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Connecté à différentes sources d'informations comme Google (blogs, actualités) et Twitter, il permet de partager sur un journal personnel les meilleurs pages web sur des thématiques ciblées et évite ainsi la fragmentation de sa veille d'informations. Un outil de communication également utile en complément d'autres supports d'expression (blogs, sites web) pour faire valoir son expertise dans un domaine particulier. Présentation. Qu'est-ce que ? est un service de curation et de partage de veille de contenus web sur un sujet ou une thématique ciblés, présenté sous la forme d'un journal en ligne actualisable en temps réel. Son fonctionnement s'articule en trois étapes : Pour quels professionnels et quels usages ? Il peut-être utilisé : Notre vidéo Ouvrir un compte, choisir un sujet et créer son journal.

Tools for bibliometric analyses - Publishing - University Library. Usually, in order to perform advanced bibliometric analyses, data has to be exported from the database for further treatment on a local level.

Tools for bibliometric analyses - Publishing - University Library

The programs below can be downloaded, free of charge. They cover all sorts of things, from management and conversion of data to construction of matrices and visiualization, as well as implementation of statistical functions that can be personally designed. Bibexcel An indispensable tool for conversion and treatment of bibliographic data. It also contains an abundance of routines for creating different types of bibliometric analyses. Publish or Perish Based on data from Google Scholar, it creates bibliometric analyses of researchers.

Pajek Pajek is used for different kinds of network analyses and visualizations. CiteSpace A program to analyze, visualize and cluster (mainly) bibliographic data downloaded from Web of Science. A multifaceted program that handles a wide variety of analyses. Excelsis PMF. Open Source Performance Management Platform Dashboards | Plans - Actions - Appraisals | Indicators | Risks | Support Fast to implement, easy to use, Excelsis PMF is web-based Performance Management software hosted in the cloud.

Excelsis PMF

Excelsis PMF is an Open Source software project available on a Software as a Service basis which allows you to flexibly add users as needed. The software platform is provided as a hosted service in The Cloud which is operated via a web browser and does not require input from overstretched IT departments. If you decide that you would like to have the system on your internal IT infrastructure it is straightforward to migrate to a Microsoft IIS & SQL Server environment. There are annual upgrades of functionality which are made available under the Support & Upgrade package. The software modules can be implemented stand-alone or as a fully integrated Performance Management system around the Organisation's Golden Thread of Aims and Objectives. Next Steps. Ver Demo. Corporater Enterprise Performance Management Suite.

API > Full list of Enterprise Performance Management and Balanced Scorecard Software Solutions. Sistemas BI para Análisis. SpagoBI - The only entirely Open Source Business Intelligence suite. Jaspersoft Business Intelligence Software. Gestión del Desempeño Empresarial. Con la solución de Gestión del Desempeño, integre métricas para administrar exitosamente su situación financiera y operacional.

Gestión del Desempeño Empresarial

Modele escenarios y haga simulaciones What-if que le den una perspectiva de lo que está ocurriendo, facultando a sus ejecutivos, usuarios avanzados y gerentes de línea. Ser ágil, inteligente y estar alineada es lo que le permite a una compañía cumplir con una excelente gestión. Para lograrlo es necesario estandarizar, automatizar e integrar sus procesos de administración, obteniendo una ventaja competitiva para maximizar los beneficios de sus inversiones operativas. La solución de Gestión del Desempeño (Enterprise Performance Management, EPM) le ayuda a lograr sus objetivos permitiéndole integrar métricas de desempeño y de gestión de procesos, para que administre exitosamente su situación financiera y operacional a través de la vinculación de escenarios estratégicos. Con la solución de Gestión del Desempeño Empresarial, usted podrá: Open Source Business Intelligence Software Reviews. Main » Did You Know » Hardware & Software » Posted June 05, 2012 Business Intelligence (BI) is a phrase commonly used to mean the tools and systems that play a key role in the strategic planning process of a business.

Open Source Business Intelligence Software Reviews

These systems allow a company to gather, store, access and analyze corporate data to aid in decision-making. Business intelligence is designed to analyze business data to better understand an organization's strengths and weaknesses through seeing the relationship between different data for better decision-making and optimal deployment of resources. BI software plays a key role in the strategic planning process of any business corporation. Recommended Reading: What is Business Intelligence Software? Even a small business generates giant quantities of data, and good open source business intelligence software will help you analyze and make sense of it all. 1. Jaspersoft claims to be the world's most-used BI software. 2.

Spago is a pure open-source BI platform.