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Vibrant Vital Water - Water Education. Despite the fact that many technologically advanced countries have stopped or banned the use of fluoride in water, the U.S. and Canada continue to promote water fluoridation.

Vibrant Vital Water - Water Education

Fluoride (in the form of sodium fluoride, fluorosilicic acid, or sodium fluorosilicate) is added to many municipal water systems. Yet according to a growing number of scientific studies, fluoride is a health risk at any level. In January 2011, Health and Human Services and the Environmental Protection Agency announced their intent to review the maximum allowable amount of fluoride in drinking water. This was based on recent data that indicates allowable levels may be contributing to dental fluorosis,* skeletal fluorosis and other symptoms. A shocking 41% of adolescents 12-15 years old in fluoridated communities now have dental fluorosis! *Dental fluorosis is a defect in the enamel of the teeth caused by too much fluoride. The fluoride ion (F-) is extremely reactive and strongly attracted to calcium. 1. Acquaphi-technology for hexagonal water production.

Protéines à la Une : "Les Aquaporines: Un prix Nobel pour les passeuses d'eau" par Sylvie Déthiollaz. Par Sylvie Déthiollaz Affirmer que l'eau est source de vie, n'est pas qu'une métaphore de slogan publicitaire.

Protéines à la Une : "Les Aquaporines: Un prix Nobel pour les passeuses d'eau" par Sylvie Déthiollaz

Non seulement, c'est au fond des océans primitifs que la vie est apparue il y a 3.5 milliards d'années, mais en conséquence l'eau représente aujourd'hui le principal constituant de tous les êtres vivants. Hexagonal Water, Hexagonal Water Crystals, Hexagonal Water Production. Clustered Water, Hexagonal Water Research and Development - Enchanted Mind.


Clustered Water, Hexagonal Water Research and Development - Enchanted Mind

Lee Lorenzen has an impressive academic background; he received his BA in Biology from the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Lorenzen went to UCI School of Medicine, Research Associate in the Department of Pharmacology; did his graduate studies in Biology at Cal State Fullerton and finished up with Doctorate studies in Nutrition at Metropolitan Collegiate Institute, London, UK. Along with these educational achievements, Lee also ventured into teaching before entered into research and development. Welcome to You would think that you already know everything about the physical properties of water that you have studied in the school physics lessons ?

Welcome to

You believe that using filtered water is sufficient for our body to be filled in with invigorating moisture? And how would you like the idea that by filling your body with filtered water you can fill it with either Health or Pain, either Emotional Balance or Gloom, either the Strong Positive Energy or Frustration? Daka. Products Copyright © 2014 Daka International Ltd.


All Rights Reserved. The Structure of Liquid Water. Return to Home Page.

The Structure of Liquid Water

La déshydratation provoque l'arthrose, le mal de dos, l'asthme. Boire de l’eau serait la solution pour de nombreuses personnes souffrant d’arthrose, de mal de dos, d’asthme, mais aussi de nombreuses autres maladies comme la dépression, les maux de crâne, les brûlures d’estomac et les maladies cardiovasculaires, selon le Dr F.

La déshydratation provoque l'arthrose, le mal de dos, l'asthme

Batmanghelij. Le Dr F. Batmanghelij est un médecin iranien auteur de huit ouvrages sur le sujet [1]. Décédé en 2004, ses théories médicales sont intensément controversées, mais ses livres sont traduits en quinze langues et se vendent dans le monde entier ! Né dans une riche famille persane en 1931, il étudia dans un Collège privé en Ecosse [2], puis fit ses études de médecine en Angleterre. Condamné à mort, son exécution fut différée car ses geôliers avaient besoin d’un médecin pour les détenus. L’ulcère à l’estomac disparaît Exerçant la médecine dans le plus complet dénuement de la prison, le Dr Batmanghelij fut un jour confronté à un détenu qui souffrait manifestement d’un ulcère à l’estomac.

