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Ejcjs - front page. New Voices in Japanese Studies – Japan Foundation. トップページ -日本語教材WEB(くろしお出版) New Steps in Japanese Studies. Welcome to OAPEN. Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research. We know how challenging it can be to develop and compile quality research for a book or chapter for publication.

Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research

Collaborating with contributors and an exhaustive review process are only two of several hurdles. APIAR is here to support your efforts. Experienced editors will work with you at every stage to guarantee that the finished product represents your hard work and dedication. Acquisitions Our acquisitions editors help you form solid plans for new books or chapters by examining publication platforms, topic coverage, and concept organisation. The Gods of the Ancient Slavs. Gods of the Ancient Slavs when it was published provided a valuable and comprehensive review of the literature on Slavic mythology, with extensive notes and bibliography, making it a superlative springboard for further research and interpretation in this interdisciplinary crossroads of Slavic history and philology.

The Gods of the Ancient Slavs

In granting permission to post this scanned version of the text, the author expressed the fervent wish that it could be retypeset. This illustrates the pre-computer state of many Slavica publications, which in 1980 were often “typeset” on an IBM Selectric III typewriter, with dozens of specialized or custom-designed typing elements. But a free reprint like this one simply cannot support the expense of OCR-ing the work, and then doing the extensive cleanup required for the necessary degree of accuracy. So we apologize to the author, and other authors, and take refuge in the assumption that content is more important to scholars than form. 教育×WASEDA ONLINE. The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series.

Nr 2 (2/2012) - The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. 第14巻:学会誌『言語文化教育研究』-言語文化教育研究学会. ISSN:2188-9600 — SLCE: Studies of Language and Cultural Education 特集「多文化共生と向きあう」


AJJ|アカデミック・ジャパニーズ・グループ研究会. 論文誌『リテラシーズ』:リテラシーズ - くろしお出版. International Journal of Language & Literature (IJLL) Vol 2, No 1 (2016) Portal Czasopism Naukowych - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. TRANSLATOLOGIA. The Japan Times BOOKCLUB. Home - EU Bookshop. Books from Japan. 笠間書院 kasamashoin ONLINE:遠藤周作没後20年・『沈黙』刊行50年記念国際シンポジウム(2016年8月20日(土)、長崎ブリックホール 国際会議場 ※要申込) シンポジウム情報です。

笠間書院 kasamashoin ONLINE:遠藤周作没後20年・『沈黙』刊行50年記念国際シンポジウム(2016年8月20日(土)、長崎ブリックホール 国際会議場 ※要申込)

●公式サイトはこちら -------------------- 遠藤周作没後20年・『沈黙』刊行50年記念国際シンポジウム 2016/06/13 作家・遠藤周作(1923~1996)が亡くなり20年、代表作『沈黙』(新潮社、1966)が刊行されて50年、遠藤周作の作品は多くの読者に読み継がれ、遠藤文学研究の学術的交流は深まり、近年国内外での評価の高まりを見せています。 長崎市では、遠藤周作の功績を顕彰し、市民とともに「遠藤周作」をとおして「長崎」がもつ魅力・価値を改めて考える場とするため、『沈黙』ゆかりの地「長崎」で国際シンポジウムを開催します。 遠藤周作氏の長男である遠藤龍之介氏の講演会をはじめ、「遠藤周作」や「長崎」にゆかりのある様々な出演者のお話を聞いて、「長崎」の魅力を再発見! 日時:2016年8月20日(土) 13時~17時(12時開場) 場所:長崎ブリックホール 国際会議場(無料) ①特別講演 遠藤龍之介氏(遠藤周作氏長男・フジテレビ専務取締役) 「父・遠藤周作の思い出」 ②基調講演 ヴァン・C・ゲッセル氏(ブリガム・ヤング大学教授) 「『沈黙』と『SILENCE』――英語圏での解釈と評価について」 European Journal of East Asian Studies  »  Brill Online. John Benjamins e-Platform: International Journal of Language and Culture. Untitled. T21N - Articles. ポケットマスターピース|集英社文庫ヘリテージシリーズ|集英社. Frequencies and Semantic Category Distribution of Idioms in Japanese : HUSCAP. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. Vol 6, No 1 (2016) NEW! 2016年9月17日(土) 総合的な日本語力養成につながる聴解授業 ~『留学生のためのアカデミック・ジャパニーズ 聴解』を使って~ レベル別の学習に対応している『留学生のためのアカデミック・ジャパニーズ 聴解』は、大学で授業を受けるために必要な「講義や口頭発表を聞く力」を養成することを目的としています。

