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Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions... Challenge Your Body: A Beginner's Level II Class. Blog | The Big Life Project | Grow Your Heart. Live Big. This month as you whirl from work to shopping to parties to laundry to recitals to decorating to the next thing to the next, trying to get EVERY LAST DETAIL RIGHT, do you feel the winds rising?

Are they curling around you, accelerating to tropical storm levels? Can a hurricane be far behind? The combination of perfectionism and a tight calendar can turn destructive, both for the perfectionist at the center of the storm and for people in our path. As a reforming perfectionist, here’s my advice to survive the busy season. Continue reading I love Christmas. I do. To keep from burning out on Christmas carols before Christmas Day, I vary my diet. So here are a few things I liked this week that have zero to do with the holidays, but everything to do with getting outside yourself, beyond yourself, and in tune with yourself all at the same time – all paths to living Big. Continue reading There is, shall we say, a LOT going on this time of year. So, what’s an elf to do to stay merry and bright? 10 Simple Things to Make You Happier At Home.

Our homes are an extension of who we are: what we do within the walls of our abodes shapes our mood, affects our productivity, and influences our outlook on life. Scientific studies have shown that we can have an impact on our happiness by adjusting the tiny little habits and routines that constitute our daily lives — we are, in fact, in control of our outlook on life. It's amazing how a few tweaks to our daily habits can become a catalyst for meaningful, positive change. Here are a few simple things you can do every day to feel happier at home. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

(Image: Callen & Eli's Artful Treehouse) :zenhabits. The Nicest Place on the Internet. Jon kabat-zinn. Tiny Buddha: Wisdom Quotes, Letting Go, Letting Happiness In. Marc and Angel Hack Life - Practical Tips for Productive Living.