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Mari's blog • I had a lot of fun with this! Ya’ll should try it!... Team fortress. Little bird boots. Character and Monster Design Tutorials -Updated February 3rd., 3000 followers! Thank you all so so so much. I... Schoolism. Lesson Plan Lesson 1 - Properties of Light and Advanced Lambertian Reflection In this first lecture, I will start with the basics. I'll talk about fundamental properties of light, different types of light sources that you will encounter in your work, and some simple lighting schemes. I will also discuss Lambertian reflection in depth, including the interplay between bounce light, occlusion, texture, and cast shadows. Lesson 2 - Light and Surface Color I will dedicate this lesson to light and surface color: we'll discuss how colored surfaces interact with different colors of light, and talk about common causes of color variation. Lesson 3 - Specular Reflectance and Painting the Unseen In this lecture, I will discuss specular and Fresnel reflections, diffuse and anisotropic reflections, specular highlights, and variable reflectivity.

Lesson 4 - Translucent Properties In this lesson, we'll talk about translucent and transparent surfaces. Lesson 5 - Hair and fur Lesson 6 - Skin Lesson 8 - Water. 25 Things Writers Should Stop Doing. I read this cool article last week — “30 Things To Stop Doing To Yourself” — and I thought, hey, heeeey, that’s interesting.

Writers might could use their own version of that. So, I started to cobble one together. And, of course, as most of these writing-related posts become, it ended up that for the most part I’m sitting here in the blog yelling at myself first and foremost. That is, then, how you should read this: me, yelling at me. If you take away something from it, though? Then go forth and kick your writing year in the teeth. Onto the list. 1. Right here is your story. 2. Momentum is everything. 3. You have a voice. 4. Worry is some useless shit. 5. The rise of self-publishing has seen a comparative surge forward in quantity. 6. I said “stop hurrying,” not “stand still and fall asleep.” 7. It’s not going to get any easier, and why should it? 8. 9. The mind is the writer’s best weapon. 10. 11. 12. Writers are often ashamed at who they are and what they do. 13. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 14. Volunteering Offers a Way to Explore Career Fields. A. Public service work for organizations like AmeriCorps, Teach for America or the Peace Corps can be a gateway to a variety of careers, including those outside public service.

Some organizations provide a stipend or salary, although the benefit of public service is not money — it is the time it allows new graduates to consider their options and learn about themselves, says Roberta Cross, director of career services at Washington and Jefferson College in Washington, Pa. The work can also build self-confidence, she says, and it can show graduates career paths they may not have known of or considered. John Coleman, a management consultant in Atlanta and co-author of “Passion and Purpose: Stories From the Best and Brightest Young Business Leaders,” says public service work also provides an opportunity for mentorship and coaching from senior-level professionals, which you aren’t likely to receive in an entry-level corporate job.

Q. A. A. Q. A. Q. A. It’s O.K. to change your mind, she says. The Recipe for Writing Success? Kill Your Characters. Ok aspiring fiction writers, if you’ve ever wondered how to write a successful novel, the secret is here: kill off your characters. Of the handful of books that won the prestigious Man Booker Prize in 2011, all 13 novels had the common theme of putting to death main characters… it’s a lot like the plot of Will Ferrell’s Stranger Than Fiction… everyone knows the story won’t be as good without a solid death.

This beautiful graphic designed by the literary heavy “slow journalism magazine” Delayed Gratification, traces the dominant themes from last years winners, showing that not just a few, but ALL the winners featured overriding themes of death. What followed that? In distant second we have themes about love and then betrayal… both subjects that can get the blood boiling, but obviously don’t guarantee a win. Click here or the images below for a full-sized view: ↬ fastcodesign ᔥ dgquarterly. Televisão que não sintoniza. Solid advice for any writer, found on a middle... ...having been breathed out. Virtual Lighting Studio - Eclairage intéractif de portrait.

The ambient light represents the light coming from the studio environment. You can turn it on or off and change its color and intensity. If you're lost and need some help, click here. But you probably know that... Click on any help text to hide this. This is a schematic view of the studio. Click on it to swap with the camera view. These are all the available models for lighting. These slots are used to capture your light setups. You can save a picture of your capture on your device by using the "Save As... " command of your browser on the capture thumbnails. This button is used to share or bookmark your current settings. This is the main view which displays your lit subject as seen through your camera. The garbage is used to clear your captured light setups.

Here you can turn on or off your lights. The solo button enables you to temporarily visualize the effect of a single light in your setup. A gel can be added on a light to change the light color. This displays the intensity of the light. Hello. Male Beauty in Art.