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Blog Post Promotion: 100 Content Marketing Tips. Featured Download: Grab your free copy of this checklist in PDF format. 100 content marketing techniques to make promoting your next blog post very easy. (click here to download) Next time you hit “Publish” on your blog, take the guesswork out. You have below 100 blog post promotion techniques that leverage content marketing. So why should you care about content marketing? Well, because it does work well….so, don’t miss out on this. So, let’s get to work! 1. There is one little secret to ensure your post triggers the interest of your audience. Just enter a topic, like “blogging” and you’ll get the most shared content related to blogging. You can then reverse engineer that, to make sure your own blog post aligns with your audience interest. 2. The key to gaining significant amounts of traffic is EPIC content.

You need to write exceptional content that is too good for people not to share it. Some very good examples include the guides of Neil Patel, published at, eg. 3. 4. 5. How to Find Out Which Online Marketing Strategy Drives the Best Traffic. Do you participate in so many different types of online marketing strategies that when your boss asks you which one is the most effective, you don’t know what to say? Sure it’s easy to spot the top referring traffic source in Google Analytics, but you won’t be able to say what overall online marketing method is really working as a whole unless you want to start adding up different referral sources with a calculator and then cross reference them with goals, demographics, and other data.

This is where Google Analytics Advanced Segments come into play. Using these, you can create different segments for different groups of referral traffic – traffic from social media, article marketing, link building, directories, local search, guest posts, and so on. You can then see everything including demographics, conversions, and top content for each group of referral traffic and compare them against each other to know which ones are the best. Creating an Advanced Segment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Social Media. Going Responsive With Limited Resources: A Look at Edinburgh Bicycle’s Journey | Litmus Blog. We’re constantly preaching about the importance of designing mobile-friendly emails. However, as Jason describes, there is a lot of confusion about mobile email design strategies and how to choose which one is right for you. It comes down to two aspects: the percentage of your subscribers opening on mobile and the resources you have available to put towards a mobile strategy. While responsive email design is a powerful strategy, designers can find it difficult to wrap their heads around, and many feel as if they do not have the resources available to make it a priority.

However with so many amazing responsive templates and guides available, implementation is plausible—even for small teams! Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative is a perfect example. With 100 employees and only five people in their promotions/marketing department (none of whom are focused solely on email!) It’s the best way to improve the user experience for customers using mobile devices. Let’s take a look at what they did! How to Write the Perfect Subject Line [Infographic] I’m going to go ahead and admit that there’s really no such thing as the perfect subject line—or, if there is, it must be hiding with Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster.

After running subject lines through A/B split tests every month in our own newsletter, we’ve yet to find the secret formula (or even a statistically significant result). Alas, we’re not out to mislead you but rather guide you toward perfection. Writing subject lines is hard. Most of us leave it until the last minute. It seems like the entire world is riding on your email’s subject line (What will get more opens? Keep your subject line straightforwardAvoid using promotional phrases or, well, things that look (or sound) spammyKnow your audience. Take the Melting Pot Approach The infographic below gathers some of the most common myths, advice and trends we’ve heard about recently. It may seem like the art of crafting a subject line is complex and intimidating, but it’s actually pretty straightforward. The Opening Line.

How to Make Custom Images for Your Blog Posts Without Hiring a Designer. Why Link Building Is NOT the Future of SEO. How to Make Custom Images for Your Blog Posts Without Hiring a Designer. Mobile marketing statistics 2015. "Mobile to overtake fixed Internet access by 2014" was the huge headline summarising the bold prediction from 2008 by Mary Meeker, an analyst at Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers who reviews technology trends annually in May.

The mobile statistics that the team at Smart Insights curate in the regular updates to this article are grouped under these headings for key questions marketers need to answer about mobile to help them compete: Q1. Time spent using mobile mediaQ2. Percentage of consumers using mobile devicesQ3. How many website visits are on mobile vs desktop devices? Q4. The United States and United Kingdom are the main countries covered for which there are many reports. Well, we're now past the mobile Tipping Point shown in the chart below as this 2017 mobile usage report from comScore shows, based on percent of mobile minutes spent online. So it's no longer a case of asking whether mobile marketing important, we know it is! Download our Free Digital Strategy Guide. Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. • Online shopping: average order values by source 2014. How Slack Became the Fastest Growing B2B SaaS Business (Maybe) Ever.

