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Alarm. I love you. Paper Heart (Stop Motion) Manny- A Brilliant Stop Motion. A fragile metropolis | We Are The Frontier » Oooohhh this is just over a minute’s worth of fun. Watch it now! If you’re a regular reader of Frontier you wouldn’t be blamed for thinking ‘here she goes again, another article involving paper.’ But I just had to show you this. Using the simple medium of paper artist Maciek Janicki has created a complex animation of a city that ‘follows the charming rise and fold of a fragile metropolis.’ I love how this has been shot from a bird’s eye view, the camera swoops in from above to track a moving vehicle following a road. As the vehicle progresses mountains, houses, trees and parks emerge around it. Janicki is from Poland, but did a stint in London where he completed his Bachelor of Graphic Design.

Renee Barker. Ah. The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore (2011) (complete) LIGHTS - Directed by Yoann Lemoine. LIPTON - Green Tea & White Tea. Thought of You. Alma. Despicable Me 2 Trailer. PIXELS by PATRICK JEAN. - une vidéo Arts - StumbleUpon. The Arctic Circle. No Matter What, Keep Drawing. I am a Forest. BLOODROP 3D -- HD Anaglyph.