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Just for fun

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Science of Dogs. What crazy national day falls on your birthday? Christmas is great and all but it's so boring - EVERYONE celebrates Christmas. So we decided to have a look at some unconventional & weird days we could fill the calendar with. First stop, the internet. Unsurprisingly we were not disappointed. Though some of these may be a little obscure (give them a quick Google if you're unsure), they are all genuine national days somewhere in the world.

Which one falls on your birthday? Let us know in the comments section below. We've just launched our Student Beans ID iOS app! Remember, if you're a student, to add these things to your life - huge student discounts - freebies - brilliant student articles like this - all for FREE. Sign up to right now Don't wait until later, you know you'll forget! 1… Emma M. Envisioning Disney Characters in "Real Life". Koalas to the Max dot Com. The Colour Clock. Passive Aggressive Passwords.