Search Results Real-time search powered by Initially known as Tiny Speck, the company we now know as Slack first worked on a Flash-based online game called Glitch, which developers around the country worked on for close to four years. [10] [12] Yet at some point, the team became less interested in Glitch and more interested in IRC, “the ‘80s era communication tool they were using to collaborate over long distances and long periods of time.” [12] The team appreciated that IRC allowed them to focus in on projects while tuning out other email inbox noise, and it wasn’t long before the entire company pivoted toward communications.

“Never mind the part where we first tried to make a web-based massively multiplayer game and failed,” says co-founder Stewart Butterfield, who also co-founded Flickr. [3] Development of the corporate messaging service Slack actually began toward the end of 2012, and by August of 2013 Slack’s was running in private beta. Image via Business Insider [19] User Feedback. Why Your Business Should Use a Language Service Provider - Global Language & TranslationGlobal Language & Translation. June 13, 2013 Posted by Patrick Donoghue Let’s say your business is doing well in your local market, but you think that the company could really thrive if it was able to reach a larger audience.

So, you decide that it’s time to go global and bring your business to new clients in every corner of the world, enabling the organization to reach its full potential. But don’t book that flight and pack your bags just yet. Before taking the plunge, you’re going to have to translate all of your products, documents, advertisements, websites, and any other content that the business needs to operate into the languages of your new global customers. With this newfound knowledge in hand, you take all the company’s content, dump it into an online translation tool, choose the language you want to translate into, and press the magical translate button. Why Use an LSP?

Localization Language service providers do more than just translate; they localize. Professional Translators Tools and Resources. The #1 Inbound Marketing Community | GrowthHackers - A Community for Growth-Focused Marketers. What is Normal Bounce Rate? There’s an interesting discussion over at SEOchat forums discussing bounce rate: What is the typical bounce rate for those with high rankings? While the question does have too many “it depends”, it’s quite a valid one.

Many website owners, looking into their Google Analytics numbers, must be asking themselves the same thing: When am I supposed to get worried about my bounce rate numbers? Generally Speaking… In the thread, Trevor Stolber outlines the general numbers: A bounce rate of50% or less is excellent 60-70% is typical 70-80% is poor 80%+ is very bad Of course, keep in mind there’s no such a thing as a “perfect bounce rate”… The Word of Wisdom… In another discussion, Tedster puts it nicely: Bounce rate (as determined by standard analytics packages) is a notoriously challenging metric. Another discussion elaborates on different types of sites having different types of “normal” bounce rate: news, entertainment, sports,etc. should have lower bounce rates. Further Reading: Image source. How Long Do Users Stay on Web Pages?

'How a Baby Is Made' Might Be the Most Explicit Children's Book We've Ever Seen. If your experience in sex education left you with lingering questions as to how a baby is made, then you may want to flip through the 1975 children's book titled, well, How a Baby Is Made. Things start out relatively tame, like any other children's book, with the parents standing together for first-page introductions.

But as in real life, shit gets real quickly: They're naked on page two and doing it missionary style by page three. The book, by Danish writer and therapist Per Holm Knudsen, was published back in the 1970s but is enjoying a viral renaissance since a Facebook user uploaded pictures of its contents to the site on June 10. Turns out it's an Internet favorite, rediscovered in 2010 by Jezebel, and has also been used as an educational "artifact" in the Kinsey Institute Library and Special Collections, according to associate curator Garry Milius.

As an 1970s artifact, the book reflects the sexual revolution of the time. The clothes come on, though, when it's hospital time. Place Emails in Primary Tab in Gmail. Gmail includes a feature called inbox tabs, which uses different tabs to organize your mail into categories. Tabs are available on both desktop and mobile versions of Gmail, although some users choose to disable them.

This new organization may cause your newsletters to end up on the Promotions tab, rather than in the Primary mailbox. While we have a blog post that outlines the change and the effects it can have on your sending, we'll share some tips we've learned to help ensure your email is delivered to the Primary tab. About the Promotions Tab Gmail’s Promotions tab contains marketing emails and promotional offers.

When Gmail introduced inbox tabs, many marketers worried that subscribers would overlook mail in the Promotions tab. Fortunately, studies show that people use the Promotions tab. Meanwhile, Gmail’s inbox organization won’t affect all your Gmail subscribers. Get Future Messages in the Primary Tab Keep your subscribers engaged and maintain high open and click rates. Drag and Drop. How to Land Your Emails in the Gmail “Primary” Tab Every Time. This is a guest post by Luke Guy, the final guest post in the series of guests posts that were scheduled here for the month of March due to speaking and travel engagements.

