoods are often colorful vegetables or hearty whole grains, that excitement may dissipate quickly.

Kid-favorites like hot dogs and french fries are certainly not healthy choices, but don’t worry. Looking for more kid-friendly recipes? Tags: healthy, kid friendly, picky eaters, recipes, superfoods. 7 drool-worthy avocado recipes. 27 Reasons Cauliflower Deserves Your Love And Loyalty. Fennel & How to Use It. All About Fennel & How to Cook With It On the whole, the foods that restaurants deliver to the consumer use basically the same ingredients that a home cook would use.

There is, however, a short list of ingredients that are commonly used in commercial kitchens that are underused by home cooks. If you ask Anthony Bourdain, one of those ingredients is shallots. And if you ask me, another of those ingredients is fennel. Fennel is one of the most underutilized vegetables I can think of, and it also happens to be one of my favorites. You’ll find it in many of my recipes including : What is Fennel?

Fennel is a plant whose leaves look very much like dill thin, waving frondy filaments of bright green. Fennel bulb, which looks kind of like a cross between an onion and the base of a bunch of celery, has a sweet, perfumy, anise-like flavor. How Can Fennel Be Used at Home When raw, the texture of fennel is cold and crisp. I really hope I am conveying how wonderful fennel is as an ingredient. Ingredients. Tasty Planner - Create, Plan and Share Recipes, Menus, Grocery Lists and More. How to Make Gnocchi like an Italian Grandmother Recipe. The other night I took delivery of two huge, fragrant garbage bags full of basil thanks to Julia of Mariquita Farms. I gave half of it away at my book signing, the other half we plucked and pureed into a grassy, green pesto.

Earlier this year a friend came to visit from Genoa Italy, her mom taught us her homemade gnocchi recipe. I posted about the pesto we made to go with it earlier in the year, and as promised this post is the gnocchi how-to followup. The basil delivery was exactly the inspiration I was waiting for.... Gnocchi recipes aren't for the faint of heart. Many, many things can go awry. The platter of petite, potato pillows coated with glistening flecks of basil pesto that Francesca's mother made was beautiful. So in the version below, I incorporate just enough egg to act as a bit of a binder.

If you are committed to trying the eggless version, try this version first. the next time around use half the egg, and the time after that go for no egg. Save the potato water. 34 Insanely Simple Two-Ingredient Recipes. 27 Easy Ways To Eat Healthier. 27 Easy Ways To Eat Healthier Posted by admin on Apr 15, 2013 in Food & Health | 0 comments Don’t punish yourself with a cleanse or something equally awful. Just make real food better for you with these yummy substitutions. Here are the 27 most awesome ways to eat healthier.