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Rude VC: The importance of blogging for entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs with whom I work closely are familiar with my repeated encouragement that they blog on a regular basis.

Rude VC: The importance of blogging for entrepreneurs

3 Myths Busted about European vs. US Venture Capital success. The British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVCA) just published a report dispelling many of the stereotypes and myths about the performance of Europe’s VCs.

3 Myths Busted about European vs. US Venture Capital success

The conventional wisdom has been that Europe’s risk-adverse nature and difficult IPO environment has constrained the potential and success of Europe’s venture and startup communities. As the report points out, we often here the “Where is the European Facebook” argument all the time from across the pond without data to back it up, namely concrete data on how Europe’s VC sector has actually performed vs the US over time. Fortunately, the BVCA in conjunction with the London School of Economics have conducted a in-depth study of the situation, which examined 35,798 companies (34% in Europe and 66% in the States) receiving VC funding between 1980 (1995 in Europe) and 2011.

The main findings of the study challenge three of the biggest myths head-on: What's it like to work at GitHub? - I have been traveling a lot lately, and everywhere I go, I get this question: What’s it like to work at GitHub ?

What's it like to work at GitHub? -

The simple answer: it is amazing ! Is it true that you work on whatever you want? Yes. On a few occasions, someone may suggest that I check out a project that could use my help, but nobody tells me what to do. Everyone is encouraged to work on something that interests them and also benefits the company. Our “Director of Engineering” Ryan Tomayko writes : I don’t scale. Actually, you should just just go read his whole post right now . How is that not anarchy?

It is. Anarchy works wonderfully in a small group of individuals with a high level of trust. Zappos, visite guidée de la maison du bonheur. Job Interviews: 5 Questions Great Candidates Ask. The Official GitHub Blog. Recruiting Developers? Create An Awesome Candidate Experience. Tl;dr: If you're trying to attract awesome developers, you need to create an awesome candidate experience (CX).

Recruiting Developers? Create An Awesome Candidate Experience

Something that makes them go "WOW! ". It's like UX -- but for the people interviewing to join your team. It seems that every startup I know out there is trying to grow their development team. But given that there are always a hundred things going on, few startups spend the time thinking about their interviewing process (because we're all busy building products and delighting users). Yesterday, I sat in a HubSpot "Tech Talk". Ideas for Creating An Awesome Candidate Experience (CX) Here are some ideas for what I think would make a great candidate experience. 1.

A) Recruiting great people is hard -- and competitive. 2. 3. User Roles. User roles determine the access level or permissions of a person authorized (invited by an Administrator) to use a site.

User Roles

Summary Administrator – nothing is off limits* (see note below)Editor – has access to all posts, pages, comments, categories, tags, and links.Author – can write, upload photos to, edit, and publish their own posts.Contributor – has no publishing or uploading capability, but can write and edit their own posts until they are publishedFollower (public sites) / Viewer (private sites only) – can read and comment on posts and pages Each user role is capable of everything that a less powerful role is capable of. (In others words, Editors can do everything Authors can do, Authors can do everything Contributors can do, and so on.)All of your site’s user roles can see the stats: Administrators, Editors, Authors, and Contributors.

When you install WooCommerce on the Business plan, two additional user roles are created: Customer and Shop Manager. Editor. People you may want to follow. Il était une fois mon premier sprint planning. La gestion de projet en méthode V ça vous parle carrément.

Il était une fois mon premier sprint planning

La méthodologie agile (SCRUM plus précisément) c’est le sujet du moment. Leçon de storytelling appliqué à mon elevator pitch. Parler mal business, ou sans passion, ça endort tout le monde, à commencer ceux qu’on aimerait bien impliquer sur nos projets.

Leçon de storytelling appliqué à mon elevator pitch

Non, pour saisir l’attention, il faut aussi savoir divertir. Pour divertir, on raconte des – chouettes – histoires. Okay. Technvives. The 6 Best Canadian Tech Companies to Work For - Le marketing fait comme si rien n'avait changé ! Women’s Forum 12 : « Finding the right brand voice on Twitter » par Célina Barahona. Durant ces 45 minutes, Célina vous expliquera comment une marque peut prendre la parole et raconter son histoire/des histoires au travers de ce réseau social.

Women’s Forum 12 : « Finding the right brand voice on Twitter » par Célina Barahona

Pour cela, elle a choisi un angle simple et efficace : « back to basics ». Il en sera donc fini de cette idée selon laquelle Internet est un amas de choses très techniques, d’outils, de lignes de codes qui n’en finissent plus, de tuyaux, de metrics… En effet, Internet, c’est avant tout des êtres humains derrières leurs écrans. Nous avons posé deux questions à l’experte pour mieux comprendre les enjeux liés à son atelier mais aussi sa vision du Women’s Forum. For Mac: Username Autocompletion. FogBugz from Fog Creek Software. How we ship GitHub for Windows. INFOGRAPHIC: Mobile Marketing Trends in 2012 from Responsys. Marketing / Mobile Globally, online businesses are scrambling to develop, implement and integrate some form of mobile strategy – and there’s plenty of variability across the board.

INFOGRAPHIC: Mobile Marketing Trends in 2012 from Responsys

Recently, Forrester‘s State of Retailing Online report highlighted the ongoing growth and importance of mobile devices both as a marketing channel and a profitable sales channel. Now, Responsys has partnered with Econsultancy to produce its first Cross-Channel Marketing Report in order to provide a snapshot of mobile marketing trends. The report provides insight into the various channels that companies are integrating into their overall marketing activity, the barriers that are preventing companies from driving effective cross-channel campaigns and the online advertising trends that will impact the future of display. Jobs at Asana. Josh Vera is a GitHubber. How Yahoo Killed Flickr and Lost the Internet. Les tickets, "c'est comme" - Developers' notebook. Vu sur twitter : Demander l'autorisation de faire des tests unitaires, c'est comme demander l'autorisation d'utiliser un débugguer J'en ai d'autres cette semaine, sur les standards :

Les tickets, "c'est comme" - Developers' notebook