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Goal Click. Residence de Territoire. 2009 The Year in Pictures. Below is a link to a retrospective of my work this year including the Obama inauguration seen from Paris, urban renewal in Warsaw, and maternal health in Niger.

2009 The Year in Pictures

Month of Photography in Minsk. Selahattin Sevi. Screen: pushing the boundaries of visual documentary. Screen Production Lab is a training and mentorship program that focuses on production and distribution of visual documentaries across media platforms.

Screen: pushing the boundaries of visual documentary

The deadline to apply for the first Screen Lab is approaching. Full application details can be found here. To be held in New York, Screen Production Lab is ideal for visual storytellers (visual journalists, photographers, artists, media and cultural producers) who have a story in development or production stage. The Lab’s goal is to develop a hub of visual narrators in a complex media landscape where stories remain at the core of the debate. A core group of experts will support them through communication, practical tool application, production resources, industry insights and training.

PMH spoke to Screen’s co-chief of content Jamie Wellford about how the project began, the new landscape of multi-media practices, and the type of project Screen is looking to support. Instagram Photographers to Follow in All 50 States. From Maine to California and Florida to Alaska, more than 90 million Americans have joined Instagram since the photography site launched in 2010.

Instagram Photographers to Follow in All 50 States

TIME LightBox selects 50 Instagram accounts to follow – one from each and every state. By Olivier Laurent & Lucia De Stefani Alabama. The Value of Slow Journalism in the Age of Instant Information. Paul Salopek had been writing international stories for more than 20 years before he decided to slow down.

The Value of Slow Journalism in the Age of Instant Information

“I was a conventional foreign correspondent zipping around the world doing fireman stories,” he says. 24 Long-Form Publishing Platforms Every Photographer Should Know — Vantage. Adobe Slate Make a beautiful visual story.

24 Long-Form Publishing Platforms Every Photographer Should Know — Vantage

In minutes. Atavist (Creatavist) Myriam Meloni, 1er lugar - Images. Gianlucapardelli. Michael Christopher Brown. MILA TESHAIEVA PHOTOGRAPHY - promising waters. Twenty years ago, the boundaries of three new littoral states were mapped along the shores of the Caspian Sea.


Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan have emerged from the wreckage of the Soviet Union with immense oil and gas reserves and the enormous challenge of defining themselves as independent nations-states. Hope and ambition have been defining factors for various groups of people as new states attempt to integrate themselves into the world political economy. The big game of oil has promised to bring fresh glory to the countries and gigantic projects appear one by one on the shores, aiming to build new national pride for the population. Though the official presentation of prosperity affected only the front side, as the Potemkin -alike facade. Thoroughly built along the central roads in Baku, the facade is skillfully fixed to old Soviet blocks that are left in rotten condition.

Joseph Sywenkyj Photographer Ukraine. Magnum Foundation. EF 2015 GRANTEES Asim Rafiqui, Curran Hatleberg, Elena Perlino, Emine Gozde Sevim, Guy Martin, Massimo Berruti, Matt Black, Nii Obodai Provencal, Pete Muller, Peter DiCampo, and Peter van Agtmael Magnum Foundation’s Emergency Fund (EF) enables independent documentary photographers to investigate and document under-reported social justice stories by providing seed support, mentoring, and technical assistance.

Magnum Foundation

EF projects address critical global issues that have not received the attention they deserve, or budding crises that are still over the horizon. Emergency Fund. Home. The Ones We Love home about photographers submit shop April 17, 2014: Steve Broadbank // April 16, 2014: Winne Lievens // April 15, 2014: Lodoe LauraApril 14, 2014: Coral Amiga // April 13, 2014: S.


Classic covers. Classic covers show me some love.

classic covers

Classique — julien mignot. Athens Photo Festival 2015. Celebrity Tintype Portraits Sundance 2015 - Victoria Will Tintypes 2015. At last year's Sundance Film Festival, photographer Victoria Will challenged herself to take tintype portraits of various celebrities, and convinced Bill Hader, Anne Hathaway, Nick Cave, and dozens of others to sit for the process.

Celebrity Tintype Portraits Sundance 2015 - Victoria Will Tintypes 2015

Developed during the mid-to-late–19th century, the technique involves coating a thin sheet of metal, or plate, with a syrupy substance called collodion, photo-sensitizing the collodion with silver nitrate, and exposing the plate to light. Tintype photography requires both speed and patience: Since the plate is wet when it is inserted into the camera, there's a limited window during which it can be used, and any and all movement while the image is being captured will show up in the resulting shot. Diana markosian. One Year in Ukraine — Carolyn Drake. Andrew Testa Photographer. Amos Chapple Photography. Magazine - stories that need to be told - new picture essay every Tuesday. Domik TownPhotography by © Danilo Balducci/ via ZUMA Press. Anna Filipova. Pieter Ten Hoopen.

The Bread With Honey : ANDREW QUERNER. Photo Journal Built with Indexhibit. STORIES « Guillaume Herbaut Photography. Inspiration : la vidéo qui va vous donner envie de descendre dans la rue et de photographier. De nombreuses vidéos brossent le portrait de photographes, mais rares sont celles qui témoignent d’une telle passion. De la rue à sa chambre noire, accompagnez Andre D. Wagner, et partagez sa philosophie de la photographie. Équipé de son Leica télémétrique 35mm, Andre D. Wagner arpente le bitume de Brooklyn (et d’ailleurs) avec une seule idée en tête : “Qu’est ce que le monde va me montrer aujourd’hui” ? Dans une vidéo de près de six minutes, il partage sa passion, son moyen d’expression et sa véritable addiction : la photographie de rue. Andre D. Pretty ugly: Russia’s suburbs lack charm or beauty. All the more reason to celebrate them. Outside in: 25 foreign photographers shooting the post-Soviet world.

Commissions new photography, produces exhibitions. «Peter Zeglis — Hibernation» — Losko Magazine.