Mid-last year, Google updated the Gmail interface to include “tabs”, which separate incoming emails into specific categories. There’s the primary tab, the social tab and the promotions tab (not including custom ones you might create yourself). Even if you don’t use gmail as your email client, this is important because a significant portion of your audience probably does. If you send emails to your email list, you might not even know that your emails are filtering into your readers’ promotional tab, which in most cases never get checked. Along those lines, I’ve always debated with myself whether or not to use graphics (like headers) in the emails I send out. I was going through my Gmail account the other day when I noticed some messages had never reached me.

Why? I don’t trust just anyone with my email address. Pat’s. How To Survive the Gmail Tabs Marketing Apocalypse. In June, Google began rolling out a big restructure of the Gmail inbox, and many email marketers panicked. The Promotions tab that has been showing up in more and more Gmail accounts over the last two months has been repeatedly heralded as, "the death of email marketing. " A couple of months later, however, we can step back from the apocalyptic rhetoric and take a look at what this really means. Is the Gmail Promotions tab truly a bad thing? How do we keep tabs on the impact of the tabs?

What should email marketers do in response? If you are sending out old-fashioned, "batch and blast" messages to email addresses that you bought or tricked people into giving you, then, yes, the Promotions tab is bad for you. Google Is Working For You The Promotions tab makes sure that your customers see your email at the best time and in the best context. Don’t forget, Google uses email marketing too, and so far they’re playing by their own rules. Timing People are not ready to shop all the time. Context. 6 Online Tools That Will Help The Writing Process. Writing can be a difficult task for many students. Some have trouble getting started, others have trouble staying on task, and many struggle with both. Staying focused when you’re sitting at your computer and somewhat uninspired can be a disaster waiting to happen – there’s a lot of stuff to waste time with on The Interwebs!

The Internet can be a huge distraction, but it can also be the tool that helps to make you a more efficient and better writer. In fact, there are many online tools you can start using today and start getting the work done more quickly, efficiently, and effectively. Check out some of the tools below that can help keep you focused while your creativity flows! Citelighter Citelighter is a great way to build your bibliography simply – so you don’t spend all of your time worrying about correctly formatting a bibliography in APA, MLA, or Chicago formatting. Write Monkey Focus Writer Focus Writer is a great way to keep yourself free of distractions on your screen. Omm Writer. My Tips On How to Design Effective Blog Post Images | Design for Founders. Post images are like book covers. They help drive more traffic to a post and make it recognisable.

They are also an important part of branding — sometimes, a quick look at the post image will tell you which blog it’s from. In this post, I’ll share my own tips on how to make awesome post images. How to Leave Your Mark on Stock Photos Number one rule for making your post images memorable and recognisable is to tailor them to your blog. Some stock images are used around the web, unchanged. To make them our own, it’s a good idea to make some changes before using them. For example, you could add a simple colour overlay. Or, you could keep them in grayscale — with a simple line of CSS (Warning: this code won’t work in some browsers).

Keeping them all consistent will help build a brand when these get shared around the web. Tip: Icons With icons, you can take a step further in customisations and make your own post images. Adding Text to Photos the Right Way Readability Variety Closing Words. Smashing Magazine — For Professional Web Designers and Developers. How to get from 0 to 10,000 paying customers in SaaS | Marketing, startups, etc. Short answer: great product, some marketing and a bit of luck. These things got Pipedrive to pass the 10,000 paying customers milestone earlier in the year. The longer answer is below. This is the post I would have liked to read back in 2010 when I had started working with Pipedrive founders. And I thought I’d get it out of the system as we change gears to target getting to the 100,000 paying customers mark. Get tailwinds working for you – build a great product (with great support) Pipedrive could have grown to 10,000 paying customers without any marketing: by describing it as “it’s a piece of sales software” on an uncrawlable site without any design, without onboarding emails, without press mentions, without a single ad and blog post.

The main thing that got Pipedrive to first 100, 1000 and 10000 customers was having a great product. There were two additional things that I’m lumping together under “great product” here: design and support. Get your product in the hands of the right people. Why Good Unique Content Needs to Die - Whiteboard Friday. The Inside Scoop on How Content Marketing Can Out Do Amazon.