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How to Improve Your Handwriting (or Anything Else) at Will. When I was taking French classes a few months ago, we were each asked to write a composition in French and pass it to another classmate to read.

How to Improve Your Handwriting (or Anything Else) at Will

It struck me then that I very seldom write more than a Post-It note’s worth these days. By the end of a paragraph, my hand is cramped and sore. And what an ugly paragraph I created. My letters were inconsistent and strangled. To this day, after nearly twenty-five years of handwriting experience, I suck. As if to redeem me, I received an even uglier paragraph from the student to my left. My generation is lost for handwriting. After a few weeks of class, I had a chance to see everyone’s penmanship at least once. There is one definite pattern that I’ve noticed, not just in my French lessons, but all throughout grade school: girls are better than boys. 44 Ways to Make a Girl Happy- Guys point of View - Random. How to Make a Girl Feel Special. Steps Part 1 of 3: Complimenting Her 1Balance out your compliments.

How to Make a Girl Feel Special

Girls love compliments, and no wonder: They tell her that you really care, and they make her feel good about herself. Compliment her on both her looks and her personality, and she'll feel like she's the whole package in your eyes. Try not to tell her she's "fit" or "hot," however, because that sounds plain and generic. 3Show her unexpected affection. 31 ways to make a girl smile (: Things to Say to Make a Girl Feel Special. Make a Girl Feel Special: Seduction's Silver Bullet. When I first decided to start tackling women and dating as a skill set to methodically improve at the end of 2004, I went into it with three distinct aims: Be a seductive, charming bad boy, Constantly test the limits and push to improve, and Make women feel special.

Make a Girl Feel Special: Seduction's Silver Bullet

I didn't know exactly what I was doing or how my learning curve would look, but I trusted that as I chipped away at learning the ability to do better with women, I would indeed get it down, as I had a diverse array of other skills. It wasn't until a year later that I found the pick up community. Many parts of it excited me; I couldn't believe there was an entire group of men who'd worked to develop this same skill set too, some much further along than myself. The Power (and Peril) of Praising Your Kids. What do we make of a boy like Thomas?

The Power (and Peril) of Praising Your Kids

Thomas (his middle name) is a fifth-grader at the highly competitive P.S. 334, the Anderson School on West 84th. Slim as they get, Thomas recently had his long sandy-blond hair cut short to look like the new James Bond (he took a photo of Daniel Craig to the barber). Unlike Bond, he prefers a uniform of cargo pants and a T-shirt emblazoned with a photo of one of his heroes: Frank Zappa. Thomas hangs out with five friends from the Anderson School. They are “the smart kids.” Since Thomas could walk, he has heard constantly that he’s smart.

But as Thomas has progressed through school, this self-awareness that he’s smart hasn’t always translated into fearless confidence when attacking his schoolwork. For instance, in the early grades, Thomas wasn’t very good at spelling, so he simply demurred from spelling out loud. Thomas is not alone. 50 Stress Relievers That Take 5 Minutes Or Less. Dating & Sex. Kegel Exercises For Men. 11 Places Women Want To Be Touched. Finger. David Strovny Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Page 1 of 2 Do you enjoy exploring your woman's secret garden with your fingers?


Are you having a hard time figuring out how to satisfy her completely? Cleanliness is key Keeping your hands clean and your nails trimmed is probably the most important tip for any man. Not only can blunt fingernails cause discomfort, they can cause infections of the yeasty kind. Here clitty, clitty. Little Words with Absolutely Huge Meaning - Use Them.

As children many of us hyped the statement, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

Little Words with Absolutely Huge Meaning - Use Them

Clearly, it doesn’t take long to realize that words have far more weight than we want to realize. They influence thoughts, feelings, actions and states of mind. Even little words often have big meaning. Think about it. Whether you want to land your dream job, improve your friendships, save your marriage or retain your employees; the words you choose can make all the difference. The simplest little words, which we take for granted, have the power to hurt or heal, to inspire or discourage, to help or to hinder. The list below includes 18 examples of little words that have big meaning in the most positive way. 50 Life Secrets and Tips. Memorize something everyday.Not only will this leave your brain sharp and your memory functioning, you will also have a huge library of quotes to bust out at any moment.

50 Life Secrets and Tips

Poetry, sayings and philosophies are your best options.Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions.Those who are heavy-set with material desires will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost. Possessions do end up owning you, not the other way around. Become a person of minimal needs and you will be much more content.Develop an endless curiosity about this world.Become an explorer and view the world as your jungle. Stop and observe all of the little things as completely unique events. Try new things. Read “Zen and the Art of Happiness” by Chris Prentiss.This book will give you the knowledge and instruction to be happy at all times regardless of the circumstances. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

60 Ways To Make Life Simple Again. Things My Father didn’t Teach Me, How to tie a Tie) ABOUT ARCHIVE FOLLOW Facebook Twitter Instagram Google+ Ads Via The Deck.

Things My Father didn’t Teach Me, How to tie a Tie)

Points to ponder. Life Hacks. 100 Skills Every Man Should Know: 2008's Ultimate DIY List.