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Creating Successful Blended-Learning Classrooms - Education Week Teacher. 15 Tips For Facilitating Online Discussion. Facilitating discussions between students is one of those things that is infinitely easier when you’re teaching in a physical classroom rather than online. When the students are all in one room, discussions happen more naturally. Facilitating the same type of productive, useful discussion when teaching online is more of a challenge. The handy infographic below from Mia MacMeekin takes a look at some tips and best practices for facilitating discussions when you’re teaching online. If you teach online and have any favorite tips and tricks, leave us a message in the comments! 15 Tips For Facilitating Online Discussion 10 Prompts to Stimulate Conversation Can you clarify? A five stage model for using the VLE. VLEs have a huge range of functionality, a lot of criticism often laid against the VLE is that some users are not aware of those functions.

There is often too much information about the VLE for new users who may not understand many of the concepts or have the skills to fully utilise the functionality of the VLE. Stage One Upload to the VLE the course resources, handouts, assignments, scheme of work and links. Now this is something that is often laid against VLEs as why they don’t work as they are merely used as respositories of materials. Stage Two Add more content try and put up new content at least weekly. So then you’ll get asked what content should you put up. Stage Three Add interactivity to the course through the use of quizzes and feedback. Stage Four Add engagement by learners through the use of discussion forums. Stage Five Embedding. By stage five usage of the VLE will be pretty much embedded into the delivery of the course.

Top ten tips for Moodle course design | eLearning for Arts and Social Sciences. Top ten tips I attended a session on Moodle course design at the MoodleMoot 11 conference. One of the speakers, Michelle Moore, Chief Evangelist for Remote-Learner, gave some excellent dos and don’ts for effective and user-friendly Moodle course design which I have summarised below. 1. Don’t use more than three font styles per page. This includes different font size, colour, style etc. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Blended Learning: Making it Work in Your Classroom. Kristin: I can say that the things I've been doing the last two years have really made a difference, because my kids have scored the highest in the State on the standardized tests. So what we're doing here is working, and it's helping them be successful. Julie: We define Blended Learning as the combination of digital content and activity with face-to-face content and activity.

It sounds easy to Blend, but it really, it looks very different in every classroom. So if a teacher is using something that works really well in a face-to-face situation, they should continue to do that because it works well. If they can find something else that works better, is more efficient or more effective that's digital, then that would be implemented. Kristin: What I have online could be completely different than what the biology teacher has online, or what the physical education teacher has online. Mickey: Okay, go ahead get the laptops.

There are three activities. Student: C. Mickey: C. Class: Yay!