Asthme Mal au dos Mal de tête Obésité. "Your Body's Many Cries For Water" Dr. Batmanghelidj, M.D. What is Structured Water? Audio/Video media. The Importance Of Spin - Energized Water Products. By drinking living water, the cells in the body's systems, specifically, the nervous, cardiovascular and the gastrointestinal, become properly ordered to fulfill the functions of life.

The Importance Of Spin - Energized Water Products

Drinking living water allows the utilization of nutrients from foods and supplements to become dramatically improved. Living water has increased oxygen levels, which assists in ridding the body of toxins and restoring the immune system. Vibrant Vital Water has been tested by alternative health care combines such as the Bio-Energetic Screening Team (B.E.S.T.), located in Seattle WA. B.E.S.T. specializes in Energy Medicine (EM) using diagnostic screening devices to measure the diverse electromagnetic frequencies emanating from the body which identify imbalances that may be the source of present ailments. The bioenergetic EM screening revealed that simply holding a container of Vibrant Vital Water aided in balancing the energy field and electromagnetic frequencies radiating from a person. Dr. Dr. Dr. SUPERIMPLODER: Magnetic Water Treatment IS Proven Effective: More Evidence. From Dan Winter - Inventor - SUPERIMPLODER - New Implosion Group-Water Solutions - Toll Free 800 Number -: 800 395 1701.

SUPERIMPLODER: Magnetic Water Treatment IS Proven Effective: More Evidence

The BunkHouse: Water pseudoscience gallery. Junk science in the marketplace This index lists some of the companies, products, processes and people whose names I have come across in my explorations of water-related pseudoscience and quackery.

The BunkHouse: Water pseudoscience gallery

The links in the left column take you to the sites that promote the product. Because many of these sites tend to be rather evanescent, I am unable to keep all of these links up to date. The links in the middle column are to locations in my site that provide debunking information on a particular "technology". Hunza Water By Dr. Patrick Flanagan. - GIE - How to Structure Water, Make Structured Water, Green Frontiers. Structured Water units by Clayton Nolte for the shower, kitchen, home, garden. Courbe remplissant le flocon de Koch. INDIRECT EXTRACTION OF ZERO-POINT ENERGY FROM THE QUANTUM VACUUM: PATENT 7,379,286 - Part 1. Aromatherapy Recipes Using Essential Oils. Extraordinary Nature of Water - Callum Coats Pt 2. Using an Egg-Shaped Water Vessel - Dancing with Water.

The egg is a primordial structure. It is Nature’s gestation vessel. A womb, many seeds, and most eggs all have the same fundamental shape based on the geometric pattern established in the Golden Mean. As discussed in Chapter 3 of Dancing with Water, the Golden Mean spiral is the expression of the energy of creation. It is found everywhere in the realm of things that grow and unfold in steps—from the pattern of the seeds in a sunflower, to the spiraling pattern of a pine cone, a sea shell, or a galaxy. The Golden Mean, also referred to as the Divine Proportion, appears clearly and regularly in all living things. Magnetic and electric effects on water. Scientists investigate water memory. Water, Energy, and Life: Fresh Views From the Water's Edge. Viktor Schauberger Networking. (the New Group), whose aims are to explore Viktor & Walter Schauberger's theories and to interpret them in contemporary scientific idiom.

In 1967 the terms "environmental pollution" and "environmental protection" were virtually unheard of. At that time nobody demanded a gentle technology, friendly to Nature. In that year Walter Schauberger, a scientist who was then a 'lone voice', gave a lecture on "Biologically Oriented Technology", in the centre of the heavily polluted Ruhr (the main coal mining area of Germany). Structured Water. Hutchison Frequencies Gulf of Mexico Jan 19, 2011.

