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Floral Cross-Stitch Street Installations by Raquel Rodrigo. Set designer and artist Raquel Rodrigo brings the macro details of cross-stitch embroidery to building facades around Madrid.

Floral Cross-Stitch Street Installations by Raquel Rodrigo

Her colorful installations are prepared beforehand with enlarged cross-stitch techniques utilizing thick string wrapped on wire mesh before each is unrolled and affixed to a surface. Love is Art – Hambre. Para usarlo simplemente estira la lona de plástico en el suelo y coloca el lienzo de algodón encima.

Love is Art – Hambre

Vierte la pintura sobre el lienzo y usa el cuerpo y el de tu pareja como pincel para crear una imagen única y abstracta. By Making Hand-Drawn Maps of Their Slums in India, Kids Are Influencing Urban Planning Policies. Every kid likes to draw.

By Making Hand-Drawn Maps of Their Slums in India, Kids Are Influencing Urban Planning Policies

But in India, young people living in slums are using their sketching skills to spur urban change. As part of a broader civic campaign centered on "child clubs," groups of children are creating detailed "social maps" of their marginalized neighborhoods to voice their concerns about public space, as first reported in Citiscope, a CityLab partner site.

Utilizan códigos QR para recordar los murales borrados en el Centro Histórico. Ahora que no están los murales en el Centro Histórico de Lima por orden de la Municipalidad, un grupo de Facebook llamado Murales Imborrables ha tomado la iniciativa de hacerlos ‘aparecer’ utilizando códigos QR.

Utilizan códigos QR para recordar los murales borrados en el Centro Histórico

“Podrán pintar los murales del centro, pero nunca borrarlos. Con ayuda de la tecnología, le devolvemos a las calles y a los artistas lo que les pertenece”, reza la descripción del fanpage. La dinámica de ‘Murales Imborrables’ consiste en crear los códigos QR utilizando una plantilla y un aerosol negro sobre las paredes que han dejado de lucir los murales. Cuando el peatón escanee el código con su smartphone, se reproducirá automáticamente la imagen del mural que había allí. Storytelling through playful interactions. Inventarios: esto es esto - inventarios: Instrucciones para cantar como Julio Cortázar. Hace ya un par de siglos que Bécquer se preguntaba en versos qué es poesía.

Instrucciones para cantar como Julio Cortázar

What the last meals of Julius Caesar, Jimi Hendrix, and Napoleon Bonaparte looked like. What the last meals of Julius Caesar, Jimi Hendrix, and Napoleon Bonaparte looked like. Sketchplanations - A weekly explanation in a sketch. Convierto las nubes en ilustraciones. Neighborhood mailbox stickers let communities display items they have to share. If those nostalgic for the pre-digital age are to be believed, neighbors used to simply knock on a door to ask to borrow something, but now they’re too engrossed in their smartphone screen to even know who lives next door.

Neighborhood mailbox stickers let communities display items they have to share

Splashy Fabric Freshens Mumbai Cabs To Showcase Local Designers. In Mumbai—a city of nearly 19 million people—over 50,000 taxis pick up at least 25 to 30 people every day.

Splashy Fabric Freshens Mumbai Cabs To Showcase Local Designers

For the majority of Mumbaikars, the iconic black and yellow taxis are the most convenient form of transportation in the city. For designer Sanket Avlani, they can also be a way to showcase local designers. Avlani started an initiative called Taxi Fabric that asks emerging Indian designers to create textile designs for the inside of the city's cabs. The project, which Avlani now runs with the help of project manager Mahak Malik and writers Nathalie Gordon and Girish Narayandass, connects designers with taxi drivers to brighten up the taxi's interiors and showcase the work of local designers. Art Hound. Wednesday, October 6, 2010 · 3 Comments Carl Kleiner of Stockholm with styling by Evelina Bratell via Fine Ting Og Sjokolade.

Art Hound

And yes, these are all made of food… recipes I believe. Pretty unbelievable. Leave it to artists to make you look twice at an object you know innately, like an egg or a pad of butter. “Carl Kleiner’s eye for gravity and movement, poetic surrealism and unexpected meetings, however, has already created a style of his own, distinct from all other photographers. And don’t Carl’s still-lifes remind you of Camilla Engman’s “Collection” collage series (above)? Tags: Art. Cancer Survivor Creates Empathy Cards For People With Serious Illnesses. Emily McDowell, an artist whose fun and witty postcards have been featured before by Bored Panda, has a new series of postcards that are just as funny but far more meaningful as well.

