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Chart of R Colors. Efg's Research Notes: R TechNotes and Graphics Gallery PDF of Chart of R Colors Purpose This TechNote shows R colors in a way that is intended to aid finding colors by name, or by index in the colors() vector.

Chart of R Colors

R is such a graphics rich tool, but the textual documentation of R's colors() vector, hinders an end user from quickly finding colors of interest. Directlabels documentation - home. Ggplot. +opts() List · hadley/ggplot2 Wiki. A ggplot trick to plot different plot types in facets « Stat Bandit. StatsRUs. Paul E.


Johnson <pauljohn @> The original Rtips started in 1999. It became difficult to update because of limitations in the software with which it was created. Now I know more about R, and have decided to wade in again. In January, 2012, I took the FaqManager HTML output and converted it to LaTeX with the excellent open source program pandoc, and from there I’ve been editing and updating it in LyX. Togaware: Rattle: Gnome R Data Mining.