Water: The Truth behind biological hydration, pH, and water physics. This is a long segment of a more recent 3-day seminar featuring the amazing, candid, no-nonsense physics pioneer, Dan Nelson, held in ... all » November 2006 before a small audience of doctors, therapists, college students and researchers about Hyper-Physics Theory and a legendary product called "The Water". In this long segment, you will not only hear about "The Water" co-created by Dan Nelson and his Hyper-Physics Team, the most hydrating, intelligent water on Earth, and Dan Nelson's Hyper-Physics Theory, which is a quantum leap beyond String Theory, you will hear more about how elements like gold, platinum, palladium and other elements are "grown" in water by frequencies and encoded fractal patterns with a unique Geometric Photon Laser invented by Dan Nelson, you will learn about the "proto-mineral" discovered by Dan Nelson, who is also the first man to discover the first sample of Technicium on Earth, and how life itself divinely manifests in water.

Water cluster icosahedral network: Conclusions. Could water really have a memory? The news that the number of prescriptions for homeopathic medicines written by GPs in England has nearly halved in just two years coincides with the 20th anniversary of a seminal scientific paper on the subject. Twenty years ago, in the summer of 1988, the science world was rocked by one of the most controversial research papers ever published in the highly-respected journal Nature.

According to a charismatic French scientist named Jacques Benveniste, pure water could somehow remember what it had previously contained. Benveniste had started with a substance that caused an allergic reaction, he diluted it over and over again until there was nothing left except water, and then he observed that the pure water still managed to trigger an allergic reaction when it was added to living cells. If the experiment was correct then it would mean rewriting the laws of physics and chemistry. Even Benveniste was shocked by the implications of his own work. Structured Water: Its Healing Effects On The Diseased State. This article is in no way connected, nor should it suggest any medical benefits to be received by using structured water devices acquired from this site. BLACKED OUT AREAS BELOW ARE THE RESULT OF FREE SPEECH CENSORSHIP BY GOVERNMENT. As you read, keep in mind that another source of structured water is the Alkaline Water Ionizer.

Structured water or miracle water. Zero point energy In recent years Harold Puthoff been popularising the zero point energy from the vacuum from his discoveries of quantum science. Although seemingly and revolutionary to modern science, this zero point energy has been discovered many times before and has been given many names such as Orgone energy (Wilhelm Reich) and Tachyon energy. This energy has been known to mankind since time memorial, the ancients called it ‘Chi’ (Chinese), ‘Ki’ (Japanese) or Prana (Indian). Modern day science is just catching up with ancient wisdom and rediscovering it as zero point energy. Electromagnetics and water, electromagnetic effects and water. Open minded critical analysis of Masaru Emoto.

Revolutionary New Discoveries about Water! part 1 of 12. 528HZ SOUND “MIRACULOUSLY” CLEANED OIL POLLUTED WATER IN THE GULF OF MEXICO, ACCORDING TO A NEW STUDY BY A CANADIAN RESEARCHER. Perdido Bay, Alabama—A series of sounds played to oil polluted water from the Gulf of Mexico has “miraculously” cleared test samples of the deadly petrochemicals, says a well known Canadian researcher.

According to John Hutchinson, an electro-magnetic energy expert from Vancouver, B.C., Canada, a selection of “music” has helped purify poisoned water. The frequencies included the “sound of Jupiter,” recently recorded by NASA, vibrating close to 528Hz frequency. That sound energy has been determined to match the color greenish-yellow--the heart of the rainbow, the electromagnetic color spectrum, celebrated by the botanical world, according to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, who has published most on that pure tone. Nature obviously celebrates that shade, the pigment chlorophyll, to produce oxygen and energy needed for life. Independent news on natural health, medicine, nutrition and more. Miracle Molecular Structure of Water: Human Body Loves Hexagonal Water. Dr. Yang H. The Authors - Dancing with Water. MJ Pangman, M.S. Hexahedron 999 Bio-Photonic Water - The Science of Structured Water Biophoton Research Results using Hexahedron 999 Structured and Vitalized Bio-Photonic Water with double vortex and double helix spin.

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