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In-Touch Science. Garden-Based Learning Program, Department of Horticulture, Cornell University. Resources Our publications and other resources Most of these publications are available in .pdf format, or will be soon. For how-to gardening information, see Cornell Gardening Resources. Why Garden in New York State Schools? [14MB .ppt] - Are you looking for ways to share the excitement of school gardening with other teachers and educators? Need to convince your administrators of the benefits of beginning a garden in your school? Sowing the Seeds of Success - This 28-page booklet details the organizational steps needed to initiate a gardening project that involves kids and the community, and to ensure program success over the long term. Garden in the City (1991) Not limited to those living in the city.

The Appealing Apple (2000) Do you know a mythological story about a golden apple? The Great American Peanut (1994) Education and entertainment are integrated with history. The Three Sisters: Exploring an Iroquois Garden (2000) Gain a better view of Native American culture. Physics - Forces & Motion. Sci. CBBC - Home: The Official Homepage for CBBC. Engineering Interact - Interactive science & engineering for 9-11 year olds. English. Education/Teaching. Educating for a Sustainable Future - A National Environmental Education Statement for Australian Schools. Educating for a Sustainable Future – A National Environmental Education Statement for Australian Schools provides a nationally agreed description of the nature and purpose of environmental education for sustainability through all years of schooling, including a vision and a framework for its implementation.

It is intended for teachers, schools and their communities, education systems and developers of curriculum materials. It is also intended as a companion to existing State and Territory polices and programmes and does not replace them. The Statement has been developed collaboratively over a period of approximately twelve months and is based upon significant input from government and non-government organisations. The Statement has been endorsed by all Australian and State/Territory Ministers for Education through the Ministerial Council on Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA) in May 2005. Science for Kids - Fun Experiments, Cool Facts, Online Games, Activities, Projects, Ideas, Technology.