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Prima Pagina. The 20 Most Beautiful Bookstores in the World. [Editor’s note: In celebration of the holidays, we’re counting down the top 12 Flavorwire features of 2012. This post, at #1, was originally published January 31.] With Amazon slowly taking over the publishing world and bookstores closing left and right, things can sometimes seem a little grim for the brick and mortar booksellers of the world. After all, why would anyone leave the comfort of their couch to buy a book when with just a click of a button, they could have it delivered to their door? Well, here’s why: bookstores so beautiful they’re worth getting out of the house (or the country) to visit whether you need a new hardcover or not. A gorgeous converted Dominican church gives the power of reading its due diligence.


Literature. What's Hot. L'editoria dà i numeri: in Italia si sforna 1 nuovo libro ogni 7 minuti. Lo scorso anno in Italia hanno visto la luce qualcosa in più di 65.000 titoli. Uno stagno nelle librerie dove affluiscono 178,2 opere al giorno. Che equivale all’arrivo di un libro nuovo ogni 7 minuti. Ovviamente non tutti conoscono il sapore della gloria. Nella maggior parte dei casi, l’84% dei volumi stampati non arrivano a conteggiar 500 copie vendute. Anche agli editori medio-grandi non resta che giocarsi la partita allettando i lettori con effetti speciali e titoli altisonanti.

Tenendo conto che fra loro il 67,5% compra meno di 4 libri l’anno. Per la vendita del libro ormai è fondamentale la visibilità, mediante booktrailer (l’adattamento del videoclip al libro), passaggi televisivi e due premi. Via | Foto | Rare Book Room. 12 Cool Visualizations to Explore Books | FlowingData. There's reading a book, and then there's looking at, exploring, and experiencing a book. That's what these 12 book visualizations are for. Cover Pop Thousands of books are displayed as one giant pile, arranged horizontally by time, and vertically by color of the cover.

Amaztype Put in a search query, and get the results arranged in a way that spells out your query. Four Stories Ben Rubin's work at the Minneapolis Public Library. oSkope Actually five different views for books on Amazon - grid, stack, pile, list, and graph. Text Similarities Taking a look at the similarities between works of text. Touch Graph Amazon Browser Books arranged in network graph format.

TextArc An oldie, but a goodie. Amaznode Amaznode is similar to the previously mentioned Touch Graph, putting search results and related book in network graph form. Literature Map This one focuses on the authors and uses some kind of multidimensional scaling to place similar authors closer to each other. Book Art All-Stars at Deeplinking.