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Email Marketing Solutions from Constant Contact. GSSGC Flickr. GSSGC. GSSGC Home. GSSGC Blog. One thing most folks think they know for sure: When you're a Girl Scout, you have to sell. It turns out that Girl Scouts participate in the Girl Scout Entrepreneurial Program; they don't just sell.

Each year the girls are offered a chance to participate in a Fall Products Sale and the Cookie Program. Each sale teaches girls invaluable life skills: sales and marketing, public relations, goal-setting, money management, communications, commitment and community service. Summed up, life is selling --a fact every one comes to know, but one that more and more kids don't realize until after college. Participation in Council-sponsored Product Sales Programs is plays an important role in the Girl Scouting life.

Each girl is encouraged to participate in all aspects of the Product Sales Program. For those not a part of Girl Scouts, and even some Girl Scout adult volunteers, the true benefit, meaning, and experience of the sales can be difficult to see. 1. 2. D: "Proud! 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. GSSGC Facebook. Google Alerts. Survey Monkey. Flickr. GSSGC Staff. GSSGC Flickr. GSSGC Home. YouTube. GSSGC. GSSGC Home. GSSGC. Facebook.

Looking Glass Houses. Juno's Art. Awards & Recognitions ". . . But this isn't just another pretty face. Juno's decision to wrap her subject in fabric, allowing only the eyes to show is a lovely example of creating what I call "story". Without the wrap, we might still marvel at Juno's facility with colored pencil and drawing, but with it, she's introduced mystery and a question...and the possibility of a story behind the image.

People love stories ....we're intrigued by even a hint of one -- Ann Kullberg, colored pencil artist, author of the books Capturing Soft Realism in Colored Pencil and Colored Pencil Portraits. See more here. . . Gallery The gallery features paintings of people, pets, illustrations, memorials, and more. Before & After This little Mongolian Goat Girl is a perfect example of how blending colored pencil with Odorless Turpenoid gives my portraits the rich feel similar to that of an oil painting. Juno's Twitter. GSSGC Twitter. GSSGCGirls's Channel. GSSGC Home. Openzine. GSSGC Home. GSSGC Minds for Design. During July 12 - 23, Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council will be offering a fun and hands on way to encourage all girls ages 11-16 to discover the world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Minds for Design Day Camp is held at the prestigious University of California, Riverside Bourns College of Engineering offering girls an opportunity interact with women in STEM, engineer and build their own invention plus experience a behind the scenes adventure at Disney’s World of Physics: Properties in Motion at Disney’s California Adventure Park.

GSSGC Operation Gratitude. Operation Gratitude: The troops respond5/17/2010 12:58:00 PMI was recently a proud recipient of one of your wonderful packages! What an awesome organization filled with truly good-hearted people! I just wanted to take the time to send an email out to some of the people listed in the magazine that came with my package and thank you for what you do back there. I have been in the Navy for a little over 10 years now and am on my 5th deployment to the Middle East on an Aircraft Carrier. Its never easy to deploy away from family and friends but knowing that we are serving the good of our country and protecting the people back at home makes it worthwhile. The letters from the children are the best part of the package! Very Respectfully, AO1 (AW) K., D. I just received a care package from your team of volunteers. Keep up the good work because you are making a difference.

Thanks for the package...ATC(AW) T. Thanks. GSSGC LinkedIn. Looking Glass Houses. Juno's Art. Juno's Twitter. Social Media Club. GSSGC Facebook. Jessica's Blog. Jessica's Twitter. PRSA California Inland Empire Chapter. Michelle's Twitter. GSSGC Facebook. GSSGC Home. GSSGC Facebook. GSSGC Home.

GSSGC Facebook. GSSGC Home. GSSGC Home. GSSGC Facebook. GSSGC Facebook. GSSGC Home. Inland SoCal. The Press Enterprise. The Biz Press. Pauma Band of Mission Indians Part Time Pauma Band of Mission Indians Assists the Cultural Resource Committee in opening, directing and responding to notifications for the State, Federal, and Local agencies directing … read more Part Time Pauma Band of Mission Indians Assists the Cultural Resource Committee in opening, directing and responding to notifications for the State, Federal, and Local agencies directing activities on prehistoric and historic archaelogical sites, including buildings, structures, etc.

Perform a variety of clerical duties Determine if the site in question is indigenous or of interest to Pauma Notify the Committee if the inquiry on the site should be responded to Type, log, and send out responses in a professional manner. Must be able to travel, attend meetings, and take notes. Read less. Practical Business Radical. Girl Scout Blog. GSSGC Twitter. GSSGC Facebook. GSSGC. GSSGC Home. GSSGC Blog Feed. GSSGC Home. GSSGC. Twitter. Juno's Twitter. Girl Scouts USA. BIG Expo. Jessica's Twitter. Jessica's Blog. GSSGC Home.