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Sexisme chez les geeks : Pourquoi notre communauté est malade, et comment y remédier. J’aimerais préciser quelque chose. Quand Mar_Lard a publié son article sur Joystick en août dernier sur ce blog, nous avons décidé de publier tous les commentaires afin que tout le monde puisse se rendre compte de la violence des réactions. Are You Cooperating Or Collaborating? The Answer Will Increasingly Influence Your Success.

Thanks to rapid, game-changing innovations, the future is changing so fast that it has never been more important to work together with all business partners and customers to co-create a positive and profitable future together.

Are You Cooperating Or Collaborating? The Answer Will Increasingly Influence Your Success

The key to successfully co-creating is a strong focus on collaboration. As I travel around the world, I work with leaders in a wide variety of industries. I see auto manufacturers who say they are collaborating with parts manufacturers, distributors, and dealers. I see medical device manufacturers who say they are collaborating with distributors, hospitals, and insurance companies. And while almost all of them “say” they are collaborating, if you look at what they are really doing, they’re just cooperating.

Cooperating is a much lower level activity than collaborating. You cooperate because you have to; you collaborate because you want to. Collaboration is as different from cooperation as the word transformation is from change. The Rise of the Female Entrepreneur. Women entrepreneurs in all states – New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia have come a long way over the last 40 years.

The Rise of the Female Entrepreneur

Before 1974, banks could require women borrowers to guarantee their loans with cosignatures from husbands, fathers or male business partners. Etude de cas sur le travail coopératif en ligne. Cet ouvrage revient sur le travail d’accompagnement que j’ai effectué au sein de l’institut Médico-Educatif Mathalin à Auch depuis 2006 pour mettre en place des outils et des pratiques de travail collaboratif en ligne.

Etude de cas sur le travail coopératif en ligne Bill Buxton Microsoft Research Original: Jan. 12, 2007 Version: June 12, 2014 Keywords / Search Terms Multi-touch, multitouch, input, interaction, touch screen, touch tablet, multi-finger input, multi-hand input, bi-manual input, two-handed input, multi-person input, interactive surfaces, soft machine, hand gesture, gesture recognition .

An earlier version of this page is also available in Belorussian, thanks to the translation by Martha Ruszkowski. Women Who Tech. 2) Recherche d'articles, thèses, livres... - Google’s 8-Point Plan to Help Managers Improve. Not Only Can You 'Compete With Free' You Have To If You Don't Want Your Business Overrun By Piracy. 5 Things That Waste Your Time at Work [INFOGRAPHIC] Aside from the time you purposefully waste at work — checking Facebook or playing Draw Something, as the kids do — there's a lot of other stuff that can slow you down at the office.

5 Things That Waste Your Time at Work [INFOGRAPHIC]

The productivity of a "knowledge worker" (read: non-farmer) hinges on communication and the ability to locate information quickly. VoIP communications company Fonality conducted a survey to find out which mundane office tasks suck the most time out of the day. Pinpointing and compiling all those wasted man hours could save companies some substantial coin. The folks at social performance management tool Rypple compiled the infographic below based on that data.

The top time stealer? SEE ALSO: The Internet Is Ruining Your Brain [INFOGRAPHIC] The study also proposes that "unified communications" (UC) solutions can reduce much of this waste, though it's difficult to determine by how much. "Calculating the potential cost savings for a UC implementation is an inexact science at best.

Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager (9781590598443): Michael Lopp. Guide de survie en milieu professionnel allemand. « ». C’est ce que mon boss allemand m’a dit à la fin de mon deuxième jour. Bon, il ne parlait pas directement de moi, mais tout de même… Avant de sombrer dans une remise en question abyssale, je me suis dit que peut-être, on travaillait différemment ici? Alignment Diagrams. Did you ever get bounced around between departments when interacting with a company or service?

Alignment Diagrams

This happened to me recently with my credit card: the card issuer and the bank backing it seemed to disagree who was responsible for my problem. Each blamed the other. I got caught in the middle. My communication with them also crossed multiple channels. For some things I used their website, for others I had to call. Le réseau social, le talon d'Achille des femmes - strategie-d-entreprise. Publié le 14/03/2012 à 21:37, mis à jour le 09/05/2012 à 16:30 Photo : Bloomberg.

Le réseau social, le talon d'Achille des femmes - strategie-d-entreprise

Pourquoi l’intégrateur doit devenir concepteur ? — Je vais m’intéresser au schéma classique de l’organisation que beaucoup connaisse mais qui ne constitue pas le seul et unique modèle.

Pourquoi l’intégrateur doit devenir concepteur ? —

Comment lire une offre d'emploi. Quand on est abonné à des sites de recherche d’emploi, on reçoit des offres via courriel dont la description ou les requis sont quelquefois cryptés sans qu’on s’en rende réellement compte.

Comment lire une offre d'emploi

Avec un peu d’expérience en entreprise, on peut facilement décoder. Stop Telling Women To Do Startups. Editor’s note: The following is a guest post by Penelope Trunk, writer and founder of Brazen Careerist.

Stop Telling Women To Do Startups

Her opinions are her own. We need to get more guys who are running tech startups instead decide to be stay-at-home dads. Observatoire du numérique dans l'enseignement supérieur. Créer son ePortfolio. Ne travaillez pas pour quelqu'un qui ne vous inspire pas le respect ! La pensée radicale m’a toujours fasciné. Allez savoir pourquoi! 20+ Creative & Inspiring Office Designs.