Cancer Survivor Creates Empathy Cards For People With Serious Illnesses

McDowell, a cancer survivor, created the Empathy Cards as meaningful and honest gifts for people suffering from serious illnesses. “The most difficult part of my illness wasn’t losing my hair, or being erroneously called ‘sir’ by Starbucks baristas, or sickness from chemo,” McDowell writes on her blog. “It was the loneliness and isolation I felt when many of my close friends and family members disappeared because they didn’t know what to say, or said the absolute wrong thing without realizing it.” Beautiful homemade chocolate bark - Jamie Oliver. Easter weekend often leaves us with a mountain of leftover chocolate to get through.

Beautiful homemade chocolate bark - Jamie Oliver

Thankfully, there is a wonderful way of transforming it into something really special that can be shared with your loved ones, rather than being forgotten or eaten plain all yourself. You don’t need a recipe, or even to measure any ingredients, to make gorgeous chocolate bark – it’s about getting creative and using your favourite flavours and textures. The only thing to remember is that roughly 600g of chocolate will cover a large baking sheet. The chocolate Use whatever you have, be it dark, milk, or white. Toppings. Animaciones interactivas en la Retail Design Expo. Redacción Experimenta Noneli es una lámpara de pie diseñada por Auriga Studio para Formabilio. How to draw… anything. Woman Creates Touching Animated Portrait of Her Grandmother Using Her Old Possessions. El viaje ilustrado que no podía ser contado con palabras. Hay viajes tan increíbles que no pueden ser contados.

We Are Built To Be Kind. How to turn small talk into smart conversation. Imagine almost any situation where two or more people are gathered—a wedding reception, a job interview, two off-duty cops hanging out in a Jacuzzi. What do these situations have in common? Almost all of them involve people trying to talk with each other. But in these very moments where a conversation would enhance an encounter, we often fall short. We can’t think of a thing to say. Or worse, we do a passable job at talking. We stagger through our romantic, professional and social worlds with the goal merely of not crashing, never considering that we might soar. Los ataúdes son del pasado. Estas cápsulas son la nueva moda ecológica. Se ve delicada, pero es lo suficientemente fuerte para contener un cuerpo humano. Tedsketchnotes.tumblr.

View photo #TED #tedtalk #ted talk #tedtalks #ted talks #stella young #sketchnote #sketch note #visualization #disabled #inspiration #exceptional 1 month ago 3. Dreams Doodler. Dior Haute Couture Making Of A Dress. “Couture” is a magic word. It conjures thoughts of impeccable craftsmanship, visionary design, and legendary fashion moments. But, most of us don't encounter haute couture very often, unless we're looking at a celebrity on the red carpet, a model on a catwalk, or a mannequin in a museum case. We wanted to get closer to couture — and to get you closer to couture — so we partnered with the legendary fashion publisher Visionaire to create this video, which tells the story of one dress from birth to runway. It’s a unique look inside the Dior atelier, where the team has been hard at work bringing creative director Raf Simons’ ideas to life.

While an individual couture garment can take half a year to produce, here you will see the story of one dress (“Look #53,” in fashion-speak) come together in just a few minutes — from the first muslin pattern to the final style model Kinga Rajzak wore during yesterday’s haute couture show. Photo: Courtesy of Dior. ARCA - ¡Hay USB's esparcidos por todo el mundo! Inclusive en México - ARCA. Las memorias USB se convirtieron en uno de los gadgets más utilizados en la era en la que las computadoras rigen nuestras vidas; nuestros documentos más importantes, como un acta de nacimiento, una cédula profesional, un ensayo universitario, una presentación laboral, todo pasa por las pequeñas memorias que muchas veces son más diminutas que una uña.

Si hubiera un objeto que representara nuestros tiempos, lo más probable es que fuera un USB, y es con esto en mente que nace el proyecto Dead Drops, una iniciativa que tiene como propósito retratar la manera en la que el mundo se conecta, y comparte cosas. Dead Drops es una red de intercambio de información, en la que cualquiera puede participar mientras se encuentre en el espacio público.

Jackson Pollock by Miltos Manetas, original design by Stamen, press any key to s. Here Are The 12 Most Fun Activities You Can Do With Children. When Asia Citro realized her children didn't exactly "believe in sleeping," she set out on a mission to keep them entertained in a healthy way.

That mission was to create a fun, educational environment for her children at home, and to do it in a way that was fun for her, too. After posting a few of their activities on Facebook and receiving tons of positive feedback, Citro decided to create her own blog. "I really didn't think it would go anywhere because there are so many blogs," Citro told A+. BBC World News. LivrariaDaVila WiFiOfKnowledge VIDEOCASE. El Malpensante. No busques trabajo. Así te lo digo.