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Investment, Economic & Financial Newsletters. Risk On, Regardless John Mauldin Outside the Box April 9, 2014 When Gary Shilling was with us here last fall, he and I were feeling considerably more sanguine about the near-term propects for the US and global economies. In fact, I said about Gary that “that old confirmed bear is waxing positively bullish about the future prospects of the US.

In today’s excerpt from Gary’s quarterly INSIGHT letter, he tackles head-on the shift in sentiment and economic performance that has ensued since then. The Lions in the Grass, Revisited By John Mauldin Thoughts from the Frontline April 5, 2014 “In the economic sphere an act, a habit, an institution, a law produces not only one effect, but a series of effects. “There is only one difference between a bad economist and a good one: the bad economist confines himself to the visible effect; the good economist takes into account both the...

Hollow Men, Hollow Markets, Hollow World April 2, 2014 Fight Club By Grant Williams Things That Make You Go Hmmm... April 1, 2014. World Affairs Council | Seattle, WA. Morgan Stanley - Global Economic Forum. Top Economic Reports March 05, 2014 By The Global Economics Team | ​Asia Pacific Economics: Asia Insight: Asia’s Debt Indulgence: AXJ’s leverage levels have picked up sharply over the past six years... Leverage in AXJ is relatively over-extended when evaluated in the context of the region’s per capita incomes. Chetan K Ahya US Economics: Making Cents: A Minimum Wage Brief: As the debate over the minimum wage drags on in DC, we outline the key economic issues at play. We also discuss weather impacts on Q1 GDP tracking, the Fed minutes, MSBCI, and the macro housing outlook.

Sunday Start: What Next in the Global Economy (February 23, 2014): While each EM economy is different, South Africa shares some common features with other members of what we call the ‘double deficit club’, which also includes Brazil, Turkey, India, Indonesia and Ukraine. US Economics: Business Conditions: Weathered by Winter: The February MSBCI fell 9 points to 43% as severe winter weather weighs on growth expectations. The National Bureau of Economic Research. Economic Indicators and Analysis :: Dismal Scientist. Department of Commerce.