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Julia Olmsted

Things You Can't Take to the Grave

Super Sprayer. How to make gift bags from envelopes on Vimeo. Hug Chair by Ilian Milinov. A Chair for Clingy Lovers If you’ve ever had someone sit in your lap, you know that 15 minutes is about the max your legs can handle. It’s really not fair.

The Hug chair brings simple design and human gesture together for that extra time you want to sit with your significant other. When you’re away from your special someone the extra seat doubles as a convenient space, perfect for catching up on video chat. Designer: Ilian Milinov. D.I.Y. Curls // How To Rag Roll Your Hair. I love the look of naturally curly hair! My sweet friend, Katie, told me about rag rolling. It's a quick and simple way to get natural looking curls without using a curling iron! I asked her to share her method here on A Beautiful Mess because I knew you'd be itching to learn like I was! Enjoy... You'll need some cut fabric strips, a comb and some water. All things you probably already have laying around the house (yay!)

How to rag roll your hair- First, dampen the bottom of your hair (the part you plan to roll) using a spray bottle. Have fun styling! Mistaken Identity. In 1903, a prisoner named Will West arrived at Leavenworth. The record clerk took the photographs above and, thinking he remembered West, asked whether he had been there before. West said no. The clerk took some measurements, went to the file, and produced this record, bearing the name William West: Amazed, the prisoner said, “That’s my picture, but I don’t know where you got it, for I know I have never been here before.” Incredibly, this was true. A different William West had been serving a life sentence at Leavenworth since 1901, and the new prisoner had the same name, face, and measurements. The case became a strong argument in favor of the new science of fingerprinting. Do Nothing for 2 Minutes.

Create Your Own Snowflakes on zefrank. - mail a bunch of flowers! Changes-channels.jpg (JPEG Image, 425x294 pixels) In a Perfect World… | Created by Catrina Dulay (there are few more, so it’s worth to visit). Photographic Evidence Of Insidious Moose Invasion: Pics, Videos, Links, News. Which Food Has More Sugar? The Top 10 Psychology Studies of 2010. The end of 2010 fast approaches, and I'm thrilled to have been asked by the editors of Psychology Today to write about the Top 10 psychology studies of the year.

I've focused on studies that I personally feel stand out, not only as examples of great science, but even more importantly, as examples of how the science of psychology can improve our lives. Each study has a clear "take home" message, offering the reader an insight or a simple strategy they can use to reach their goals , strengthen their relationships, make better decisions, or become happier. If you extract the wisdom from these ten studies and apply them in your own life, 2011 just might be a very good year. 1) How to Break Bad Habits If you are trying to stop smoking , swearing, or chewing your nails, you have probably tried the strategy of distracting yourself - taking your mind off whatever it is you are trying not to do - to break the habit. J. 2) How to Make Everything Seem Easier J. 3) How To Manage Your Time Better M. J. PARALLAX.

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