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Slack: Be less busy. How Can I Make My PowerPoint Presentations Amazing? Death by PowerPoint. Most Popular Productivity Method: The Pomodoro Technique. Suggest a Bad Idea to Prompt Better Ideas from Others. Work More Efficiently by Identifying Your Unique Working Style. The Habits of Self-Made Billionaires (Infographic) Self-made billionaires have one business strategy in common: They took enormous risks.

The Habits of Self-Made Billionaires (Infographic)

There is no careful, cautious path that leads from humble beginnings to Bloomberg's list of the richest people in the world. Of the 100 richest people in the world right now, 27 inherited their fortune, according to an infographic generated by the startup organization Funders and Founders based on data from Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Thirty-six were born to humble households, if they have a family at all, and 18 have no college degree. Related: What Craft Beer Can Teach You About Business Growth: Best Advice from Jim Koch of Sam Adams Larry Ellison, the founder of software giant Oracle and Amancio Ortega, founder of fashion retailer Zara. Eight entrepreneur billionaires fall into both categories: They were neither born into money nor have a college education.

Good News! Your Life Isn’t Limitless! “You can do anything you put your mind to!”

Good News! Your Life Isn’t Limitless!

“The sky’s the limit!” “You’re the best!” “Follow your dreams!” Did you hear these kinds of things growing up? Your parents sure meant well. But now that that boy is grown up and in his twenties, you might find that such encouragement has become more paralyzing than motivating. Meg Jay is a clinical psychologist who specializes in counseling young patients who are struggling with navigating their twenties. “He couldn’t see land in any direction, so he didn’t know which way to go. The Alluring Myth of a Limitless Future As we all intrinsically know (and for reasons we’ll discuss more below), nobody’s future is in fact “limitless.” It feels freeing. For this reason, we may hesitate to choose one door, as it can feel like doing so closes a bunch of other ones. Productivity Tricks from George Washington.

3 Strategies For Passing The 5-Second Resume Scan. I’ve heard it said various ways: you get a 5, 7, or 30-second initial resume scan from the hiring manager.

3 Strategies For Passing The 5-Second Resume Scan

I can tell you, when I was an HR manager and had 100 resumes to go through, my initial scan was about five seconds long, and I was looking for something to catch my eye. Here are the three areas I looked at when considering whether to invest more time: Professional Formatting When you’re reviewing 100 resumes a day, the ones that really stick out are the ones you can tell the person invested time into creating. The professional and executive resume formats that were well-organized, easy to read, and perfectly laid out really made reviewing the resume easier—and definitely caught my attention. When you’re comparing a professionally organized and strategically laid out resume to a messy, unprofessional, and disorganized one, determining which one to invest time into reading becomes a no-brainer. The Science Behind Why We Procrastinate. How to Really Understand Someone Else's Point of View - Mark Goulston and John Ullmen. By Mark Goulston and John Ullmen | 9:00 AM April 22, 2013 The most influential people strive for genuine buy in and commitment — they don’t rely on compliance techniques that only secure short-term persuasion.

How to Really Understand Someone Else's Point of View - Mark Goulston and John Ullmen

That was our conclusion after interviewing over 100 highly respected influences across many different industries and organizations for our recent book. These high-impact influencers follow a pattern of four steps that all of us can put into action. In earlier pieces we covered Step 1: Go for great outcomes and Step 2: Listen past your blind spots. Later we’ll cover Step 4: When you’ve done enough… do more. To understand why this step is so important, imagine that you’re at one end of a shopping mall — say, the northeast corner, by a cafe.

Now, picture yourself saying, “To get to where I am, start in the northeast corner by a cafe.” Yet that’s how we often try to convince others — on our terms, from our assumptions, and based on our experiences. 4 Ways Introverted Young Treps Can Win in an Extroverted World. In business, personal weaknesses can be a liability -- only if you don't acknowledge them.

4 Ways Introverted Young Treps Can Win in an Extroverted World

While business culture typically favors those who speak loud and act fast, we often undervalue the power of introverts at work and in society, says Susan Cain, author of Quiet, (Crown, 2012). They tend to think through problems and consider decisions more carefully than extroverts -- traits that could help introverted entrepreneurs build companies. Yet, activities that drive new businesses, such as pitching investors, cold calling prospects and approaching strangers at networking events, can be daunting to entrepreneurs with quiet, introspective personalities.

How can they succeed at such activities and even manage to take advantage of their introversion? We asked several self-described introverts who've cracked the code to provide tips for how young introverted treps can win in an extroverted world. 5 Steps to Rescue Your Productivity When Days Go Bad. Have you ever had one of those days?

5 Steps to Rescue Your Productivity When Days Go Bad

You start off with big plans to be productive. Your calendar is filled with confirmed appointments. Then, nothing seems to go right. Your computer crashes. Your cell phone battery dies and your charger is at home. Don’t worry. 1.