NEW! 2016年9月17日(土) 総合的な日本語力養成につながる聴解授業 ~『留学生のためのアカデミック・ジャパニーズ 聴解』を使って~

単に講義や発表を聞くだけではなく、概要をつかみ、話の構成を考えるためにノートをとったり、要約文を書いたり、内容について話す練習もあり、総合的な日本語力が養成できます。 また、「日本留学試験」対策としても利用することができます。 本シリーズは「中級」、「中上級」、「上級」の3冊で構成されており、日本文化から社会問題、自然科学まで多岐にわたるトピックを取り上げ、練習問題を通して、日本語の運用力を育てます。 大学へ進学を目指している留学生の聴解能力養成として利用できるだけでなく、就職を目指す方や、既に仕事をしている方など、様々な学習者が利用できる教材です。 今回のセミナーでは、教材の内容を紹介し、実際の使用事例を交えながら、効果的な活用法をご紹介します。 【日 時】 2016年9月17日(土) 13:30~15:30 (受付 13:00) 【講 師】 田代 ひとみ 先生(東京外国語大学留学生日本語教育センター) Top Fourteen Anthropology Journals. Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines [Asian Review of Books] East Asian non-fiction: links to recent reviews -- Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines 28 May 2016 What is Obscenity by Rokudenashiko is reviewed in the Japan Times.

Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines [Asian Review of Books]

Barbed Wire Baseball by Marissa Moss is reviewed in the Japan Times. Kimono Meisen: The Karun Thakar Collection by Anna Jackson & Karun Thakar is reviewed in the Japan Times. Christ’s Samurai: The True Story of the Shimabara Rebellion by Jonathan Clements is reviewed in the Japan Times. A Life Beyond Boundaries by Benedict Anderson is reviewed in the Nation and Economist. Półka z Kulturą: (Kilka słów na temat) Beniowski w Japonii. Przy okazji recenzji komiksu Zesłańcy wyszła „sprawa Beniowskiego” (odsyłam do komentarzy pod tamtym tekstem), która de facto do dziś jest mi wypominana heh.

Półka z Kulturą: (Kilka słów na temat) Beniowski w Japonii

Zawsze powtarzam, że człowiek uczy się całe życie, a ja od tego momentu co i rusz natrafiam na informację o tym zasłużonym człowieku. Dziś więc kilka zdań na jego temat. Krótka notka traktująca o pobycie Beniowskiego w Japonii. Asian language and linguistics. The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics. A large body of knowledge has accumulated in recent years on the cognitive processes and brain mechanisms underlying language.

The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics

Much of this knowledge has come from studies of Indo-European languages, in particular English. Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ChiMoKoJa - Histories of China, Mongolia, Korea and Japan. Studies in Polish Linguistics. World Languages and Literatures. Free Resources. FreeBooks A curated collection of existing AND new content around a specific subject, which provides you with valuable insight into a topic, a short solution, or helpful tips. 2016 FreeBooks 2015 FreeBooks Snapshots Short and accessible, Snapshots are a quick look at an industry issue, solution, or information on a specific topic.

Free Resources

Current Snapshots. ホーム|日本推理作家協会. Books from Japan. Book titles with full text online. "The 1688 Paradise Lost and Dr. Aldrich": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 6 (1972) Boorsch, Suzanne (1972) 20th-Century Art: A Resource for Educators Paul, Stella (1999) 82nd & Fifth The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2013) Abbot Suger and Saint-Denis Gerson, Paula Lieber, ed. (1986) "About Mäda": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 40 (2005) Baetjer, Katharine (2005) About Time: Fashion and Duration Bolton, Andrew, with Jan Glier Reeder, Jessica Regan, and Amanda Garfinkel; introduction by Theodore Martin; short story by Michael Cunningham; photography by Nicholas Alan Cope (2020) "About the Sequence of the Tapestries in The Hunt of the Unicorn and The Lady with the Unicorn": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 17 (1982) Nickel, Helmut (1982)

第3回 日経「星新一賞」公式ウェブサイト. Sword-related Japanese Sayings. With my first article in the new year and back from my holiday, I want to take a look at some Japanese sayings still in use which have their roots in sword-related vocabulary.

Sword-related Japanese Sayings

Some of the sayings might not be that common and I would be happy if someone (native speaker) can come up with a few more. So please enjoy the following list which is in alphabetical order: daijôdan ni furikabutte (大上段に振りかぶって) – Literally “to raise the sword in the overhead position,” which is regarded as the most aggressive position in swordsmanship, it means also “fearless,” “daring”, “keen” or “reckless” and the like. Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia. Asian Studies. Bloomsbury Shinto Studies. Series Editor: Fabio Rambelli The Shinto tradition is an essential component of Japanese religious culture. In addition to indigenous elements, it contains aspects mediated from Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, and, in more recent times, Western religious culture as well-plus, various forms of hybridization among all of these different traditions.

Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ChiMoKoJa - Histories of China, Mongolia, Korea and Japan. O zamachach w Paryżu - Japonica CreativaJaponica Creativa. Vol 14 (2015) International Journal of Language & Linguistics. Introduction: The Aesthetics of Japanese Fascism - California Scholarship. Introduction: The Aesthetics of Japanese Fascism DOI:10.1525/california/9780520245051.003.0001 This introductory chapter first sets out the purpose of the book, which is to explore the aesthetics of fascism in 1930s Japan.

The works examined in this study—the writings of the Romantic essayist Yasuda Yojūrō, of the novelists Kawabata Yasunari and Shiga Naoya, of the folk-craft theorist Yanagi Sōetsu; of the culture critic Kobayashi Hideo, and of the postwar novelist Nakagami Kenji; a propaganda tract written by a governmental committee; a popular movie; and the singing of the postwar chanteuse Misora Hibari—supplied the permeating stream of ideology needed to promote goals more overtly elaborated in the political realm. Introduction: The Aesthetics of Japanese Fascism - California Scholarship.

Introduction: The Aesthetics of Japanese Fascism DOI:10.1525/california/9780520245051.003.0001 This introductory chapter first sets out the purpose of the book, which is to explore the aesthetics of fascism in 1930s Japan. The works examined in this study—the writings of the Romantic essayist Yasuda Yojūrō, of the novelists Kawabata Yasunari and Shiga Naoya, of the folk-craft theorist Yanagi Sōetsu; of the culture critic Kobayashi Hideo, and of the postwar novelist Nakagami Kenji; a propaganda tract written by a governmental committee; a popular movie; and the singing of the postwar chanteuse Misora Hibari—supplied the permeating stream of ideology needed to promote goals more overtly elaborated in the political realm.

1 - Introduction: writing, literacy, and the origins of Japanese literature Cambridge Histories Online. Numerous problems of definition and scope confront any survey of the beginnings of Japanese literature. We obviously have no direct access to the stories and songs that circulated before the advent of writing. Some features of this preliterate world can be extrapolated from later sources, but this is difficult to do with any confidence because the writers of many early texts deliberately engineer an impression of orality. In poetry – both vernacular (uta) and Chinese-style (shi) – it is also difficult to separate the mid to late eighth-century anthologies (the Kaifūsō and the Man'yōshū) from the historical milieux in which the poetry they collect was first composed and appreciated.

Scholars are interested in the unfolding of particular genres, motifs, and techniques, but these anthologies themselves were shaped to present their own selective and tendentious versions of such literary histories. Crossref Metadata Search. Home. Innovative language teaching and learning at university: enhancing participation and collaboration. Bonjinsha 世界の日本語教育に貢献するにほんごの凡人社. Documentation. Semantics- Syntax Interface Journal. Arts and Humanities. Explore our ever-growing collection of Open access articles today! To make it as quick and as simple as possible for you to keep up-to-date with the latest open access research developments we have created this useful Open access resource. Bringing together recent articles that have been published in our Media, Cultural & Communication Studies, Visual & Performing Arts, and Humanities portfolios, using our Routledge Open Select hybrid model, these articles are all freely available to read online from publication.

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Read more History. Language & Linguistics - Free Sample Issues. Revue Critique internationale 2008/1. Cipango - French Journal of Japanese Studies - English Selection. スリーエーネットワーク. BABYLONIA: Numéro 2. Sogakusha - Japanese language にほんご書店そうがく社. International Research Center for Japanese Studies Repository: Home. 大阪国際大学・大阪国際大学短期大学部リポジトリ. Untitled. Natural Language Engineering - Vol. 21 Iss. 05. Academic Book Week. Achieve more with ScienceDirect. Download the PDF, tables, or images, or export citations to multiple reference managers. Download the PDF, or recommended articles, download a table or image, or export a citation to a reference manager.

Easily read, store or share relevant publications now, for later reference, or to share with research peers.ScienceDirect offers multiple ways for you to interact with the PDF.Export the citation to preferred reference managers such as RefWorks or Mendeley. Use The Relevant Content. Springer Link - Home. 3A Network Publishing スリーエーネットワーク. Wydawnictwo KIRIN - Autorzy.

Klaudia Adamowicz. KIRIN - wydawca książek o tematyce japońskiej i magazynu Torii. Literatura, Język. Ostatnimi czasy nawet z japońskich programów telewizyjnych dowiadujemy się o tym, jak bardzo Polacy kochają Japonię. Bez wątpienia w Polsce znowu, bo nie po raz pierwszy, panuje moda na Japonię i jej kulturę. Słyszy się, że studia japonistyczne są oblegane przez kandydatów, a teksty prasowe, internetowe, książkowe na temat Japonii sprzedają się ponoć jak świeże bułeczki.