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La cultura MAKER y por qué nos interesa tanto desde la educación. Drawing (conversations) machine #2 – Nathier Fernández. “Alumno” vs. “estudiante”: ¡paremos con los mitos en educación! - Elige Educar. Inicio » Noticias » “Alumno” vs.

“Alumno” vs. “estudiante”: ¡paremos con los mitos en educación! - Elige Educar

How to Build Your Makerspace. School Makerspace Furniture. Young Creators '17 at FabLab Lisboa. 15 under 15: Rising stars in cybersecurity. Kids born after the year 2000 have never lived a day without the internet.

15 under 15: Rising stars in cybersecurity

Everything in their lives is captured in silicon chips and chronicled on Facebook. Algorithms track how quickly they complete their homework; their text message confessions and #selfies are whisked to the cloud. Yet the massive digital ecosystem they inherited is fragile, broken, and unsafe. Built without security in mind, it’s constructed on faulty code: From major companies such as Yahoo to the US government, breaches of highly sensitive or personal files have become commonplace. The insecurity of the internet is injecting itself into presidential politics ahead of the November election. Observatorio de la juventud en Iberoamérica. Indice. XYZprinting 3D Scanner (Intel RealSense F200) Review. The most affordable 3D Scanner that works best with Software from its competitor The 3D Scanner I’m reviewing here is made by Taiwanese 3D Printer manufacturer XYZprinting.

XYZprinting 3D Scanner (Intel RealSense F200) Review

It’s simply called the XYZprinting 3D Scanner, although the supplied software refers to it as the XYZscan Handy. At €199 / $199 it’s probably the most affordable 3D Scanner on the market today and it’s widely available through resellers such as the Dutch 3D Printer and Scanner store 3DNINJA that kindly provided me with the review model.

It costs half as much as the first generation 3D Systems Sense I reviewed earlier. And while that device captured the geometric shape of objects in a surprisingly good way, its color capturing was completely useless due to the RGB camera with a resolution just 320 x 240 pixels. STEAMLabs community makerspace: Everyone can be a maker by Andy Forest & Marianne Mader. Risks and challenges As with any new makerspace, the biggest challenge for STEAMLabs will be keeping our construction on schedule.

STEAMLabs community makerspace: Everyone can be a maker by Andy Forest & Marianne Mader

We plan to open the doors of our new space by Summer 2015. Five Design Teams Re-Envision New York's Public Libraries. 10 Questions to Plan a Library Makerspace. Ultimate Kids Guide to 3D Printing: Student 3D Print Help - 3D Insider. Who is this guide for I have put this guide together to help younger people understand the basics of 3D printing.

Ultimate Kids Guide to 3D Printing: Student 3D Print Help - 3D Insider

It’s a no-nonsense approach that makes easy reading of the latest technologies. By the end of this guide you’ll have a clear understanding of 3D printing and how to work with it. Makers Toolbox. Design thinking, una técnica para la innovación. Proporcionado por Fonvirtual ¿Qué es el design thinking?

Design thinking, una técnica para la innovación

El design thinking es un concepto que se basa en el principio de ver las cosas desde una perspectiva diferente. Qué nos falta para innovar en México. Por José Escamilla / Director de TecLabs México tiene la oportunidad de pasar de la economía de la manufactura a la del conocimiento y llevarnos a un nuevo nivel de bienestar.

Qué nos falta para innovar en México

De acuerdo con el Fondo Monetario Internacional, la economía del país ocupa el lugar 15 de entre las más grandes del mundo y el 11 en términos de paridad de su poder adquisitivo. Desde la crisis de 1994, la economía ha mantenido un crecimiento constante, a pesar de la contracción sufrida por la recesión de 2008. Sin embargo, los rezagos y la desigualdad siguen siendo evidentes. La clave de los países que han logrado reducir las brechas sociales y han llevado a sus ciudadanos a niveles desarrollados de bienestar es que son economías del conocimiento. FabLearn - Day 1 part 1_10/21/2017. Thinking about Thinking about Seymour [Video] Note: Closed-captioning for this video is in process and will be available in a few days.

Thinking about Thinking about Seymour [Video]

"You can't think about thinking without thinking about thinking about something. About Seymour Papert. Drawing by Peter H.

About Seymour Papert

Reynolds Seymour Papert (1928-2016) was a mathematician and one of the early pioneers of artificial intelligence. In addition, he is internationally recognized as the seminal thinker regarding computers and pedagogy for children. A mathematician by training, his collaboration with Jean Piaget at the University of Geneva led him to consider using mathematics in the service of understanding how children can learn and think. Professor Seymour Papert. Park Maitland School -> Technology. Fourth through sixth grade students will use design thinking to develop creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking in the Maker Space.

Park Maitland School -> Technology

Through innovative and cross disciplinary projects, science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math (STEAM) will all play a role in their learning. Students will discover the power of voice, choice, and passion driven learning as they grow on a continuum as learners, thinkers, and as creators. During the 4th grade year, students will enjoy: exploring wearable technology, building catapults and bridges, filming, coding, 3D printing, making rubber band powered cars, creating Da Vinci inventions, packaging devices, Fix it Shop, and Take Apart Electronic Days. Design projects during the 5th grade year include art robots, ideal wallets, 3D printing, Makey Makey Invention creations, collaborative challenges, coding, LED circuitry, marble run roller coasters, green screen filmmaking and Take Apart Electronic Days.

Expands Free Software Offering to Global Fab Labs. In an expansion of its support for the community and makers around the world, Autodesk is now granting access to its full Autodesk Product Design Collection to 1000+ registered Fab Labs globally. The news comes as the Fab 12 conference is underway in Shenzhen, China. Fab Labs are a part of a global network of workshops that provide widespread access to modern means for invention and digital manufacturing tools.

They began as an outreach project from MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms and grew into an international community of designers, makers, educators and others. Term: What is NuVu. Studio Model NuVu’s pedagogy is informed by the architectural design Studio where a coach guides students in hands-on problem-solving to solve complex, comprehensive problems. The Studio model uses exercises to build skills and integrates students’ knowledge in a final project. Laptops, niños y Darth Vader. Crowdfunding the commons. News Devolver valor a la sociedad más allá del crowdfunding. El Mundo See more Goteo elected NGO of the year. เกรียน...โชว์ ไอเดีย เมพๆ... - Sahamongkolfilm International.