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How to Build a Remote Content Marketing Team That Produces Results. If you want to build a kick-ass, remote content marketing team that produces results for your company or agency, this article is for you.

How to Build a Remote Content Marketing Team That Produces Results

Managing an in-house, content marketing team is hard — building a team scattered all over the world is even more difficult. I asked marketing experts in the SaaS industry how they built and scaled their remote content team. Their responses — as well as my experience working with two remote content marketing teams in the past three years — are presented in this article as five, simple steps you can follow to build a team of content marketing rockstars. This article is a guide; bookmark it, so you can quickly come back to it anytime. At any point, feel free to jump to any section that interests you. Check-list pour créer des contenus fabuleux : méthodologie et infographie. Formation Power point : faire la différence avec ses présentations. Définir les bases d'une bonne présentation Appréhender l'importance d'un message construit Mesurer l'impact du visuel sur la compréhension du message Eviter la surcharge d'informations Faire preuve d'esprit de synthèse Créer un lien entre l'intervenant, l'auditoire et la présentation Partage d'expériences : atouts et écueils des présentations fréquemment rencontrés Construire une narration adaptée à son message Elaborer son message Définir le contexte, l'objectif et le message à transmettre Adapter son style à son message et à son public Identifier les faits, les chiffres, les graphes et les éléments multimédias pertinents pour appuyer son propos Articuler son récit avec un découpage adapté Soigner sa conclusion.

Formation Power point : faire la différence avec ses présentations


Recyclage. Ateliers/sprint. Persona. Vidéo. Transformation digitale. Rédaction contenu. Charte édito. Budget. Audit. Adwords. Stratégie. KPIs. Qu’est-ce que l’experience mapping, mapping de l’expérience Définition. My Copywriting Questionnaire: 20 Questions To Ask Before Writing A Word. The better your questionnaire, the better your ability to write persuasive copy that turns visitors into customers.

My Copywriting Questionnaire: 20 Questions To Ask Before Writing A Word

A great copywriting questionnaire will help you understand the business you’re working with, its value, its customers, and its competition. It should be exactly long enough to get the information you need without creating too much of a hassle for your clients. Over the last 5 years, I’ve been perfecting my own copywriting questionnaire, and after sending it to a client the other day, I realized that having access to this list of questions would be beneficial for both business owners and copywriters alike. Many business owners who approach me have trouble answering some of these questions – usually the questions about their target audience. If you can’t clearly define who you’re speaking to, you will struggle to sell to them effectively. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Priority Guides: A Content-First Alternative to Wireframes – A List Apart. No matter your role, if you’ve ever been involved in a digital design project, chances are you’re familiar with wireframes.

Priority Guides: A Content-First Alternative to Wireframes – A List Apart

After all, they’re among the most popular and widely used tools when designing websites, apps, dashboards, and other digital user interfaces. Article Continues Below But they do have their problems, and wireframes are so integrated into the accepted way of working that many don’t consider those drawbacks. That’s a shame, because the tool’s downsides can seriously undermine user-centricity. Ever lose yourself in aesthetic details when you should have been talking about content and functionality? That’s why we use an alternative that avoids the pitfalls of wireframes: the priority guide. Comment créer un comité de rédaction vraiment efficace. La mind mapping au service de l'entreprise. La mind mapping est devenue un incontournable pour les entrepreneurs car elle correspond aux évolutions d’internet, des réseaux, de la manière de communiquer.

La mind mapping au service de l'entreprise

De ce fait la mind mapping s'est imposée dans de nombreuses formations et au sein de l'entreprise en tant que méthode performante pour réussir des réunions de brainstormings, d’analyse et de conduite de projets. En effet, la mise en exergue des liens permet de générer des idées et de faciliter la pertinence de l’argumentation. La mind mapping est souvent proposée comme un excellent substitut aux méthodes de présentation linéaires habituellement utilisées qui ne permettent pas de générer de nouvelles idées. La méthode mind mapping, un outil au service des entrepreneurs Une Mind Map, encore appelée topogramme, schéma heuristique ou carte mentale, est une méthode qui consiste à placer sa réflexion sur une carte et qui permet d’utiliser les ressources inexploitées de notre cerveau et de développer nos aptitudes intellectuelles.

What is ‘ContentOps’ (Content Operations) and why should you invest in it? With efficient content operations, or ContentOps, your organisation will have a repeatable process for creating effective content.

What is ‘ContentOps’ (Content Operations) and why should you invest in it?

While big redesign projects or digital transformation initiatives are valuable and can result in positive change, ContentOps is concerned with how you create and maintain effective content on a daily basis. What is ‘ContentOps’? ContentOps is the infrastructure and processes that are required to create content across an organisation. It’s not the same as content strategy, because it assumes you already have a plan to execute on. And it’s not the same as content management or content marketing because, in our opinion, its span is far wider than the realm of a CMS or publishing tools. As Deane Barker summarises it: Process, infrastructure, and probably some human beings. The first challenge often involves breaking down silos by introducing shared workflows and standardised tools for content production.